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Second Chance - Unlucky

von Lunmine

I am so so sorry for not uploading in such a long time. I don't know if anyone is still interested in reading my little story but it would mean the world to me, if there are still some peope out here reading it. I know there is basically no reason for not uploading in such a long time but I did have quite an eventful last year (I've spent some time abroad and was nearly always busy). So please forgive me! :)

xx Lunmine



I found the headmistress in her office. Lily was there, too. What the fuck is going on?
“Professor Patil? What has happened?” I asked her. “Your brother Albus got into a fight. He's in the hospital wing now,” She said. “No way. He hates fighting. He is the good one,” I said. “I know. I think he was attacked by someone. Do you know anyone who could have done this?” She asked me. Lily was looking at me. “I... I.. No. Maybe someone from Slytherin? I don't know. They hate us... well except for Malfoy. He loves us or at least half of my family,” I said. “So you think it was someone from Slytherin but not Malfoy. James you changed. A year ago you would have said it was Malfoy without thinking about it,” The headmistress said. “This is serious. I know that Malfoy and my brother are best friends. And best friends don't hurt each other seriously. Or is he just not soo hurt?” I asked. “No. He is seriously hurt with dark magic. Your parents and your aunt Hermione Granger-Weasley are on their way,” She said. “Wait? Hermione is coming? Can... can I see Albus, please?” I asked her. “No. It's the best if you wait here until your parents come. It is really serious,” Patil said. Lily looked shocked. “What exactly ehh is wrong with him?” I asked. “We don't know. He lost his consciousness. And two fingers are missing on his left hand.” She said. Lily started silent crying. I went to her and hugged her. “Please. I want to see him now. He is my brother,” I said. “I.. I wanna see him, too,” Lily said. “Well... Okay,” The headmistress said and she brought us to the hospital wing. I hold Lilys hand.
Albus looked horrible. We couldn't see his hands. But his face was red and there were many scars and blood. “Will he be ... Will he be okay?” Lily asked. “We hope. That's why Hermione is coming. If she doesn't know a solution, no one will,” Patil said. I sat down on a chair and Lily sat down on my lap. “Can he hear us?” Lily asked. “Maybe. Talk to him. I have to go to my office. Your parents and your aunt will arrive soon,” Patil said.

“Al? Can you hear me? I love you.” Lily said. “Al, we are here. We don't leave you. James is here, too,” Lily said again. She looked at me like she wanted me to say something. “Al, Lily is right. I'm here, too. You look horrible but I guess Tina still loves you,” I grinned. “Who's Tina, James?” Lily asked me. “His secret girlfriend,” I answered. “Why secret and why do you know it.” “I know it because I know everything. No. I just saw them. Al asked me to keep it to myself. And I did it til now. I think she should know that Al is lying here. Maybe she knows what has happened,” I said. “You called him Al,” Lily said. “Yeah and?” “You never call him Al.” “Times are changing. I'm going to find Tina. You stay here?” “Okay. But hurry. I don't wanna be alone.” I nodded.

I was at the Ravenclaw tower. Better: I was in front of the entry to the Ravenclaw tower. The house of Al and Tina. A girl was there looking at me. “Excuse me, could you please call Tina? I have to talk to her. I don't know her last name but she is a fourth year I think.” I asked her. She giggled but nodded. A minute later Tina came out. “James Potter? Why are you here?” She asked confused. “I know you are the girlfriend of my brother,” I said to her. “I know you know,” She still was confused. “He is lying in the hospital wing. Some dark spell or something like that. My parents are on their way. But I thought you should know, too. Do you wanna see him?” I asked her. “Oh my god. Yes. I wanna go to him. Thank you. Al always says you are a jackass. But this is really nice of you. I mean coming to me and tell me,” Tina said. “If my girlfriend would be lying in the hospital wing I'd like to know that, too.” I just said. She smiled.

“Lily meet Tina, Tina meet Lily” I said as we entered the hospital wing. Lily stood up, so I could sit down again and she could sit on my lap again. Tina sat on Als bed. “Al, I love you. Please,” She cried. “He's gonna be alright,” I said. “Do you know this for sure?” She asked me. “Al isn't the one who easily gives up. He's a fighter. I'm sure he'll be alright,” I said. “But you can't say it because you don't know it,” She said. “No, I don't know it because I'm not a healer. But Al is my brother – even though we don't have the best relationship – I know him,” He said. “James, Lily. Your parents are in the headmistress' office. They'll be here any minute,” The healer said. We nodded. “I should go now and leave you and your family alone. Thanks for telling me, James. Would you mind telling me when your parents left, so I can come to Al again?” Tina asked me. “Why don't you stay. Maybe you can help us. We don't know who did the attack. And I also think you should stay because you are his girlfriend,” I answered her. “Really? But Al wanted to keep it a secret,” Tina said. “Maybe it's time to spill the little secret. This is eh special circumstance. And if he is so stupid and keep is beautiful girlfriend a secret … well I can't help him. But to be honest. I don't think he will mind,” I said. “Hm. Okay. I'll stay,” She said and in that minute the door opened. Lily jumped up and ran to mum. She hugged her. Dad came to me. “Hi James,” He said looking at Al. He was shocked. I could tell. Dad was good in hiding emotions but not that good when you are his son. “Dad?” I said. He looked at me. “This is Tina. She is Als girlfriend. I told her what happened because I think she has a right to know and to be here. And maybe she can help us find the people who did this to Al. And I hope it's okay that she'll stay,” I said to him. “Of course it's okay when she stays. James, I'm proud of you. You did something really good when telling her. I'm glad to meet you Tina. I would love to say that Al told us many things about you. But to be honest: I didn't had a clue that he had a girlfriend,” Dad said. “It's an honour to meet you, Mr Potter. Al wanted to keep our relationship a secret,” Tina said. “Well, I always thought Al is smart. But it was stupid to keep such a beautiful girlfriend like you a secret,” Dad said. Tina smiled. “That's exactly what James said,” Dad looked at me surprised. “How did James know after all?” Dad asked. “He saw us. Al begged him to keep it a secret and it looks like James did,” Tina said. Mum was coming. “I've heard you are Als girl? Nice to meet you. I'm Ginny Potter,” She said. “Yes, thanks. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs Potter,” Tina said. Mum came to me and hugged me. “I love you, James,” She said. “I know. And I love you, too mum,” She kissed me on the cheeks. “James, can I talk to you. Private?” Dad asked me. I nodded. “Do you have any idea who could have done this to Al?” He asked me the second we closed the door. “Not really. I already told the headmistress that it could have been a Slytherin. But I don't think it was Malfoy. Malfoy is his best friend after all,” I said. “And why do you think it was a Slytherin?” He asked again. “Because Slytherin always hates Gryffindor and since you are the head of Gryffindor or whatever they call you, Al is one, too, even if he's a Ravenclaw,” I said. “So you say that because of hate?” Dad asked. “Maybe,” I said. “Hm. Maybe you are right,” Dad said. “What?” I was confused. Dad never said I was right. “I don't want you to say anything to Lily or mum. What I'm telling you know must be a secret. Promise me,” Dad said. “What are you telling me?” I asked. “Promise,” Dad said. “Fine. I won't tell mum or Lily,” I said. “Thanks. Since Ron, Hermione and I defeated Voldemort I get many letters. Many are nice ones like: thank you for saving the world. But of course Voldemort still has some ehh... death eaters. And they want revenge. A week ago I became a letter from them - again. It said: You took away our leader, our parents, our future. We will take something away from you that will hurt you as much. As you know – and it's not because I have anything against Slytherin – most of the Death Eaters were Slytherins. So it's probably true that someone from them did this to Al,” Dad said. “Wait, you get threats from death eaters?” I asked him. “I always have. But I always thought it's just talking. I got many letters like that and never did anything happen. James, I have a huge favour: Please keep an eye on Lily and take care of yourself,” He said. “I will. And I will take care of Al as soon as he is awake,” I said. “Thank you. I'm sorry we fight so much,” He said. “Me, too.” “You know, I love you,” dad said. “And you know that I love you, too,” I said and we hugged. Maybe this was finally peace between us.

I went for a walk with mum. She needed fresh air and dad wanted to be with Lily and Al.
“James, is everything alright with you?” Mum asked me. We didn't talk til then. “Yes,” I said. “Didn't convince me,” She smiled. “This being famous thing sucks. Before I went to Professor Patil I wanted to go to the kitchens with Roxy and Cloe. And it isn't that far from our common room. But there were two girls and then they wanted to take a picture. Then in Hogsmead I have to give autographs. I just wanna have a good time with my friends. Without this whispering: oh my gosh. This is James Potter. In school it isn't normally that bad. People know me and respect my privacy. But since the training for the world cup started things went... crazy?” I said. “Is that really bothering you so much? You loved that. One year ago you adored your fans,” Mum said. “I … I … no. I hate all these questions like: do you have a girlfriend? It's so annoying,” I said. “Why is it so annoying for you? Let me guess. You are in love with a girl that doesn't love you back,” Mum said. “No. I … I just want privacy,” I said. “Hm.. Is it Cloe? Sure it is Cloe,” Mum said. “How do you know?” I asked her. “So I'm right,” Mum said. I nodded. “I'm your mother. I know you probably better than anyone else. I talked to Cloe at King's Cross. She seemed to know you better than your closest friends - even though you only knew each other for two weeks,” Mum said. “But what made you think that I love her?” I said back. “Because you talked to Tina, you made peace with Harry. You were there for Lily. You called your brother Al. You knew that Scorp would never do something like that to Al. And you went for a walk with me. We haven't spent time alone in ages,” Mum said. “You are right. She is such a wonderful person. But she recently broke up with her boyfriend and I think she don't wanna have one that soon. So I'm playing the good friend,” I said. “That's what I did. You know I loved your dad for ages. Actually I loved him even before I met him. And when we got older I started dating boys in hope to forget him but I never did. We were a long time good friends and finally he kissed me. And everything was perfect... until Dumbledore died. But the story after that has nothing to do with love but with Harrys character. He thought it would be safer for me not to be his girlfriend and he was right. Voldemort would have used me as he already did when I was only the little sister of his best friend,” Mum said. “Yeah. And you are the dream couple. Even now you adore him like he is a god,” I said. “For me he is one,” Mum smiled. “Do you think Cloe will fall for me... someday?” I asked her. “She would be stupid if she didn't. I mean look at you: you are intelligent, funny, lovely, charming, handsome and a successful Quidditch player,” mum said. “I … I only know her for a few weeks now and I know she is the one. She knows what fame means, she understands me and she doesn't give a shit about who my parents are,” I said. “She is an unusual girl. When I met her she described you perfectly,” Mum said. “What did she say?” “It's not me who should tell you. But give her time. Was it a bad split up with her boyfriend?” She asked. “Yes. Really bad,” I said. “She needs you as a friend. And if you are there for her then maybe she falls for you. And if she is blind like your dad then … well do my trick.” “What's your trick?” “Go out with other girls.” “That's mean.” “You don't have to play with them. It can be a nice girl that you like. And then she'll get jealous.” “It's still mean. But maybe it will work. Thanks mum,” I hugged her and she hugged me. We walked back to the castle. I was holding mums hand. After what dad told me I felt like I should show my family how much I love them.

“Aunt Ginny? James? What's going on?” Of course we met Roxy and Cloe on our way back to the hospital wing. I looked to mum waiting for her to say something. She looked at me waiting for me to say something. “Not here, Roxy,” She said. Many people were starring. “Did something happened to you, James?” Cloe asked kinda anxious. “No, I'm fine,” I said. She seemed relieved. “Is uncle Harry here, too?” Roxy asked. “James will tell you everything later, okay?” Mum said to them. Roxy nodded. “Okay, then we'll leave you alone,” She said and Cloe waved goodbye. “Am I allowed to tell them?” I asked mum. “They are your best friends. But talk to your dad first,” She said. “I will,” I said. Mum looked at me surprised. “That girl does really have good influence on you,” Mum smiled. “There are people listing, mummy,” I said very quietly. She just grinned. We went to the hospital wing.

“How's Al?” Mum asked as soon as we walked in. “Better. Hermione thinks he will be awake soon,” Dad said. It was silent for a while. “Where is Lily?” I asked. “She went with Tina to the headmistress. They are telling her that we three will stay over night,” Dad said. It was silent again. “How's Rosie doing?” Hermione asked me. “Good, I guess. She seems happy,” I said. “Is Scorpius treating her good?” She asked me. “I don't know but I think so. When you see her smile you know that she is really in love with him and what I have heard is that Malfoy is crazy about her,” I said. “Still in hate with him?” Hermione asked. “No. He must be nice if Al and Rosie like him,” I said. “You've grown,” Hermione smiled. “What's up with Al?” I asked to change the subject. “He is sleeping. But he'll be waking up really soon. Maybe the next minute,” she said.

Mum was holding his hand. Dads hand was on mums shoulder. I could tell that this were their way to show that they are there for each other.
“He... he is opening his eyes,” Mum whispered. “Al, Al darling. Can you hear me? I'm here. We are here,” She said. Al opened his eyes for a very short time and then they were closed again. “He'll be awake any second,” Hermione said watching him breathe. Tina and Lily came in. “He's waking up,” I said to them. Tina kinda felt unconformable so I walked to here. “He'll be alright,” I said to her. She smiled. “I hope so. Do you think he is angry? Because now everyone knows about us?” She asked. I shocked my head. “And if he is angry I'm going to talk some sense into him,” I said. She smiled. “He always said that you are a jerk but actually you are really nice.” “You already said that,” I said. She laughed. “Al, darling,” Mum said. “Muh.. Muu.. Mum?” I heard Al breathing. I walked with Tina to his bed. He had his eyes closed again. “I'm here, honey. I'm here,” She said and hold his hand. “What... has.. happened?” he asked still with closed eyes. “We're not sure, honey. Someone attacked you or you were in a fight,” She said. “But I hate fighting...” He said and opened his eyes. “I know, honey. I know,” mum said. He looked to Tina and then to me. “Tina?” He asked confused. “How are you?” She asked him. “Confused... and tired..” he said. It was silent for a while. “Mum? Dad? That's my girlfriend,” Al said. Dad smiled. “We know. She's nice.” “I know. That's why I love her,” Al tried to smile but it didn't really work. But he could talk clearly now. “How did you find out that she is my girlfriend?” he asked mum. “James came to me and told me that you are lying in the hospital wing,” Tina said. “Why did you do this?” Al asked. “Because she's your girlfriend. She has a right to know things like that to be there for you,” I said. Was he angry? “I know. But you weren't really nice to me the last months,” Al said. Oh. That's the reason... “I know. I'm sorry, bro,” I said. “It's fine,” he said. “Finally. My two boys make peace,” Mum said and smiled.

“James, please go with Lily back to your common room. I think Lily should sleep now. We are in the guest rooms if you wanna come to talk to us later,” Mum said. I nodded. “Is it okay if I tell my friends what has happened?” I asked dad. He nodded and with that I went with Lily to the common room. On the stairs to the girls dorm I hugged her. “Everything will be alright. Al is better now,” I whispered to her. She started crying. “But who does something like that to him...” She cried. “I don't know. But I promise you: I will find out and the person or persons that did that have to pay for it,” I said to her. “I don't want to be alone in the girls room... Can I sleep in your dorm?” She cried. “Of course. You know the way. I'll be there in twenty minutes, okay? I go and talk to Freddie. He'll come to you, okay?” “Thank you,” she cried. I saw some people looking curiously at us. I didn't really care. I searched the room for my friends and I found them sitting in our corner. I walked to them. “Hey. Do you mind if Lily is sleeping in our dorm tonight?” I asked the boys. They looked surprised. “No, of course not. What's up?” Freddie asked. “Lily will tell you. Here are too many curious people,” I said and showed him with my eyes some students around us. He nodded. “Can you go to her? I need to do something but I'll be back in twenty minutes,” I asked him. “Sure,” he said and walked to our dorm. “I'll tell you what's going on. But not here. My parents are here. I have to talk to them before I go to Lily again. If you want you can come with me and I tell you everything I know,” I said. “I come with you, Roxy said. I smiled. “We go to the dorm and support Freddie. I think Lily will tell us, too,” Joey said. I nodded.

“What's going on, James? Has something happened in the family? Then why didn't say anyone something to Freddie or me?” Roxy asked. “Breathe Roxy,” I said. She didn't laugh, she just looked at me. Cloe was silent, she joined us because Roxy begged her to be there for her in case the news were really bad. I told them that everything was better now but still. “Al got hurt. We don't know how. Maybe he got into a fight or he was attacked,” I said. “Oh gosh. Is... Is he alright?” Cloe asked. “Yes. He woke up an hour or something like that ago,” I said. “That's why your parents are here,” Roxy said. I nodded. “Please don't say a word to anyone else,” I said to them. “Of course not. Are you alright, James?” Cloe asked me. “Yeah. I'm just shocked. He is my baby brother after all...” I said. “We love you, James,” Roxy said. “Thanks. I love you, too,” I said to them. “Are you scared that someone could do this to you, too?” Cloe asked. “I'm not scared because of me... I'm more scared about Lily. What if it is something against the Potters? Al never did anything bad to anyone. Well except me but that's fine. We are brothers. We do shit and still love each other,” I said. “That's what I thought,” Roxy said. “Please take care of you, James,” Cloe said. “Of course,” I said. “Can you two do me a favour?” “Sure. What's the matter?” Roxy asked. “Keep an eye on Lily please. I'm so busy with training that I might not be there,” I said. “We will. No worries,” Cloe said. “Thank you,” I smiled. “How are your mum and your dad?” Roxy asked. “They are worried as well. But they are fine. Mum is happy that I finally made peace with dad and Al,” I said. “You did what?” Roxy said. “I made peace with them,” I said. “Why?” Roxy asked. “Because... the situation showed me how much I love my family. I hate to fight with anyone of them,” I said. “That's good. I'm proud you finally realised that,” Roxy said. “Thanks. Do you wanna come in, too? Aunt Hermione is here, too.” I asked her. “She is here, too? What the hell was the matter with Al?!” Roxy asked. “It was dark magic. And another healer might be... ehh.. thinking of making money of Al's injury...” I said. Roxy nodded. “I always forget the problems you have with your popularity,” She said. “Yeah. It can really suck. So, are you two coming with me?” I asked them. “I'm not coming with you. They don't know me. It doesn't feel right...” Cloe said. “I won't come either then. I bet I'll see them tomorrow. Have a good night, James, and take care of Lily.” Roxy said. The girls disappeared and I walked into my parents room. They were talking with Hermione.

“Hi” I said. They looked at me. “I can't stay long. I just wanted to tell you that my best friends know what happened,” I said. “It's fine,” Dad said. “And I wanted to tell you, all three, that I love you. Who knows? Maybe I'm in a fight next and I can't tell you...” I said. “I didn't know you had this side...” Hermione smiled. “Your whole family loves you. And you won't be next. Nobody will be next,” She said. “I hope so, auntie,” I said. “I'll make sure that nothing will ever happen to our family again,” Dad said. Mum looked at me, “I couldn't stand it if someone hurts any of my children again. James, please take care of yourself.” “Mum, I will. I promise. And I'll take care of Al and Lils, too.” “You are amazing,” She smiled. “What was the matter with him? Nobody told me or Lils?” I looked at them. “We didn't because we didn't want to worry Lily. She's still so young. And we are not quiet sure yet. Hermione will be doing some tests tomorrow,” dad said. “What the hell happened to him?” I was really confused. “Dark magic is always tricky. He woke up just like that. It seems unreal. His blood circulation isn't working properly at the moment and his memory is lacking a lot. I'm sure he isn't healed yet,” Hermione said. I nodded: “How bad is it?” “I don't think it's life-threatening. It looks more like a warning. And I think I have it under control for now. But nobody knows what will be tomorrow. A healer is up there at the moment watching him and before you ask. I know him and I trust him. He is a good friend of mine and wouldn't dare to sell this story to the public.” I nodded, “Thanks for telling me.” “You are already grown up, honey. You should know,” mum said. “How are you?” I looked at her. “Anything but fine. I'm so worried. I want to go back to the hospital wing and stay with Al. But Hermione says that it is not a good idea,” mum answered. “If you want to stay with Al, do it. I understand. I would want to stay with him, too, but I will take care of Lils,” I said. Dad nodded proudly. “Anyway I wish you all a good night. I have to go back to Lily. Maybe we could have breakfast together? I could call Rosie and Hugo as well?” I asked. “Sounds perfect,” Mum smiled.
When I walked back to the common room I hold my wand in my hand – just in case – but nothing happened.

“Hi guys,” I said as I entered the room. “How are your parents?” Drew asked me. “They are fine. Al is awake now. I guess dad and mum are going back to him later so he won't be alone tonight,” I said. “How are you?” Joey asked. “I'm worried. How is Lily?” I asked them. “She's sleeping in your bed,” Freddie answered. I nodded. “I'm in the bath room,” I said. After changing and having a shower and brushing my teeth I went to bed and hugged my baby sister. She snuggled herself into me. I smiled a bit. I really love my baby sister. I don't like seeing her sad. We both were awake a lot that night. So I was happy when it was morning. I texted Hugo and Rosie and hoped they'd read the text before 9am (the time I would meet my parents and Hermione).

“Good morning, Rosie and Hugo. Good that you are awake,” I greeted them when I met them in the common room. “Nice way to tell me that my mum is here,” Rosie said. “Ah, don't be mean. I'll tell you everything on the way. We meet them in the Great Hall,” I told them. So on our way to the Great Hall I told Rosie and Hugo everything about Al. They were really shocked. I was glad to see my parents sitting at the Gryffindor table. A few first years where there, too. They looked curiously at dad and aunt Hermione.
“Morning,” I said and I gave my mum a kiss on the cheeks. She smiled. Rosie and Hugo hugged everyone and sat down to start talking with their mum. I was sitting next to my mum and on the other side was my dad with Lily.

“Al is better. I've seen him a few minutes ago. Tina is already with him. She seems nice and she really seems to care about him,” Dad told us. “I think so, too. A shame that Al kept her a secret. Have you seen how good looking she is?” I asked laughing. “She's Al girlfriend and when I look to the Hufflepuff table - there are eh let's say many who like to date you, I guess,” Dad said. “Im not interested in Tina. I just think she is perfect for Al. And well that's the price of being famous. But I'm not interested in any of them” I said. “Are you sure. The one with the black hair is really hot,” Dad said. “You are not looking at younger girls. You are married to me,” Mum said. “I mean for James. She's a bit too young for me anyway,” Dad grinned. “Yes, she is hot. But I bet she is only interested in me because I am your son and a famous Quidditch player,” I said. “You only find out by getting to know her,” Dad said. I looked at her again and she blushed when she saw that I was looking at her. “I don't know, dad,” I said. “I think you should go for it,” mum said and smiled in an awkward way like she wanted to tell me something. Okay James. Think... Well, I got it! She told me that dating other girls could make Cloe realise that I'm the one for her. BabababaBANG!
“Hm, if you put it that way. Maybe I should get to know her,” I said and Mum grinned. “And when is someone telling me that I can ask someone out?” Lily asked. I laughed. “You are too young, Lilian,” Dad said. “Yeah. Dad's right,” I supported him. She is way too young to date any boy who only has one thing on his mind. Mum just laughed: “If you want to go out with someone honey, then do it. But promise me one thing: Do only things that you want to do.” Lily nodded, “Thanks mummy.” What's wrong with that woman? I already see Lily hurting. “So, James. Don't you want to go to her and introduce yourself?”, dad asked me. “What am I supposed to say?” I asked him. “Well, in what year is she?” dad asked. “In my year. She has Transfigurations with me,” I said. “What's her name?” He asked. “I'm not sure. Maybe it starts with a C or an E?” I said. “You are so poor. You don't even know the names of the guys in your classes,” Lily said. “Do you know what her name is?” I asked her. “Yes, it's Lynn. Lynn Ferell,” she said. “Hm. Yes. I remember. Well, I'll go ask her something when you leave,” I said.

So after breakfast was over and everyone went to Al, I stayed a bit longer and then I went to Lynn. Her friends were laughing nervously. In my head I rolled my eyes. “Hi Lynn”, I said to her. “You.. You know my name?” She asked. “Sure, you have Transfigurations with me, don't you?” I said. “Yeah, that's true. But you never talked to me before,” She said. “I always were kinda busy or tired in class, I'm sorry,” I said to her. She smiled and the girls around us were watching us. “It's fine. Why are you here anyway? I've seen your parents. Aren't you supposed to be with them?” she asked. “Nah, they are spending time with my brother now. And since we are so many and it's always a bit chaotic with my family I decided not to go with them. And I'm here because I wanted to ask you something about Transfigurations,” I said. “Okay? And what is it?” She asked. Well, to be honest: I'm really good in this subject and everyone in the class knows that. So I understood when she looks at me surprised. “Yeah. My dad asked me about school and stuff and then he wanted to know more about Transfigurations and he wanted to know if I have to do much. And if I have homework that needs to be done. And I have no idea. So I thought that I should ask. So I may have the chance to actually do my homework,” I smiled at her charmingly. “Well, we only have to practice changing hair colour and stuff like that,” “Oh good. I think I can do this. That's cool, so I can spend more time with my family while they are here,” I said happily. “Why is your family here?” Lynn wanted to know. “Because we needed to talk about some things. I'm sorry I'd like to tell you the reason but I'm not allowed,” I said. She smiled nervously, “You can make it up by asking me out.” I smiled. “Lovely Lynn, do you wanna go out with me?” I asked her. She smiled. “I'd love to.” “In the afternoon? A walk on the grounds? I pick you up at half past three in the hall?” “I'll be there,” she smiled. “Cool. Well, actually, I should go after my family before they are missing me too much. But I'll see you later, Lynn,” I said to her. “I'm looking forward to it.” I smiled at her. While I was walking away I heard her talking to her friends. “Oh my god. Can you believe it? I'm going out with THE James Potter. And he is so nice and kind and hot. I'm the first girl he goes out with this year. Maybe he really likes me,” She said excited. I kinda felt bad. I'm liking – well more loving – Cloe. But on the other hand: you can love two people. And I kinda have the feeling that Lynn is nice.

“So, do you have a date with Lynn?” my dad asked me. I nodded. “Today in the afternoon,” I said. “What are you doing?” Mum asked. “I thought about a long walk on the grounds and then a hot drink in the kitchens,” I said. “Oh I loved to do this with your dad back when I was at Hogwarts,” Mum said. “You have a date, big bro? Who's the lucky girl?” Al asked me. “Sorry man, I totally forgot: How are you?” “I'm fine. A bit tired and my stomach his hurting like hell. But I think it will be better soon. And thank Merlin I have Tina. She lets me forget the pain,” He said. “I'm happy for you. And I hope you don't have too much pain,” I said. “It's nice not to fight with you, James,” Al said. I smiled. “I like it, too. Maybe we are better brothers than we thought,” I said. “Dad? Can I talk to you outside?” I looked at him. He nodded. “What's up with Al? Is he still hurt?” “Hermione find a cure – she's going to do it later when Tina and Lily are gone. He has a black hole in his stomach and that is kinda eating him from the inside – if not stopped it could end deadly. It will be a bit bloody that's why we do it when the girls are gone. It's not threatening yet but Hermione has an eye on it,” he said to me. I nodded. “That's good. He's going to be okay?” I asked. “Yes, he'll be getting back his fingers, too,” dad answered and smiled.

“You wanna play Quidditch this afternoon?” Fred asked me in the common room. “No, I have a date in half an hour and I probably should get ready,” I said. “You? It's the first date this year. Who is that lucky girl?” Freddie asked. Actually not the first, I had a date with Sharon thanks to Freddie but it's probably best not to mention it. “It's Lynn. Hufflepuff. Hot, black hair. Our year,” I said. “The transfigurations Lynn?” He asked back. I nodded. “Yeah, she's hot and I think she's nice. Roxy likes her,” He said. “Good sign then. When my best friend likes someone then this someone must be a good person, I said. “Good luck. And take it slow. Girls like it slow,” Freddie said. “Like I need tips from you,” I grinned. “Shut up,” Freddie laughed. I went upstairs to our room. I heard Roxy and Cloe asking Freddie. “Where's he going?” “He's dressing up for his date.” “Who's he dating?” “First date with Lynn, Hufflepuff girl.” “Oh, she's nice.” I smiled and finally entered the room. I heard enough. Maybe I really could like Lynn.

I decided to wear normal stuff nothing too much. Well too be honest I was wearing a Jeans and a T-Shirt of my team. Roxy came in. “James, you can't wear that to your date. I think you should wear this blue/white stripe sweater from Hilffiger. Whenever you wear this sweater I wish that I'd be not your cousin so I could date you,” She said. “GROSS! But fine...can you leave now? It's kinda uncool to get changed in front of a girl,” I said to her. “Eh. I'm your cousin, James. I know you in your boxers,” She said. “Okay, good point. But I wanna be alone,” I said. I could see that she was kinda annoyed but I didn't care. I don't wanna have her here right now. Because it was my first official date since a long time (for me) and this is my personal stuff.

I was on time but Lynn was already there. “Hi,” I said to her. She smiled. “Let's go outside,” I said to her knowing that a few pupils were watching us. She nodded.
It was really fun to talk to her. She was funny and we laughed a lot. When I asked her what she would be thinking about going to the kitchens she didn't hesitate to say yes. So now we were sitting in the kitchens and were drinking tea. “Did you just ask me out because I asked you to?” she suddenly asked. “No, I came to you to ask you out. But I'm not the guy who goes to a girl and says: Hey you're hot. Do you wanna go out with me? Because this sounds so arrogant. That's why I asked you this stuff about Transfigurations,” I said. She smiled. “You aren't a bit arrogant. You are really down to earth and nice and gentle. You could be a total asshole and still, some girls would like you because you are a Quidditch star and you are the son of Harry Potter. But I like you because you are so nice and funny and so down to earth,” She said. Well that girl sure does know what to say. “I'm glad you think so. I hate girls who just wanna go out with my because of Quidditch or my dad,” I said. “Is your dad a hero for you?” She asked me. “No. Well. A bit. I mean he is my dad. He did many great things for me and even greater things for the world. But to be honest: for me he is the man who's sitting in his pyjamas at breakfast and reading the newspaper. It's hard to think that he saved the world when you know him. But of course he is a hero for what he did. But for me he is a hero for what he's doing for me and my siblings,” I said. “It's so sweet of him and your mum that they are visiting you. And you are spending time with me. You could spend the time with your parents,” She said. “Yeah. I could. But I was talking to them yesterday and today morning. I need a break from them sometimes,” I said. “Why are you so honest to me? I could go and tell a reporter everything you told me today. Not only about your dad but also about the personal stuff we talked about earlier,” She asked. “Well, if you really wanted to do this you wouldn't have asked me that question. And you seem nice and I trust you,” I said. She smiled and seemed very happy. I really like Lynn. She seems perfect... Maybe if I spend more time with her I find out that I even like her more than Cloe? It's worth a try.

When I walked her back to her common room we were laughing a lot. She was smiling the whole time. “If you wouldn't mind I'd like to repeat this sometime,” I said to her. “I'd love to go out with you another time,” She said. “You are a really cool girl,” I said to her and she was even more smiling. “Do you wanna go for a walk tomorrow after school?” She asked me. “Sure. We talk in Transfigurations, okay? Because I think I should go back to my parents. Otherwise they could get mad at me,” I said. “Go to them. See you in class,” she said. I hugged her and went to my parents. It was a really good date.

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