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Harry Potter and the black lady - Departure

von Linda Black

Hey, da bin ich endlich wieder mal... Tut mir irre leid aber diesmal wars früher wirklich nicht möglich, ich war dermassen im Prüfungsstress dass ich, wenn ich mal zeit hatte, nicht noch mehr schreiben wollte... Hoffe, ich hab trotzdem noch ein paar Leser und es gefällt euch...

Liebe GrĂĽsse,

Linda Black


The black lady had gotten a note that evening, telling her that Harry Potter would be about to leave the next morning. She smiled. That sounded good. She answered the letter immediately and told Remus, where she suspected the horcrux to be. She would be ready and wait for them there.

When Harry woke up the next morning, he kept his eyes closed for a long time. He didn’t want to open them because then he would have to get up and leave to search for the horcruxes. He didn’t want so, he really didn’t, and, as a lot of times before he just wished to be a normal schoolboy who could enjoy his holidays. His classmates could stay in bed now, sleep as long as they wanted to, finally they would get up, have breakfast with their families and, after that, just enjoy their holidays. But he, Harry, had to get up and leave the only family he had - and that came close to being his real -, the Weasleys. But then he thought of Sirius, of his parents, Dumbledore, Cedric and all the other people that had been killed by Voldemort and this thought gave him the strength to open his eyes. His watch showed 5:30 AM. Harry groaned and turned to lie on his back. But then he didn’t fall asleep anymore, instead he got up, silently put on his clothes and, without waking Ron, left the room. Carefully he went down the squeaking stairs. He left the house and went over to the stables that had been built for the horses. Stubbles, Cassie and Lady were having an early breakfast on the meadow that had been fenced. Harry went over to Lady and padded her. She closed her eyes and seemed completely relaxed. Harry stayed outside for a while. Being with Lady relaxed him as well. He thought about the journey that lay ahead of him. But for the first time he realized that he wasn’t just scared. He had always thought that he went on this journey and hadn’t had the idea of refusing it because he felt obliged to do it. But now he realized that he himself wanted to go. He wanted to get revenge.
When he had rested long enough, he went back into the house. While he had been outside, Tonks and Moody had helped Mrs. Weasley to lay the table for breakfast and Mr. Weasley just came down with Hermione and Ron who both still looked very tired. Ron looked at Harry, relieved. “Hey mate, you know how much you scared me when you just weren’t in your bed this morning?”
“Sorry,” Harry answered. “Couldn’t sleep” Mrs. Weasley interrupted them by pushing them onto their chairs. She buttered a toast for each of them and Remus could just stop her from feeding them as well. She seemed extremely nervous. Ron looked very pale and Hermione nearly spilled her orange juice because her hands were shaking so violently. But Harry suddenly felt calmness inside of him. It was as if now, as he knew they were just about to start, the whole anxiety he had felt while planning the trip had left him. He ate his toast, drank his orange juice, listened to Mrs. Weasley who reminded him that he should always change his underwear, listened to Lupin who told him to be careful and to Moody who told him to keep his eyes open and, frankly, he was glad when breakfast was over.
At 8 o’clock, Lupin showed them the map once again. “Look here,” he said. “We’ve got some spies out there and they told us that this is the lake that most possibly contains the first horcrux. There must be some sort of magic around this lake. Go there first and let’s hope you’ll find it. And now, go and get your baggage ready.” Harry and Ron obeyed and went up to their room to pack up their belongings. They couldn’t take a lot with them but Harry nevertheless took his invisibility cloak that had once belonged to his father, the presents he had got from Ron and Hermione for his birthday, the book and the three potions. He hoped he wouldn’t need them but that was better than nothing. Finally, he put a photo of his parents into his bag. He didn’t want to leave without them.
After having packed up some clothes as well, he closed his bag and went down the stairs with Ron. Hermione was already there, jumping from one foot to the other. “Are you finally ready?” she asked, her voice shaking. “Well, you know, we still had to find our mascara, right?” Ron answered, desperately trying to get her laugh because her nervousness was contagious. “Oh, stop it!” she hissed. Remus laughed. “Okay then,” he said. “Let’s go!”
They left the house all together, nobody stayed inside. The horses came over as if they knew what was going on. Harry, Ron and Hermione got the saddles and bridles and got their horses ready. The people standing around them simply watched. There was nothing more they could do. When the three friends were finally ready, Mrs. Weasley hugged them all hard. “Take care,” she told them, sobbing. They promised to and, with tears in their eyes, turned around to face the way they had to go.It was surprising to see that number twelve Grimmauld Place was so close to the forest but they guessed that the Order wasn’t quite innocent about that fact. They waved one last time and finally left.

After a few hours ride, they got to the lake Lupin had showed them. Ron looked around nervously. He had a feeling of being watched but the only thing watching him was a butterfly that was drinking some nectar from a plant close to them. “So, how are we going to get this thing out? What is it, by the way?” Harry shrugged. “I have no idea,” he replied. “I guess we have to dive”.
“But… you don’t know what charms are around this… thing!” Hermione insisted.
“Can’t be helped,” Harry muttered and took off his shirt.
“What are you doing?” Hermione shrieked. “What… never seen a naked man before?” Ron grinned. Hermione blushed. “Of course… I mean… no… that’s none of your business! Harry, you can’t go down there, it’s too dangerous!”
Harry had, in the meantime, also taken off his trousers, shoes and socks and stood in his boxer shorts in front of his friends. Hermione’s ears turned a little pink and she looked over the water as she said: “I’ll come with you.” Now it was Ron who looked shocked. “No, you can’t! It could be dangerous!
“That’s why I’m going!” Hermione snapped. Harry knew how this argument would end and said loudly: “None of you is coming with me, I’m going alone. What if something happens and somebody is out here all alone? He wouldn’t be of great help, would he? But if you’re two, that could be of some help.” Hermione sighed. “But be careful, ok?”
“You know me,” Harry grinned.
“That’s the problem.” Hermione shook her head disapprovingly and suddenly hugged him hard. Harry hugged her as well, looked at Ron who said: “Good luck, mate” and then faced the cold, black water that lay beneath him.

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Hoch motivierte Angestellte vergessen morgens aus der S-Bahn auszusteigen, weil sie unbedingt das Kapitel zu Ende lesen müssen. Seit die Potter-Bücher auch in den Chef-Etagen aufgetaucht sind, häufen sich im Management die plötzlichen Krankmeldungen.
Meike Bruhns, Berliner Zeitung