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Sad Feelings - Letters

von eRPeGäimer

A letter lay on the table. A man sat behind it. He cried. He had just read the letter again. Again and again. He was alone now. All his friends were gone. In one night. He let out a shout. No, he couldn’t stand it. Why? Why must he be the one? Why must he feel all this sadness? Why must he be left?

Sirius. The traitor. He killed Peter. He betrayed James. He left Remus behind.
Peter. He was dead. He was killed by Sirius, his friend. He tried to safe James. He left Remus behind.
James. He was betrayed by Sirius. He nearly was saved by Peter. And he left Remus behind.

And here he sat, crying. Remus was left behind. His friends gone. His darkness great. His hope gone. His problems great. He didn’t want to be here anymore. He wanted to be someone else. In one night all his dreams faded away. His dreams of a happy future.

Then he thought of Harry. The little son of James. He lived. He was alive. His friend’s son. But he was at the muggels. And this was to far away.

Remus stood up. He looked around in his room. No, he couldn’t leave the thoughts of his friends. He couldn’t live alone. He looked out of the window. He couldn’t have helped his friends in that night. The moon waned. Two days ago, Halloween had been full moon. And Halloween his friends were gone.

His thoughts wandered to Sirius. The man, who sat in Azkaban. Why? He always thought Sirius was on the right sight, everyone had thought that until that night. Remus was glad that this man came to Azkaban without questions He can stay there until his life will be gone. He can feel the fear of these Dementors until he will die. Remus didn’t feel sorry about him. He was very furious about Sirius. He thought that Sirius was a Black on whom somebody can trust. But he had thought wrong. He was like his family. Full of people, who thought that purebloods very the only wizards that shall live. And Sirius was the one who thought in another way. Believed Remus, but since Halloween he knew better.

Remus pushed all the pictures away. Pictures which had shone him the way through the darkness. Pictures that made him happy. Sirius as a great dog, Sirius with James. All this had gone. He remembered the first meeting with Sirius. Sirius had been a friendly boy who had helped him pushing his trunk on the train. Then the two had sat in on compartment. But Remus remembered that he couldn’t have good friends. Because sometime they will realise what he did on full moon. But then in the second year the three found out what he was. And they still treated him like a friend and didn’t say anything about his problem. But in the fifth year they told him that they were Animagi. And they had a so funny time…

Remus wished that these times would come back…

Peter. He was braver than Remus had ever thought. He tried to save James, tried to kill the traitor. But he was dead, too. Killed by his friend, Sirius. And Remus couldn’t have done anything. Full moon. Sometimes he wished that he wasn’t bitten. Sometimes he cursed this werewolf. But he couldn’t change it. Remus heard a sound at the window. Another owl had come. It had brought a letters He opened it slowly. It was from the ministry:

Dear Mr. Lupin
You’re allowed to visit the prisoner Sirius Black tomorrow evening at seven o’clock. Please come to the ministry at this time and not later. Please don’t bring other things than yourself and your wand with you.

Phiona Handyless

Remus smiled a bit. Surely Dumbledore had asked if he could come and see his old friend. Tell him how much he disliked him. But then he got serious again. He thought about James…

He liked James always very much. He was always happy. He never thought that something was forever wrong. “You can solve almost every problem”, he always said, “And yours, too. Not forever, but every full moon can be funny, if you want.” This thought helped him through every night in which he must change to a werewolf. But he won’t hear James’s voice again. Never.

He left the room, went into his sleeping room. He sank onto his bed without changing, without eating anything. “James is dead, Peter’s too, Sirius is in Azkaban. And I, Remus couldn’t do anything.” This thought never left him alone. And after hours of thinking, he finely could sleep… but he dreamed of his lost friends…

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