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Harry Potter and the black lady - A letter

von Linda Black

Hey there!
Oh man, I'm sorry, I promised to be quick and I wasn't... Well, the chapter is even longer now so I hope it's going to be all right... Thanks to Joanna at this point for BETA-reading the chapter, she was a big help!!! *hug* Now, I've talked too long and I need to leave so HAVE FUN!

Lupin stood up and went over to the stairs. After a while he returned, holding a parchment envelope in one hand. Harry was very eager to open the envelope, he wanted to find these horcruxes, but Lupin didn’t give it to him directly. He held it in his hand. He wanted to say something, it was absolutely clear, but he didn’t know how. At last, Mr. Weasley helped him. “Harry, listen,” he said. “This letter is something very private. Remus got it by accident, really. We found it in the attic. Remus found it when we searched the house. At first, we weren’t able to read it, because it was in a special scripture but Remus searched through some books and found out what it was. It’s a very old handwriting, it comes from the earliest centuries when only the richest people could read and write. The Black family is so old that it is pretty likely that their ancestors have used this scripture. Somehow, the scripture must have been given on throughout the whole family.
Regulus must have known it and Sirius must have known it, too. Harry looked at the paper. He couldn’t read a word. He looked at Lupin; he smiled. “Luckily we were able to translate it,” he said and gave Harry a second piece of paper. Harry looked at it; fortunately, this was in a scripture he could understand. The writing looked familiar to him but he couldn’t remember, where he had seen it. He read:

Dear Sirius
I am going to be dead when you read this, but I have to tell you something. I know you were right. I shouldn’t have started with all this rubbish about Voldemort. I thought Voldemort was right in what he does, but he is evil and cruel. I should never have supported him and rather died fighting against him than being killed for leaving him. However, now as I have realized this and nothing to lose, I will tell you something I found out by accident. Voldemort has made horcruxes.
You won’t know what a horcrux is, but ask Dumbledore he will be able to explain all the details I do not have the time to tell you more. The only thing to know now is that he split up his soul to make himself immortal.
He made seven of these horcruxes as seven is a very powerful magical number. Please, don’t ask where I got these informations from; I can’t answer your question anyway. But as I have already written, I can just as well write further. As I said, there were seven horcruxes. One of them is a diary; Voldemort must have made it when he was very young. Another one was the medallion of Slytherin but I have already taken this one and destroyed it. Then there is Slytherin’s ring and something from Ravenclaw or Gryffindor, a trophy, Voldemort loves trophies. And I think the last one is Nagini, his snake, he takes so much care of her she must be something special. By the way, you might wonder why I call him Voldemort and not “The dark lord”. Well, the reason is simple, I know he is going to kill me and I don’t know what I should be afraid of anymore.
Sirius, now you know about Voldemort’s biggest secret. I am afraid I can just tell you where one of the horcruxes is, I don’t know about any of the others in special. Helga Hufflepuff’s beaker is somewhere in a lake, I have no clue where, I just know it’s deep down in a lake, protected by some strong charms. Sirius, please, this beaker has to be destroyed; I know you’re in the Order of the Phoenix so you can do something. Now, this is going to be the last thing I write before I die. I wish you all the best.
Your brother

It took Harry several minutes to understand what he had just read. He read it twice to make sure he had understood everything. So that was why the order knew about the horcruxes. Finally, he looked at Lupin again. Lupin smiled and laid a map in front of him. “Well, as we couldn’t ask Dumbledore anymore we first thought we had lost the game but luckily, Professor Slughorn was… with a bit of… er… help of Mad-Eye he cooperated. So then, here you go,” he said. “This is a map of the whole United Kingdom, as we are pretty sure that Voldemort has kept all his treasures in the country I think you won’t have to learn any foreign languages.” Harry smiled. That was typically Lupin. “We have marked all the lakes that seem reasonable for the beaker to be stored. There are seven of them. Seven seems to be an important number, doesn’t it?” Harry smiled again but he didn’t feel very happy. The task seemed more and more impossible to manage. As if Mr. Weasley had read his thoughts he said: “Harry, I know this seems impossible to you but we wouldn’t send you on this trip if we thought you had no chance.” But Harry had one last question. “Why did Sirius not show this letter? If he had, he might not be…” He couldn’t say it and turned away. He didn’t want the others to see the tears in his eyes.
Lupin answered quickly which made Ron and Hermione turn their heads towards him which Harry was very grateful for. We think that Sirius never got this lettter, he would have told us about it or at least later on he would have told Dumbledore about the horcruxes. Dumbledore would have known earlier what Regulus wrote and wouldn’t have searched for the medaillon. We supposed that Regulus’ owl had flown to the old Black House but Sirius wasn’t there anymore. Kreacher might have gotten it from the family to keep and Kreacher hid it on the attic where we found it.
Sirius never cared much for his brother and after we heard that he was dead he never was sad about it. He couldn’t have known that Regulus had changed sides before his death. It’s a pity that this letter got lost so long, but now he can help us a lot, so Harry, don’t be sad that we found it so late, but be happy that we have an initial point for our search.
But now I think you all have to go to bed, you are going to leave very early tomorrow and you have to have had enough sleep. Oh, before I forget, Hermione, you remember the charm to apparate with your horses?” Harry looked at Hermione, stunned. He didn’t know anything about that charm… But Hermione nodded and actually, Harry didn’t want to think about that as well so he just accepted it. Surprisingly, Ron didn’t even start a discussion; he just followed his father together with Harry and Hermione up the stairs. Harry undressed himself quickly and brushed his teeth as fast as he could and when Ron was finally finished in the bathroom, he pretended to be asleep. He didn’t want a conversation, not now. He felt terrible after what he had read and heard, he felt as if he had broken into Sirius’ privacy, he had no right to read that letter. And he wondered where he had seen that handwriting before.

So, that was it. By the way, I actually wanted Regulus' letter to be in a different font that made it unable to read but that was technically not possible so just imagine it, ok ? ;) Hope you enjoyed it and I'm very much looking forward to your Kommis (Not a very english word, I know^^)

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