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V1-News  Kwon Boa als Cho Chang
27.12.2002 um 21:14 Uhr von Schattenfell
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Nach einer kleinen Weihnachtspause nun wieder aktuelle News Zwinkern. Es geht um die Besetzung der Cho Chang in "Harry Potter und der Gefangene von Askaban". Gerüchten zufolge soll die koreanische Sängerin Kwon Boa bei einem Besuch in London, wo sie bei einem Auftritt der Gruppe "Westlife" mitwirkte, gefragt worden sein, ob sie Interesse an der Rolle der Cho Chang habe. Das berichtet zumindest das Magazin "Seventeen Indonesia". Ein Bild von Kwon findet ihr links (anklicken für Großansicht).

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Andreas Christopher
I want that you write back to me. on john.sebelien@c2inet.

I like you as person. You are beuteful, pretty and verry sexy. You have obveasely a hugde talent and I moust say that you have a verry sexy as and somone beuteful eyes. I want to be cloce you and i want to learn you to go with skis. (cross country skiing. I also want to learn you to drive slalom and snowboard. You understand Iam a norwegian fifteen years old boy.
24.11.2004 19:36
vahid iran
I LOVE emmaFröhlich
24.11.2004 18:35
24.11.2004 18:31
Amdreas Christopehr
Dear Emma!

Why haven`t you written back to me? Havent you time or do you dosen`t want it?? Please meil me at johnsebelien@c2inet. That would meake me happy as I have told you earlyer. Do you reamember the letters I have sended to you.

Best reagards AC
14.11.2004 17:07
Andreas Christopher
Dear Emma!

It is me, Andreas christopher, the norwegian fan.

I juest wonder at who school you are going at. Then I can meet you.meil me at john.sebelien@c2inet. I like you verry mutch as you now if you have read my letters. I will come to your school in the school periode, It would be nice.We can talk together about eatch other sports and the Harry potterbooks and movies.I looking verry forward and I will be verry happy and I will reamember this rest of my life. Reameber: It dosen`t do enything if you don`t like me, but I like you and I have never haved problemes with other girls I have met (Then they are meature girls and you are it, so thats verry good) Love you smile and eyes.
Andreas Christopher
05.11.2004 15:45
Andreas Christopher
Hallo Emma!
I Will ask you somone questions as I have forot to ask yoy earlyer. I love to write histories and now I am writing a historie as is verry like Harry Potter and Starwars and now I wonder if you will get a role in the movie as I will going to meake one time in the future. I am juest fifteen yeards old so I have to whait. ReameberSehr fröhlichon`t think at it now, but send me a answear when you that you will atjohn.sebelien@c2inet. But reameber that it is your choice
29.10.2004 16:38
Amdreas Christopehr
Dear Emma!

I want that you write back to me and I looking verry forward to see you in they other Harry potter movies and I love to see pictures of you, I realy love you eaven i don`t knowe you. I think in you verry ofthen, you are the girl I want moust. I wich we two had a won habbitat for juest we two wear we chod talk together and be for us self when we wanted it. It is not any point to write to you more, I haved talled you everthing that I feel for you and I haven`t get any answears atlast. Reameber waht I toald you earlyer. I don`t write back to you if you haven`t gived me an answear inside of a mounth, not becouse I am fed up. it is juest becouse I don`t feel it is any poynt becouse I haven`t more to tell you, I can`t keep to write to you as you wear my friend, I can`t and that meake me verry sad, serious sad so I am verry meature when I tell you that I have ambitions to meet you, that is all moust inpossible.
I hope it so mutch that you read this and please send me a answear, you don`t need to send more that one if you absolutely don`t want, but one would meake me verry happy and I would reamebered the letter for rest of my life, this is not a teangaer talking, I reely meen it, I have been so long dawn that I haave cried becouse I feeld that everthing is so diffecult and hopeless,so please send me a letter. I would get the on my depression.I am reely verry depression, juest becouse of my extremely feeling for you, it is so indescribely. Have you ever feeld you power less and depression, feeld that you is a girl as juest dreem in boys as you know you never will meet or as you don`t dear to go to, I don`t know if you feel it, but I do, I don`t dear to go to a girl as I like at the school and I don`t get a letter from you so that is hard, but I know that you have mutch to do, but would be verry nice if you write to me, we can`t not be lovesr nomather what I do. meil me at john.sebelien@c2inet.

Best reagards from AC

Best r
27.10.2004 20:51
cho should be some one pretty like me go ahead and talk trash but its true ang is very UGLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;-)
26.10.2004 06:52
Andreas Christopher
It is me, the fifteen and a half years old norwegian boy.
you are the onest girl I want apert from one at the school as have a another boyfriend. I think verry mutch in you and I will reach luck with to meet you. I live in Norway, and I am almoust the onest norwegian fan of you as have written to you, is`t I? Please sweet and pretty you, send me a e-mail at johnsebelien@c2inet.I realy like you eaven I don`t know you and it would be an prick over the aie if you answear me after you have road all the letters with the signature Andreas Christopher or AC. Please, dear you, I like to have contackt with nice and sweet girls.

best reagards AC. NB! If you don`t write back to me inside of a mounth, I never will write back to you aigen,then I feel it is innessesary and I feel that I have done everthing as I haved feeled for you, and I have geaved you muth encouragedment and honour, and you moust try to obey my feelings and ecspectments. I am not enturable for ever,so please, for me meens it verry mutch, you are the gilr I feel that the kemi is rhigt. please, I am verry facinated of you and I wich you good luck in your carriere and I meen that I sayd instead, I am boan hard when it is about thing like that with ecspectments.Wich I could sey I love you and I will start to sing sad love songs wear I sing that I feel for you as f.eks Westlife do, I love Westlife, it is pity that Bryan is`t in Westlife more.kiss, kiss(thousend times)

Andreas Christopher

Andreas Christopher
23.10.2004 22:19
Andreas Christopher
Hallo Emma!
Haven`t you any time to write back to me? I want it verry mutch. If this here is`t to Emmas computer, please send this to her and sey that it is a norwegian fan as have written to her many times and as have in love with her. Haven`t you any contackt with her, please send a note back at johnsebelien@c2inet.PLEASE.
23.10.2004 21:34
Andreas Christopher
Hallo dear Emma!

It is me aigen,the norwegian fan, I am stil writing to you and you can`t aproach me for that, you love that I write to you. You understand obveasely that I am verry interrested in you and I dreem as many other boys that I can meet you. Haved I lived cloce you I woulden bend knowd with you. And meaby we haved bend falled in love,meaby...It is a question I haved wonder at in long time and that is. "do you love Daniel Radcliff, do you love malfoy, Rupert other boys,will my dreem never come true?? I am not the same as I was before I saw you for first time. I am verry sad,I am not going to friends so muth more and that is verry bad, but It dosen`t go out over the school,lukely. Write to me and then I will be bether,no girl can be a god substition. I know that everbody is susceptible but I am more, I am not so happy as I wear before. And please write to me and tell me when you com to Norway. You know, a arrangement or a press.That would be verry niced of you.
19.10.2004 17:12
Andreas Christopher
Kjære Emma!
Nok en gang skriver jeg til deg, jeg tenker mye på deg og jeg skulle ønske du kunne sette av lit tid til å skrive til meg,du er en vekdig søt og sjarmerende jente som jeg gjerne skulle ønske jeg kunne få møtt. Men om jeg ikke kan møte deg så kan jeg i alle fall kansje ha litt kontakt me deg ved hjelp av nettet. jeg hoper du har det bra og at du trives med det du driver med.Min e-mail adresse er johnsebelien@c2inet. Så vær så snill, søte deg, skriv litt til meg,det vil gjøre meg så glad.

beste hilsner Andreas Christopher.
18.10.2004 20:12
Hallo Emma!
Haw do you do ? write back to me. have you forgot my e-adress, well her is it. johnsebelien@c2inet.You moust not answear me if you dont`t want, but it would been verry nice of you.
12.10.2004 15:12
Andreas Christopher
Dear Emma!
I am a norwegian fan of you from Norway and I belive in you. I belive that you will going to be a more profecional actor that you are now, if you understand that to improve is the thing.You play absolutely hermione verry good. You have absolutely a huge talent with deep feels and you sensebil, that is verry goos fo an actor. I belive in you and please, keep playing as Hermione. That would be verry good and many would been satesfited, and reameber many girl on your age or younger are looking up to you, I know you love that. And I think it is good that you are doing tennis and hocey. I am also sporty and I love girls as are doing sport and is pretty and sweet as you.

Best reagards from Andreas.
08.10.2004 15:20
AC aigen
Hallo Emma!
It`s ,me AC, I like you verry mutch and I am litle sad over that you don`t write back to me, but I understand that you do that with juest somone of your fans, but please, do it to me We( The fans ) wich it and we hope verry mutc that you can do it, it is also your job to do it if the letter is nice and good. I love you as person, thinking on you every time without when I have tests at school. Your fans will be verry happy if you write back to them, but juest do it if the letters is good. Please do it to me, if you see this. That would meak me so happy and satesfited. My e-mail adress is john sebelein@c2inet. so don`t lost the time, dear, dear Hagwarts princese Miss Granger. By the way, have you visit Hagrid to day together with your friends Harry and Ron? I wich I coud sey Legardium Leviousa and then I coud fly to you with my arms and ceam in to your hause, ley beside you in your bed and read histories for you, kiss you and looking in your beuteful eyes until you are so thied of all the looking from me that you fall in slepp becide me and next day we coud do many funny and nice things, but if I am with you I will juest think on you, juest be together with you and never live from you. If I bend together with you in a long time and moust live home aigen to Norway, I would be verry, verry sad and I woul in long time get problemes. So I moust not abondon my self to dreems, that give neither knowledge or lukc. I moust reameber that eaven it`s indescribley painful and sad. reameber it self, promist me that. I have learnd this of Albus Dubledor

best reagards from the great norwegian fan AC( Andreas Christopher)
22.09.2004 20:23
Sebastien Loeb
Hallo Emma?
I am in Wales and drive rally, you know me?, the France rally driver,I saw a picture of you yester day and I and somone other rally drivers started to talk about you, I can`t tell the historie, It`s to long, but We think that you are sweet and we want to be litle childrenly and then we decided us to write to you after my idea. I wich you good luck in your movie carriere and I like to see Harry Potter a litle, (Petter Solberg) the norwegian rally driver, Marco Martin and Carlos Zains, Phil Mills( The Wales map reader to petter Solberg from Norway) and the other norwegian rally driver Henning Solberg( the brother to Petter Solberg ) we wich you good luck everbody. Do you like rally? you are a good actor and reameber, don`t aproach your self to mutch if you do somone mistakes

best reagards the rally drivers in wales
21.09.2004 17:13
Andreas Christopher
Hallo you!
can you please send this letter to Emma watson?, PLEASE

Dear and sweet Emma!

I am a fan of you from Norway and I think that you are a verry sweet gilr and I also think that you are an good actor, don`t give you self to mutch critic eaven you are on level with they other profecionel actores. Well, I like to see on Harry Potter a litle, But it is you am looking at, It`s becouse of you I am looking a litle on Harry Potter. I have also got on internet and seen pictures of you and I think they are reely good everbody. I will tell you that I hope to see you in they other movies becouse you play Hermione reely good and you have a great talent, I hope you know and feel it self. You have compations and you are sensebil and that is good for an actor, I also whant to sey that I hope you have it well and that you are happy for your effort in the movies, reameber look at the positively thing and don`t critic you seklf to mutch, but alitle if you feel that it is good for your improves. I looking at you as Hermione, becouse I all moust juest haved seen you in Harry potter, so from now I write Hermione insted for Emma if it is all rhigt for you, my adrees is john sebelien@c2inet so write back to me if you want, but I dont ecspect it, you have meaby not time at all, before I say bay bay I will tell you that many loves you as Hermione and many girls on your age, speciely younger are looking up to you, You are aideal for them. be proud of your self and keep going with your movie carriere.

best reagards AC
21.09.2004 16:04
Andreas Christopher ( AC )
Hallo Emma!
It is AC aigen, I have think on you verry mutch this morning to. I am going to the school soon and I wich you good luck at the school, meaby you have a test, if you have, good luck with. You are clever and a meatur girl so I am shore that it will go fin eaven the school is`t you favorite thing, understanly. Have nice day, I am goint to think mutch on you to day
21.09.2004 08:10
AC aigen
Hallo dear Emma aigen ?

good nigth and sleep all the nigth and dreem nice dreems, meaby you are sleeping now already, In Norway is the time juest fifteen minutes past nine PM, so you can beaby read this to morrow if I am lucky, but then the time is wrong, shitt, why don`t I think on that??
20.09.2004 21:16
Dear Emmaa!
I am a fifteen years old boy as want you good luck in your movie carriere becouse you are absolutely verry goos as Hermione and many loves you as person and as actor. Your smile is beuteful ang you get me to feel me bouth happy and sad. sad becouse I can`t meet you and happy becouse I am happy when I see haw funny you have it in Harry Potter and becouse your fantastic talent. You Have compations , you are sensebil and thats verry good for an actor to have, belive me, you know that meaby self, don`t you? Why I am writing is becouse I like you and becouse I will how you that I think about you, about you have it good with your self, If you have`t I can`t do enything, but I hope that you have it, If you have`t I hope that you sey that to your parents or friends, you are juest litle over fourtin years old girl and many whant you,don`t reameber that, verry inporten, take cear of your self There is seck peoples I am talking about and I am afreid for that you is`t safe. So I juest whant that you are safe and happy for your life, school, parents, friends and for that you have ceamed so long as you have. If you stop to play Hermione, is`t it a disapointment for me, absolutely not, I juest think that it is good that you are Hermione. You are so verry sweet, I have jused more energy at the scholl becouse I am thinking at you every time, but don`t think on that juest be together with another lucy boy and be happy, I know I can`t have ambitions about to see you, as I have dreem about in a verry long time, That understand I after my daddy told me that I can`t think more on that eaven you are so sweet, think they ten moust beutefulest teenagers in the world, is`t you praoud, you shouden be that, well, well, hope to see you in all they other Harry Potter movies. But it is your coice, I am juest telling you that many loves to see you and many small girls and girls on your age are looking up to you as you love.

Best reagards from a norwegian fan Andreas Christopher
20.09.2004 21:05
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