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Harry Potter and the black lady - Animato

von Linda Black

Well, here you are, chapter 9. It took me a bit longer as I thought but it is much longer than all the others. Hope you'll enjoy it!
The next morning, Lupin came to wake Harry up at 7 o’clock and took him down to breakfast. Moody announced that they would start his training at 8 o’clock and that it would take until at least lunch – if not even longer. “Great news”, Harry thought. He had slept terribly last night, dreaming of his godfather being tortured once again. He was sure that was because of the familiar house. During breakfast he noticed Hermione was watching him eagerly. She was extremely curious, which spells Harry was going to learn. At 8 o’clock, Harry followed Lupin and Moody to the Salon. Harry swallowed hard. This was where Sirius had been when he had tried to talk to him in the fire. But Moody didn’t give Harry time to think about that. He pulled Harry into the room and said: “Take your wand out, Potter! First we are going to practice some duelling and then I’ll teach you a special curse. Ready? Ok, bow then.” Harry, totally perplex, bowed, but as soon as he faced Moody again, Moody had thrown a curse at him. Harry hadn’t even realized the duel had begun and, caught by surprise, he flew some meters and landed hard on the ground. “If this were a test, Potter, you wouldn’t even get a troll!” Moody sneered. “Take care, watch your enemy and NEVER be inattentive. Ok, let’s try again.”
Five hours, a lot of bruises and tears later, Moody finally announced a break. Harry didn’t even bother leaving the room; he just slumped down onto the floor where he was. Ron and Hermione joined him. Hermione passed him a chocolate bar which he took and eagerly swallowed. He was hungry and felt completely sick. Moody didn’t seem to realize as he came back ten minutes later and said: “Pull yourself together, Potter, you’re not on holiday!” “No?” Harry whispered, which made Ron laugh. He knew he had no other choice so he pulled himself up again. Just then, Lupin came in and said: “Sit down again, we are going to teach you a new spell now that needs some explanation.”
Caught by surprise, Harry sat down again and watched Lupin and Moody. Hermione looked as if she would have eaten a whole hippogriff to learn the spell as well. That sounded interesting! Finally, Lupin started speaking. “The spell we are going to teach you is extremely high magic. It is very hard and needs a lot of strength.” Now Harry was also eager to hear about the charm he was going to learn. That sounded, he couldn’t express it differently, cool. Lupin carried on speaking. “It is a very special charm that can only be used on people you have a very special relationship to.” Now, that sounded even stranger. “You see, it is a charm that enables you to look directly into the heart of your opponent. You are going to see his strengths but also his weaknesses, his greatest fears and his feelings.” “Legilimens?” Harry asked. “No, you are not reading his thoughts, you are seeing into his heart. And nobody can resist this spell. Nobody always thinks about his weaknesses because that would be extremely stupid, every Legilimens could defeat you if you would constantly think about how you could best be killed.” Now, that sounded even more interesting. Lupin continued. “But as I said, you can just use this spell on people you have a very special relationship to. If you would try it on me, it wouldn’t work. Your soul has to be connected to the other person, there has to be a connection that is stronger than every other charm. You have got such a connection to Voldemort.” “Voldemort?” “Yes, Voldemort. Remember when you were on the graveyard two years ago? Your wands connected, they didn’t fight each other. That would be a case for Animato.” “Animato?” “Yes, Animato. The charm is easy to explain but as I said, you won’t be able to practice it.” Harry thought for a while. That sounded ridiculous. He would be able to see into Voldemort’s heart. “Does he even have a heart?” he asked himself. “Ok, what do I have to do?” Now, Moody started speaking: “It is very important that you are close to this person. The spell is difficult enough and, anyway, it wouldn’t work if you can’t see your opponent. So, get up and imagine me being Voldemort. It is not going to work but this is a training session, so. Hold up your wand 
 a bit higher, yes, and point it to my heart
 good. Now say Animato. Harry whispered it, tried the sound of it, tasted it and finally shouted: “Animato!” Nothing happened. Moody said: “You have to really mean it, imagine this being an unforgivable curse, they also don’t work if you don’t really mean it. Try again” Harry tried again but Moody just said in an ice-cold voice. “Concentrate, Potter, try again. Imagine me being Voldemort; every fiber of your heart wants to see into my heart. Concentrate, Potter, close your eyes if you need to, concentrate and try again 
 NOW!” “ANIMATO!” Harry shouted. Moody was thrown across the room and hit the wall on the other side. Harry ran over to see whether he was alright. But Moody just sneered: “Never, understand, NEVER approach your enemy even if he lies on the floor. I could have easily killed you now. But, that was a very good try. That was strenuous, wasn’t it?” Just now, Harry realized he was breathing hard. He didn’t want to imagine how he would feel if he would succeed in entering Voldemort's heart. And now, Moody said something unbelievable. “I think that’s enough. Let’s get some lunch and carry on tomorrow!”
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Linda Black

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