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My sister - Three famous words - Yes I do

von mione13

"And you are sure, you aren't still hungry?" Lily dug deeper. Remus shook his head and Sirius agreed: "No Lily, I can't fit more."
"And what's with you, darling?", she turned to James.
He sighed. "Honey, your dinner was awesome, but well, if you want to fill us up with it, I am afraid you will have to change the carpet tomorrow."
Sirius laughed barking, Remus burrowed his face in his hands and Lily hit the grinning James playfully with the wooden spoon on his head.
"Very well then", said Lily and began to clear the table.
"Wait honey, I'll help you-", James put on, but Lily pushed him down back in his chair.

After Hogwarts, Lily and James had hired a small flat to live together. As nearly every weekend, they have invited their friends Remus and Sirius for dinner.
Lily and James have been already for 2 years a couple - and still the thing didn't happen, what about Sirius and Remus are talking in secret: their wedding.
But Lily didn't want to rush and James supposed, if he married now he would be already old - moreover he just wouldn't know if Lily would turn into McGonagall after the wedding...

So just like every time, Sirius touched on the subject wedding, after Lily had come back with a bottle of port wine and poured everyone.
“Now what next, Prongs? Lil? When will the wedding bells ring? Or have you done it already secretly and forgotten to invite your loyal friend Padfoot?” He attached a hurt face, but you didn’t overlook a smirk.
Lily sighed and James said: “We’ll let you know. And moreover we are also happy in that way.” He tried to put a face like Sirius but step by step he got sick of that fuss of his best friend: Who could decide better when they would marry, than Lily and him?
Remus recognized the tightness in Prongs’ voice and turned the subject quickly; whereon Lily thanked him winking.

Three hours, one bottle of port wine and one of firewhisky later, Sirius and Remus finally left the flat of Lily and James.
“Normally your aren’t allowed to fly anymore…”, said James, who stood in front of the entry door, holding Lily in his arms and grinning at Sirius while he and Remus climbed on Sirius’ flying motorbike.
“Ahhh…wubbish”, babbled Sirius and giggled. Lily looked at James seriously. “It would be better, if you hadn’t opened the bottle of firewhiskey in attendance of that person.” Her voice was full of seriousness, but her eyes squirted sparks of irony. James kissed her hair and both of them waved their hands after the flying motorbike.
When it wasn’t able to see anymore they went back in the house.

Marginal the door was closed, James grabbed his girlfriend and carried, the meantime cheered, Lily upstairs.
She smiled at him happily and James pushed the sleep room door with a flick of his tongue open...~…

A little later Lily lay, her head in his neck pit, in their bed. James had closed his eyes and played vacantly with a strand of Lily’s hair - Lily on the other hand had opened her eyes and was thinking about something.
“Did you mean that serious, a little while ago?”
“The thing with the wed-…”
“Oh Lily, darling”, he laughed. “You even said, you would wait a bit.”
She nodded but he saw her face.
He sat up and looked his girlfriend deeply in her green eyes.
He understood.
“You want...”
“I mean, you have thought about that thorough-….”
“You are-“
“YES! James, damn I love you! And I want to spend the rest of my life with the man I love. And this man will never ever ever be someone else than you…”
Lily looked at James hopefully.
Then he smiled.
“Lily, honey, you know I feel the same…I just thought you will wait as far as you are ready…”
“I am ready!”
“Ok”, James grinned and stood up.
“Where are going to?”
“I will be right back...”

And he was. When he entered the room again, he wiped shortly with his magic wand over the shelves, where hundreds of candles stood, and on the spot they inflamed and turned the room in a warm orange light.
He held something in his hand.
It was...-
“James!”, Lily aspirated.
“I bought it already when we moved in”, he muttered and threw the small violet velvety box from the left in the right hand just like he did it once with the snat.
“But”, Lily asked. “What if I had left you?”
“I knew you wouldn’t…”
And he opened the box and Lily glanced at a silver ring with heaps of rubies.
“Do you, Lily Evans, want to become my wife?”, James said quietly.
“Yes!” she shouted and lunged out him and her lips fused on his lips in a heartfelt kiss.


so... ich hoffe die story is nich allzu voller rechtschreibfehler ansonsten könnt ihr es ja in euren kommis mir sagen xD
schreibt viel feedback
lg mione *hug*

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