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Second Chance - Nothin' on you

von Lunmine

Hope you'll enjoy it!

I was sitting in the Common Room when I heard Cloe and Roxy talking. “I know. I was so confused. I remembered being in the boys dorm and then I wake up in our dorm. James jumper on the floor. But then I remembered it. I had bad dreams last night. We went outside for a walk, we got caught and I wanted to sleep in my bed. And the gentleman he is, he stayed with me. I feel like I slept safe and sound afterwards,” Cloe said to her. “James is such a sweet heart,” Roxy said. I smiled. That was my best friend. “I know. I am so happy to have him. He and Freddie are like my brothers. I mean I'm even closer to them than to Joey,” Cloe said and my heart broke. Yuhu. I am her brother. I WANT TO BE YOUR BOYFRIEND. OPEN YOUR EYES. Why can't you see? “Why aren't you that close with Joey?” Roxy asked her. “Well. I don't really know. I guess it's just he is part of a family I don't know. And to be honest. I still wish to go back to my home, Australia. I miss it every second. I'm happy here. I'm glad I found friends like you, Freddie, Drew and James. But it's just not the same. It's not... home,” She said. “You are right. I always forget how hard it must be for you. Sorry,” Roxy said. “No worries, mate. I love England and you guys. You have to promise to come to Australia one time,” Cloe smiled. “Sure, I will. Have you heard anything from your mum?” She asked. “No, but I read an article in the newspaper about her. It seems like she is coming out of jail soon. I am happy for her and I hope she is able to manage her life now,” Cloe seemed kind of sad. I wanted to hug her. “Do you miss her?” Roxy asked. “Of course. She is my mum. I love her. No matter how stupid she was or is,” Cloe smiled but not a happy smile. “So what did you do all day in Australia?” Roxy asked. Cloe suddenly seemed happy. She was shining like a star. “I was at the beach. Surfing, hanging out, singing, having fun. The beach was always my favourite place. When you look at the sea, everything is easy and wild and free. I love it there. And of course I loved to play Quidditch.” “Next holidays are soon. Are you going home?” Roxy asked. “I don't think so. I'm going home in the summer,” Cloe said. “Maybe I'm in Australia then, too.” Roxy smiled. “Why?” Cloe asked back. “My cousin is in the Quidditch team?” Roxy laughed. “Oh my gosh. I forgot. That'll be so awesome. You have to come to Sydney and see my home and everything.” “I will. I'd loved to.” Cloe hugged her.

“Hey buddy. What's up?” Joey appeared. “Hey. Nothing. Wanna go outside? Quidditch or something like that?” I suggested. “Sure. I'm in. We should ask Freddie and Drew. And maybe Roxy and Cloe?” Joey said. “Sure,” I said. Joey nodded. “Okay. The girls are there. Do you ask them and I go ask Freddie and Drew?” I said. “Okay. Oh. Freddie is coming in right now,” Joey grinned. “Fredstar!” I shouted. The whole common room looked at me. Freddie laughed and came to us. “What's up?” he high-fived us. “Quidditch? You're in?” Joey asked. “Sure thing. DREW!!” Freddie shouted and five seconds later Drew was there, too. “Quidditch.” Freddie said and Drew nodded. “We thought about asking Roxy and Cloe,” Joey said. “Yeah, why not,” Drew said. “I go ask them,” Freddie said and went to the girls.

“Roxanne, my love. Cloeany, beautiful.” Freddie said. “DO NOT CALL ME ROXANNE, FREDWARD WEASLEY!” Roxy shouted. “Funny,” Freddie simply said. “So anything special? Or why are you here?” Roxy asked him. “Would you like to play Quidditch with us?” He asked pointing towards us. “Sure, I'm in,” Cloe said without hesitation. “Me, too. Let's go have some fun,” Roxy said. “I think we should get changed,” Cloe smiled. They were both wearing skirts. Roxy laughed and five minutes later they were in the common room again. Both were wearing jogging trousers and a warm jacket. “Sexy,” Freddie said and looked disappointed. I laughed. “Can we go now?” I said.
“Okay. Teams. Roxy and Cloe. You can chose your members,” Drew said. We all agreed. “Cloe, you can start,” Roxy said. Cloe nodded, “Good, 'cause I wanna win. I call James.” She laughed and high-fived me. “We will win,” I grinned. “I know. You are the best. That's why I chose you,” Cloe laughed. I was a bit sad. I hoped she chose me because... well me. “Drew,” Roxy simply said. “Who is better? Freddie oder Joey?” Cloe asked me. “I don't know. But if you want to do Roxy a favour pick Freddie,” I grinned. I smiled. “Joey,” She said loudly. I laughed and Roxy gave me the death glance. Joey high-fived me and Freddie went to Roxys team. “Okay. Team Roxy versus Team Cloe,” James shouted and everyone went to his start positions. Of course I was chaser, so was Joey. Cloe was keeper. Drew was the keeper of the other team. “START!” Cloe shouted and she looked at the Quaffle. I managed to get it and passed it to Joey. “Cloe? Can you be libero?” I screamed to her. “Sure”, she shouted back and the next second she was next to Joey who passed to her. She passed back to me and I shot. SCORE! Cloe quickly flew back. But she was too slow and the other team scored, too. “Maybe we should leave it with two chasers”, she said to me. I nodded. I could tell she was disappointed. The game went on and she was brilliant. Really. And of course we won. And I am proud to say that I scored 20 times. (The end score was 570 to 220) “I need a shower. Bye guys,” Cloe said and started walking back. “WAIT! Can I join you?” Drew laughed. “Sure, cutie. Tonight... in your dreams,” She smiled. “Oh yeah. I'm looking forward to it, Aussie,” Drew laughed, too. Ahh. I want to have a shower with her and eeeh this came probably out the wrong way...

We were sitting in the common room - Cloe was sitting right next to me and smelled like heaven on earth. “So tell us something about Australia. We are going to be there this summer,” Freddie said. “Australia is hot and chilled. Everyone is just so cool and nice. You all have to visit me,” Cloe looked at Roxy. Roxy smiled, “I will. I promised.” She told us a few things about Sydney and her favourite places. She told us that Darling Harbour was the best place to be at night because you have a brilliant view at the skyline at night. A young girl – probably a second year – came to us. “Are you Cloeany Strong?” She asked. “Yeah, that's who I am,” Cloe said. “I have a letter for you. Professor Longbottom gave it to me,” She said and gave it to her. “Thanks, sweetie,” She said and looked at the envelope. “It's from my mum,” She whispered. “Do you want us to leave you alone?” Roxy asked. She shook her head. “No. But is it okay if I read it?” She asked. “Sure, honey. Read it,” I said. She opened it. It was silent. “And?” Roxy asked her after a while. “She is out of jail now,” Cloe said and took a deep breath. “That's good isn't it?” Fred aksed. “She misses me,” She said without any emotions. It was silent. “And she is getting married.” She whispered now. “Do you know him?” Drew asked. “A bit. He is also an actor. Peter Black. But he is an ass. I hate him. He is so arrogant,” She said and it seems like she was angry. “When is the wedding?” I asked her. “In August,” She answered. It was silent. “Did she write anything else?” Roxy asked. Cloe nodded, “She is pregnant.” “What? How old is your mum?” Roxy asked. “She is 37.” “How long hasn't she been in jail anymore?” Fred asked. “Not long. Maybe it was before the arrest?” Cloe guessed. “But she was taking drugs?” I was confused. How can a person be so irresponsible? “I don't know... I can't believe it,” Cloe seemed sad. “What?” I asked her. “She wrote: I hope everything is fine with you and Michael is nice. Peter lives now with me in our old home. I miss you here. Oh and by the way I'm pregnant. The weather is hot. Like always....” Cloe felt silent. “Oh...” I said. “So we are going to have a sister or a brother?” Joey asked Cloe. She nodded. “Ah. Common. Let's celebrate this,” Joey tried to be nice but I could tell she felt uneasy. “This is not funny, young boy,” Cloe said. “Cheer a bit up, honey. It's difficult for her, too. I mean her beloved daughter is now on the other side of the world...” Roxy said. “Hm. Maybe. I need to go for a walk. See ya later.” Cloe said. “Wait, I join you. You shouldn't be alone,” I said and got a strange look from Roxy. “Thanks.” Cloe smiled.

“Are you really so mad at your mom?” I asked her. “Look James, you have – even though you won't admit it – a perfectly fine family. Mine is screwed up. It always was and it was okay for me. Then I came to England and found out that the other side of my family was fine and lovely. Not chaotic and kinda violent as mine. I really love this side of family. But I also love my mum. And it hurts as hell to find out she's getting a baby – without telling me,” Cloe looked upset. “Sorry. I think I just don't really understand. I'm not the love type. I well.... Your mum did so much to you,” I said. “I know. You don't understand love. But you will if you ever get in a situation like mine. You know that you need love to survive. If I wouldn't love my mum and my friends, I'd be dead. I just need them. And I kinda started to love my new family, too. Cho, Michael, Kohana and Tenshi and Joey. And I love you,” She said and my heart stopped beating. SHE LOVES ME? “And all my other friends as Freddie, Drew or Roxy,” She went on and I was a little sad. But I already guessed that this couldn't be real... “Hm. You are right. My family and my friends are the most important things in the world to me. Even if I'm not always showing it,” I said and thinking of it I know I was telling her the truth. “It's like you never show it. But lately I kinda feel it. You are always there for me when I feel bad and I guess it's the same with your other friends,” Cloe was smiling warmly at me. “Hm,” I said. It wasn't completely untrue. Just that's nearly only her. I smiled back at her. “Let's skip classes today!” I said to her. “What?” She asked back. “You look like you don't wanna think about school. And well... I don't like classes. So let's skip!” I explained. “No, I never skip class,” Cloe said. “You did once. With that Australian Quidditch bloke,” I said. “Oh. Okay. That was one exception,” Cloe laughed. “Ah. Common. I know you want it, too, babe.” I said to her. “Ah.. Okay. Let's skip classes today,” “Good girlm” I smiled. “HEEY! I am not a dog!” she hit me on my arm. “Haha. No need to hit me, girl,” I laughed. “Oh yes it is one.” And she hit me again. “Oh no you didn't hit me again,” I said and started to tickle her. “STOP” she screamed laughing. “So where do you wanna go?” I asked her after we stopped laughing. “What?” She asked back. “We are not going to class. So it would be ehh... good if the teachers don't see us,” I smiled. “Ehh... Okay. Kitchen?” She asked me. “The whole day?” I asked her back. “Yeah... we could just hang out and chill,” She said. “Well, okay.” So we went to the kitchens. And I absolutely love that girl. Whole day in the kitchens... Common, whole day food!

“I'd love to have a sleeping bag right now...” Cloe said while we were sitting in the corner. “Hm.. Sure..” I performed magic to create two sleeping bags. “You are really good at this magic stuff,” She said. “Hm. My dad used to teach us when we were little. He said he had never the opportunity to grow up in a magic house so he wants us to have the magic side. But we also learned a lot of Muggle things since dad was raised as one,” I said. “Your dad is so great. What he did. He saved a whole country. Think of it. We are as old as he was. I could never ever imagine to do the things he did,” Cloe said. “Of course. Dad is a hero. I know. For me – as his son – it's hard to say this. I mean I know him when he sits there in the morning in his boxers. So I just can't imagine him as a hero,” I grinned. “Your dad loves you,” She said to me. “I know. He loves everyone. There is no one he doesn't love. Well maybe he didn't love Voldemort. But I'm pretty sure he liked Bellatrix Lestrange. Do you know her?” I looked at her. “Wasn't she the worst death eater ever?” She asked me confused. “Exactly. But she was so loyal to her lord that my dad kinda liked her. Of course he hated what she did. She killed his godfather and with that the only family he had. But her loyalty was something he was impressed. And she must have been an amazing witch. Can you believe it? My old granny brought her down. I can't. She is the sweetest woman ever. I cannot imagine her killing someone...” I looked at the table thinking of my granny and the hard time she must have had. “It was a different time. I think we're not able to understand. But your grandma isn't a murder. As far as I know she was protecting her child,” Cloe said and took my hand. “Yeah. Mum told me that she was so proud of her. She called her a bitch. I'm really sad I missed that part. Granny calling someone a bitch. That must have been fun...” I laughed and Cloe smiled. “I like your laugh. It' so nice.” Yeaaaaah... I love your laugh, Cloe. I love everything about you. “Ehr...Thanks?” I said trying not to sound too happy. “You know. Since Josh left I didn't laugh much. I... I used to love him and that is something I cannot forget. We had such a great time back in Australia. And now... He was such an ass. I can't forget. It still gives me nightmares. I wonder what would have happen if he would have had success... I wonder if I could still laugh... I don't know...and maybe I shouldn't know... But I know you helped me a lot. You and Freddie. And I'm really thankful for that. So I wanted to ask you, Freddie, Drew, Roxy and Joey of course what you think about holidays in Australia?” “Sounds perfect. When?” I smiled Holidays with the most beautiful girl? It's on! “Eastern?” She asked back. Ah noooo... “Hm. I'd loved to. But I have Quidditch training. Two weeks 24/7.” Damnit. Why do I have to be so talented? And yeaaah. I sound arrogant... “Ohh.. Too bad,” She said. “I know. But in the summer I'm the whole time in Australia,” I said. “Hm... then we should do it in the summer!” She said. “It's on, girl,” I smiled. Yeees... best summer ever. Quidditch world cup AND spending time with this beautiful girl.

“It's Hogsmead weekend! What are we gonna do?” Roxy asked us. We were sitting in the common room. I was writing a letter to my coach. “Let's have some fun. I have a meeting with my coach in the morning. But after that we can celebrate!” I said. “Okay. So we're going together?” Roxy looked at Joey. “Sure. I'm in. I wanna have some fun,” Cloe said. She was leaning on Joey. “I have a question for you, Cloe,” A girl from third year was standing in front of her. “Hit me,” Cloe smiled. “Why do you have to steal every hot boy? Don't you see it? Fred, Drew, Joey and James are all over you. Can't you leave some for us? And it isn't fair. They all have feelings. Don't you think that one of them gets hurt when he sees you that close with Joey?” She seemed angry. “Joey is my twin, honey. And with neither of the boys is anything more than friendship. And I guess they are all thinking the same,” Cloe said and broke my heart. HELLO??? I LOVE YOU?! “She's right. 100% mates,” Freddie said and Drew nodded. “I didn't know Joey is your twin,” The girl said. Her head was red. “Well he is. And now go and tell your little jealous friends. If you are so in love with my friends then talk to them. Maybe one of them is going out with you?” Cloe said. Drew killed her with a look. “Do you think so?” She asked a bit shy. “Of course. Just ask one,” Cloe smiled. “James? Mr. Potter?” The girl turned to me. I tried to hide my laughter when she called me Mr. Potter. “What's up?” I asked her. “I'm Lisa. How are you?” She asked me. “I'm pretty good and you?” I tried to be polite because Cloe was watching me. I need to get out of this number really good. “Good. I was wondering … do you wanna go out with me on Saturday?” She blushed. Okaaaaaay. Think, James, think... “I'm sorry, Lisa. I have a meeting with my coach and I don't know how long it lasts.” I said. “I could come with you,” Lisa said. “I'm afraid you can't. I'm not allowed to bring anyone. Otherwise Freddie would have been with me,” I said and Freddie nodded. “But maybe afterwards?” Lisa really tried to get a date. Ahh.. What am I supposed to do? “I told you. I have no idea when it's over and maybe my coach has other plans. I'm really sorry,” I said to her. Lisa smiled but looked sad. “Who is that?” Sharon was suddenly standing in front of me. “What?” I asked her back. “Who is that? Why do you wanna go out with her? You have a girlfriend!” Sharon seemed angry. I am sooo lucky... wuhu.. “First of all: I don't have a girlfriend. Just because we kissed doesn't mean we are an item. And second: If you would have listen you would have known that I am not going out with her.” I said. “WHAAA. Only because you have a date with your coach. And second: I thought we have something special.” She was crying a bit. “And I thought we were together. Because you said you wanted things to start slow!” “I know but only because I wanted to find out if it would work. And as you see: it doesn't. I can't even talk to a girl without you behaving like a bitch.” “She is asking you out? OF COURSE I am jealous. And so? I'm a bitch now. Thanks.” Oh god. This is sooo embarrassing in front of Cloe. I need to find a nice way to handle the situation. “No, you are not. You are just behaving like one but you are not a bitch. I'm sorry. But I don't want to have a girlfriend right now. I like to have an easy life and go out with girls. But I'm not ready for a real relationship. It's more like I need to figure out who I am first, then I can have a girlfriend. And it helps to go on dates. Because you always get to know new people and a new side of yourself,” I said really calm. “Ohh.. But what do you think of me then?” She cried. “I think you are a wonderful, strong and beautiful woman that needs a man who is ready for her. I am not. I would only hurt you. And I don't want to hurt you,” I said. “You are so sweet. And actually I feel guilty. I shouldn't have been so harsh. I should have taken things slow as you said. Then we would have figured that out together. Sorry, James,” Sharon was looking at me. “It's fine,” I said. She was going away.

“Nice way to end a relationship. So even you are the ass she still thinks you are a god,” Freddie laughed. Lisa was laughing, too. “So our date?” Ahh. Damn her. “Eh... you were listening? I don't wanna have a girlfriend right now.” I said. “Oh. I thought that was just an excuse. But if you want I can help you to find yourself,” She smiled. Freddie was laughing. “I don't think so. I just don't have time. With the upcoming world cup my days are full with training and stuff like that. Sorry,” I said. Lisa nodded and went away. “The news of tomorrow: James Potter junior: The biggest asshole worldwide?” Drew laughed. “This isn't funny,” I said. “You were the ones who talked me into the date with Sharon. I would have never asked her out. You know that.” “You kinda deserved it, man,” Freddie said. “It doesn't matter. It's so mean. Everyone can chose the girl he likes but me. I have to chose the girl that asks otherwise I would be an ass,” I was frustrated. “No. It was totally right of you. Maybe it wasn't okay that you kissed Sharon. But they have to accept that you can say no, too. It's never nice but it's necessary. You hurt them only more when you go out with them without feeling anything for them,” Cloe said. Thank you, honey. You know how I feel. Thats why we should be together... “Yeah, Cloe is right. And to be honest: Drew and Freddie were the asses here. You kinda forced him to go out with Sharon in the first place. So don't say anything against him,” Roxy said. Ahh. I love my best friend. “Do you always have to be on his side?” Freddie sounded kinda annoyed. “Yes, we are best friends!” Roxy said. “What about us?” Drew said kinda hurt. “Freddie is my twin. He doesn't count. And I love you, Drew. You are one of my best friends. But James and me are friends since like forever. And with you only half of forever. So he wins. He knows me longer and better. And I know him longer and better and I also know his whole family because it's mine, too. I don't really know your family apart from Oliver,” Roxy said. “Okay. You win. As long as I'm your second best friend...” Drew said. “Sure... together with Joey,” Roxy grinned. “Ahhh.. you are so unfair... What about Cloe?” Drew said obviously he wanted to be her best friend before Cloe. Kinda childish, huh? “Cloe is my best female friend,” Roxy grinned. “Damnit.” Drew said. “It's okay, Drewiboy. You are my best mate,” Cloe said. Ehhh WHAT? “Really?” Drew asked her. “Sure, together with James and Freddie,” Cloe grinned. “Ahhh. You are mean. I hate you,” Drew laughed. “Can't we agree that we are all best friends except Roxy and James because they are … different?” Freddie laughed. “Agreed,” Cloe smiled. “Sure,” Drew said. “And what about us?” Roxy asked. “Well, you are our best friends, too. But we accept your special bond,” Freddie said. “Okay,” Roxy and I said.

It was kinda childish to be honest. But to be honest I liked it. Children are the happiest people on earth so why the hell is acting childish stupid? Exactly. It isn't. It's the best.
“James? Are you coming to lunch?” Cloe asked me. She smiled like the sun. “Of course,” I said and I walked with my friends down to the Great Hall.

“James? Would you sign my poster of you?” A girl asked me. Ah. I hate doing things like that in school. Sometime I wish I would be just James Potter, a good-looking and funny guy. But I have to be famous. And my coach wants me to do things like signing posters so we have enough fans. Stupid. Why do we need fans if we have talent? “Sure, sweetie. What's your name?” I asked her politely. “I'm Carol,” She said. I signed her poster and she smiled at me. “You are always so nice, James,” She said. I smiled at her, “Have a nice day, sweetheart.” I turned around and walked with my friends to the Hall. “Kinda annoying?” Cloe asked me. “A bit. But without them it would be boring being famous. Haha. As long as I have my friends I don't care,” I said. “Would you ever date a fan?” Cloe asked. “Isn't it always so that you date your biggest fan?” I asked back. “Damn. You have given too many interviews. I bet you can answer questions with an answer that doesn't even come close to the question and the truth,” She said. “True.” I simply answered. “So do you have any interviews soon?” She asked me. “Yes. Tomorrow before my meeting with my coach.” I answered. “Really? Can I come watch you?” She asked. I laughed. “What's so funny?” She asked me back. “It's not interesting. I bet you know this stuff from your mum,” I answered. “Ah. No. I was never allowed to come with my mum to interviews,” She said and seemed sad. “Hm. Okay. I think you can come with me. But you can't say anything during the interview,” I said. “Ahh. Thanks, James,” She hugged me. I smiled. She felt so right in my arms. “The interview is at nine in the morning. So we are leaving at half past nine,” I told her. “Yeah. I'll be. Is Roxy allowed to come, too? I bet she is interested, too,” Cloe asked. “Sure. You can ask her. But I don't think she will. I think she wants to sleep in,” I smiled.
Well, I was wrong. Roxy wanted to come, too. I guess it could be worse. Spending the morning with two beautiful ladies. Sometime I just love my life.

“A wonderful good Morning, Mr Potter,” Selina Skeeter, the interviewer of today, said. “I wish you the same, Miss Skeeter,” I answered back. She was still young. Maybe two or three years older than me. And yes, she is the daughter of the famous Rita Skeeter. “You can call me James, my dad is Mr Potter,” I added. It was my way to get a nice atmosphere. She blushed and nodded. “I'm Selina for you. So tell me. Who are these beautiful young ladies next to you?” She asked me. Cloe and Roxy giggled. Ah.. Girls. “These are my best friends. We are hanging out later, so they decided to come with me early and watch this interview. I hope it's okay?” I was looking at Cloe and Roxy and smiled at them. “Of course. So why don't we just all sit down?” She suggested. “Is it okay if I'm recording this? So we can broadcast it later on the radio?” She asked me. “Sure thing,” I said.

“Okay, James. You are a very successful Quidditch player. You're gonna play for your country at this years world cup in Australia. How do you feel?”
“I feel very honoured that I got the opportunity to play for England.”
“You are the youngest member of a national team. Is it hard to train with older men?”
“No. They aren't that much older. They are like my big brothers. And we always have lots of fun at training.”
“Why were you nominated for the national team? You barley play for the Montrose Magpies. You join them only on weekends for training. And you can only play games that are on weekends.”
“Well. I guess I play not so bad and coach Latrou must have thought that I would fit in with the team.”
“You are really modest. You have a great talent. But isn't it a bit risky to nominate a boy who has barely experience in a match?”
“I'm playing Quidditch in Hogwarts, too. Of course it's another level but still I know how to play and how to win a game. And I think that it's not risky because we have a lot of training and test games. So if the coach thinks I'm bad he still has other players to get my place.”
“So who is your favourite besides England for the world cup?”
“That's a tough question. Germany and Brazil are really good this year. And I definitely think that Australia is going to be one of the best teams. They have double motivation. First of all: If you are in a contest: you want to win and second: they are hosting the world cup. So it's only naturally that they want to win it especially this year.”
“What do you think about the country Australia? Is it a nice place for a world cup?”
“The best place would have been England of course. But Australia isn't bad either. I think it's a beautiful place. And I'm looking forward to discover the country. One of my friends is from Australia and I think it's great that I finally get to know where my friend grew up. And the best thing: they speak English there.”
“Are your friends coming with you?”
“Well first of all my family is joining me. And since a lot of my cousins are my friends I can tell you that most of my friends will be there. And then I think I'm going to take two or three friends with me.”
“What about these two beautiful girls? Are they coming with you?”
“Sure. One of them is my cousin and the other girl is the friend I've told you about. She is from Australia. So she'll be there to visit her family and friends Down Under.”
“That is great. What does Australia think about the English team?” Selina asked Cloe and Roxy. I guess she didn't know who of them the Australian girl is.
“I don't really know. But I think England is really good and it's gonna be hard to beat it.”
“So your favourite is England?”
“No. It's Australia. I said hard, not impossible.” Haha.
“We will see. I hope it comes to the match: England – Australia. And then we talk again, Cloe,” I said to her. She laughed.
“So I bet our listeners and readers wanna know: Why did you brought two beautiful ladies with you?”
“They wanted to come with me and wanted to know how an interview works and I said that I'd love their company since they are two of my closest friends.”
“Is one of them your girlfriend?”
“Do you have a girlfriend?”
“I'm married to Quidditch. No, seriously: With Quidditch and school I have barley time for myself. So I love to spend my free time with my friends or just have time for a nap. So no.”
“Are you in love with a girl right now?”
“The world knows so much about me. This is something I'd like to keep to myself if it's okay?”
“Sure, James. Sure. I think everyone will be happy to hear that you are a free man.”
“If you say so.”
“So what are you gonna do when the cup is over?”
“I'm gonna spend the rest of the holidays in Australia with my family and my friends and just enjoy the peace. Probably some guys of my team are staying there, too and then we'll all just have a good time with our loved ones.”
“Sounds like holidays.”
“What does Quidditch mean to you?”
“The world. It's my hobby. I love flying because I can think clear in the air. I love playing because I can just lose all my stress then and put it in the game. If I wasn't so young I would have said: Quidditch is the love of my life. But I don't know what happens in the next years. I mean I haven't even finished school yet. So I probably just say: I love it.”
“Nice answer. And what do your fans mean to you?”
“I love them, too. It's nice to know that there are some people who are thinking you are doing a good job. And I'm very thankful that I have so amazing fans who are supporting me.”
“Could you ever imagine to date a fan?”
“When you are in a relationship the person you date should be your biggest fan.”
“Awww. What is more important for you: Looks or character.”
“The combination. If your character is good you automatically look good.”
“How is your relationship with your father? I heard you weren't staying at home over Christmas?”
“I think my dad is a wonderful man with a big heart. Of course it's not always easy to have Harry Potter as father and like every son I have sometimes a problem or a fight with him but I love him and he loves me. I guess that's what counts. And you are right. I was at Christmas at one of my best mates place and celebrated with his family. It was really cool and normal if you compare it to the crazy Weasley/Potter Christmas.”
“Your mum was a successful Quidditch player, too. But she never made the national team. Is she jealous?”
“First of all: I am the reason she never made the national team. If I weren't born my mum wouldn't have given up Quidditch and then I am sure she would have played on the national team. And second: no, She is really proud of me.”
“So your family totally supports you?”
“Yeah, 100 per cent”
“I heard your relationship to your brother isn't that good.”
“We are brothers. Of course we fight. But we both know that we can count on each other.”
“That's nice. If you had one wish for free, what would it be?”
“That people aren't full of prejudices.”
“It's kinda annoying. For example: Oh you are from Germany? You are a nazi! That is so mean. Just because someone is from Germany doesn't mean he is bad. You can find bad people all over the world. And then also annoying is to hear things like: Oh you are the son of Harry Potter? You must be a really good guy. Maybe I'm a good guy but not because of my dad but because of my character.”
“You are right. Thank you for your time and good luck with the world cup. Make your country proud.”
“Thanks. I'll try. I promise.”
Selina shook my hand. “Do you and your friends wanna have some tea?” I looked at my watch. I had still half an hour until my coach comes.
“What do you say?” I asked the girls. “Sure,” Roxy said and Cloe nodded. Selina ordered tea for us.

“So, you are quite good at interviews.” Selina said. “I've learned from the best.” I grinned. “You mean your dad?” Selina asked. “I thought the interview is over?” I asked back. “Sorry.” She laughed. “So what do you think about interviews?” She asked Cloe and Roxy. “It's funny. I know James for my whole life and I know what he is thinking. So it's funny how he gives you an answer because I already knew what he would say,” Roxy said. “So is he in love?” Selina asked. Ahh. It's none of her business. Could she please stop that topic? “I don't know. But if he isn't telling you then I won't, too,” Roxy said. Ah, she is the best. “Okay. So what are you guys up to today?” Selina asked us. “Well, I have a meeting with the coach and after that I hope I can spend the day with the most wonderful friends in the world,” I laughed. “You're such an ass-kisser,” Cloe said. “Who said I meant you? I meant Camille and Sharon,” I stuck my tongue out. “Common James,” Roxy said. “You know I meant you and the boys,” I said. “I know. I just wanted to hear it,” Roxy said. I laughed. “My friends are a bit crazy. Sorry,” I said to Selina. “It's fine,” She smiled. “So what are you going to do while James has this meeting with the coach?” “Shopping,” Cloe answered and Roxy nodded excited. Girls... “So cool,” She laughed. “Is he really that girls dream in Hogwarts?” Selina asked them. HELLO?? I AM RIGHT HERE?! I CAN HEAR YOU! “Sure. It's sometimes annoying. I mean the whole castle knows I'm his cousin so they don't say things like: I'll kill you. Stay away from my man. But Cloe has to hear things like that very often,” Roxy said. Wait... What? Someone is threatening my Cloe? “That is hard. But it must be hard for James, too. Or are you going out with every single lady?” Selina asked me. Haha. Do I look like someone who does that. Oh... wait. Before I met Cloe I kinda did ... Ah. Damnit. “Eh. No. But most of the girls are too scared or whatever to even ask me out so I'm not often in the situation to say no,” I said and it was the truth. “Well, then let's see how it works,” Selina said. “What do you mean?” I asked back – confused. “Do you wanna go out with me?” She asked. Damnit. She was the bad girl. If she writes something bad it's bad for me. So I have to please her. Or I say no and hate my life.
“I would love to but at the moment I'm kinda busy. I have so much to do for school and Quidditch. I told you already,” I tried to talk me out.
“Yeah. I understand that. But what do you think about a tea after your meeting with the coach?” Selina tried again. Ah damn her. “Eh. I already have a date with my friends. And I'd hate to cancel it,” I said. “Oh she can join us,” Roxy said and grinned at me. Damn you. What kind of best friend is she? “Okay. If it's okay for, James. I have a great idea. The interview is going to go on. We are doing a … ehh something like a documentation. How you spend your Saturday with your friends.” “I love it,” Roxy grinned. “Okay. Then ehh.. You can hang out with Roxy and Cloe. Cause I'll call them when I'm finished here,” I said. Cloe looked at me like I was an idiot but I was happy. If they destroy my day, I'll destroy theirs as well. “Okay. Great. Then we'll leave you to prepare. I beat your coach will be here really soon,” Selina said. And with that my coach came into the room. “Yeah. See ya later,” I said and hugged all three and then went to my coach.

“Hi James,” My coach said and shook my hand.
“Hey coach. How are you?” “Pretty good. Thanks. So you had a lovely morning I guess. Three beautiful ladies,” He smirked. “No. It's Selina Skeeter. She did an interview. And the other two are my best friends.” “I know. You asked me if it would be alright to give an interview. Actually I wanted to talk with you about that. I think you should think about having a manager. Doing the things over me isn't the right solution.” “Hm. Okay. I'll think about it. Can I choose any manager I want?” “Of course. Just someone who ehm does the things for you. I think it'll be good for your Quidditch, too. Because you can concentrate more on your Quidditch.” “Okay. I'll search for one.” “I can give you some advice if you want. You can ask me if you need anything. Always.” “Thanks, coach.” “So. About training. We're going to have a test game in five weeks. It's in your holidays. Just to have this made clear right from the start: I give you only 2 VIP tickets. It's gonna be in London, the game. And I want you to be chaser number five. The position I think you're gonna play in the world cup. So you are in the start seven. And then we'll try you as captain. Bobby doesn't play in three weeks and he suggested you. He said that Keith is a great keeper but not a good captain. You have the charisma to be a captain. And I agreed. So, what do you say?” “Are you kidding me? Hell yeaaah!” “Your team will be Keith, Michael, Louis, Tom, Justin and Beck. As you see, Frederic and Mike are missing as well. But they'll be the start seven in Australia right now.” “So who is going to be the start seven?” “Bobby, Michael, Frederic, Tom, You, Mike and Beck.” “Okay. And Tom and Mike will be four and six?” “I think so. The second number five will be Richard.” “So if I'm too bad or injured Rich is playing for me?” “Yes.” “Good.” “This is your new training plan. You have to do work out everyday. And then I talked to your headmistress. Wednesday evening and Friday evening is training with the team. You know, I trust you. You have to do the rest of the training on your own. If I only feel like you are not on top of your game, then Rich will be in the start seven and you'll be the back up player.” “I'll train my ass off.” “That's what I wanna hear. So. I'll see you on Wednesday. And keep in mind to find a manager. You can always come to me and I'll can recommend you some.” “Wait, who is the other team?” I asked him suddenly remembering that he didn't told me that. “It's Canada. And you'll blow their faces off, James.” “Eh, thanks coach.” “You are one of the best talents I ever trained. I'm glad you are in our team, James.” “Why?” “A match can be decided by one player. A very talented seeker, a very talented keeper or a damn good chaser who does all the work himself if he has to. We are blessed that we have good players but to have a chaser like you... this could make us win the world cup,” He said to me and looked proud. “I will give my best, I promise.”

I walked outside - happy to be in the “official” start seven and that I'm wearing number five. And not twelve or four or six. Five is my favourite position and being the “second five” also known as the twelve would be stupid. I took my phone and called Roxy.
“Hey Roxy. Where are you?” “We are at the fashion magic store.” “Okay. I'll pick you up?” “Sounds great. Call Freddie, Drew and Joe, please?” “Sure. See ya.” “Bye.”

Five Minutes later I was at the store and saw Roxy and Cloe dressed in beautiful dresses. Selina was sitting on a chair and writing something down. “Mr Potter. What an honour to welcome you to our store,” A witch said to me. “Thank you. I'm actually here for my friends,” I said. “James,” Roxy smiled. “Hey, my two favourite girls,” I smiled to them and they both laughed. “Oh. Sorry Selina. I didn't see you,” I said and YES I was lying. “No worries,” she said. “You two look lovely,” I said. “We found something for you. Would you mind trying it?” Cloe asked me. “What is it?” I asked her back. “This suit.” I looked at a grey suit. “It's nice. But I don't know when I'll ever need a suit? And I do have quit a lot at home anyway. You know my dad gets many invitations for formal things.” “James. I know what you have and what you don't have. And you have nothing like this. It's amazing. You'll need it in Australia. There's a party after the opening,” Cloe said and I was wondering why she knew it. “Okay. I'll try it but that doesn't mean that I'll buy it, too!” I said. Minutes later I came out with the suit.
“Gosh James. You look so hot,” Roxy said. “Gross. I'm your cousin!” I said. Roxy laughed. “Shut up, handsome. What do you think Cloe?” “Like you said: James looks hot and handsome. And definitely sexy,” She smiled. Yeah. The beautiful thinks I'm hot, sexy and handsome. I love you, too. “Ehh.. This is getting weird, sweethearts,” I said to them. “No, James. This suit really suits you,” Selina said that. And once again: WHO CARES ABOUT YOUR OPINION? You destroyed my lovely day with my friends... “Thank you, sweetie,” I said to her and tried to be nice. “If I can say something, Mr. Potter. This suit is like it was made for you. It's perfect. It would be a shame if you wouldn't buy it,” The salesgirl said. I looked in the mirror. To be honest: I looked like me in a grey suit. “Common James. If you wear this suit everyone wants to f you,” Cloe said. I laughed about her. “Sweet. F you. Can't say the f-word. You are sooo sweet Cloe.” “Ah. James. As your cousin and your personal stylist, I tell you to buy it.” “Since when are you my personal stylist?” “Since now!” “You never said my clothes are bad? So why do I need a stylist now all of a sudden?” “James stop being a baby. You have an amazing style but with this suit... you look so more than amazing. If you wouldn't be my cousin I would kiss you right now.” I laughed. “Ah darling. I am so sorry. You are more like a sister. I can't kiss you.” “JAMES SIRIUS POTTER!” Roxy said loud. A few people turned around and looked at me curiously. “Thank you, Roxanne,” I said to her and she laughed. “Buy it.” “Okay. I will. But only if you buy those dresses.” I said to them. “I'd love to but mine is too expensive. If it would be half the price than yes,” Cloe said. “Don't worry. Your friends with a Quidditch star. You don't have to pay anything,” I smiled. “No, James. I don't want you to pay my dress,” Cloe said. “But you can pay for mine, cous,” Roxy grinned. “I will. It's your happy friends day present,” I said looking to Cloe. “Since when is happy friends day today? And since when does a day like this exist?” “Since I said so. Okay let's make a deal: I'll pay you half of the price and you invite me to a butter beer?” I suggest. “James. That's not how friendship works. And I do have the money but I don't wanna pay so much for a dress.” “But you like it.” “James, no. I don't want to have it, okay?”

“Can you please go to the Three Broomsticks? Maybe you can take Selina with you. The boys are waiting and we need to pay,” I asked Cloe. She has been really silent since she took of the dress. She nodded.
“James, what is your plan?” Roxy asked me. “Well, we all know that Cloe had her birthday and nobody gave her a present because we didn't know her then but: we all can give her that dress as a gift.” “You are good, Mr. I am sooo nice to Cloe. Thanks for the dress by the way,” Roxy said. “You are more then welcome. How many times did you gave me a tshirt or something like that?” “Very often,” She laughed. “Okay. So let's go to the others. And can you please take care that Cloe doesn't see the dress? We have to talk to the others first,” I said to Roxy. She nodded.

On our way to the Broomsticks Roxy and I talked a lot. It was nice to have some time with her. She is still my best friend. We laughed about Selina and poor Cloe who had to walk with her. When we arrived we got a look from Cloe that said something like: I'll pay you back for that. We both laughed. “Did he actually pay for your dress?” Selina asked Roxy. “Yeah. He did. He is such a gentleman. Shopping with him is the best and the cheapest,” Roxy laughed. “To get this right: Roxy buys many of my things so I buy things for her sometimes. The T-Shirt I'm wearing or the jacket is actually from Roxy. You know we are like siblings. In my family it doesn't matter if you are cousins or brother and sister. It's all the same. So I treat her the exact way I treat Lils,” I said. “Seems like you have a great family,” Selina said. “Yeah. I have the best. Over there you see Freddie. He is the twin of Roxy and he is my best friend, my cousin and my brother. But you could say the same about Drew and Joe. They are not my cousins but still they are brothers to me,” I said. “So I can call it bromance what you have,” Selina said. “Kinda. Especially Freddie and James. If Freddie was a girl and not related to James they definitely would be dating.” Roxy laughed. “Heeey! I wanna be the guy! James can be the girl,” Freddie said in a baby tone. “Ah common, man. Everyone knows you're the better woman.” I said to him.
“So you are all best friends?” Selina asked. We all nodded. “Great. So I can spend the day with James and his best friends. That will be a great headline for the interview aka documentation.”

Actually the afternoon was kinda fun. Selina wasn't that bad. I just well... I enjoyed the evening in the castle more. Just with my friends. We talked a lot about Selina but... not nice things. Haha. And I got the chance to talk to Freddie, Joe and Drew and they all were in for my idea... present for Cloe. So in the evening it was kinda cool to be the one who gave it her. “Cloe. Since we didn't gave you anything for your birthday,” I started. “Wait. Stop. You didn't knew me then,” Cloe said. “Doesn't matter. We wanted to give you something anyway!” And with that Roxy gave her a present.
“Oh no you didn't,” She said. We just laughed. “James, Roxy. You are incredible. Thank you...And you, too. Freddie, Drew and Joe. I love you guys. Ahh. Thanks,” She hugged everyone.

“You are really good in interviews. I'm sure Selina now thinks she is special and you really like her,” Cloe said. “Yeah. That's my charm. But imagine if I'd have been to her as nice as to someone I really really like... uhhh.. She would have never ever let me go...” I grinned. “So? How do you act when you really really like someone?” Roxy asked laughing. “I'm telling her nice things,” I grinned. “For example?” Cloe wanted to know. “That her eyes make the stars look like their not shining or that she is wonderful and she shouldn't change a thing because if she wants to be perfect... well she just need to stay the same,” I said thinking of Bruno Mars 'Just The Way You Are'. “You stole this... from this face-guy!” Roxy said. “Face-guy?” Cloe asked back. “When I see your face there's not a thing that I would change 'cause you are amazing just the way you are...” Roxy sang. “Nice voice. And you mean Bruno Mars, don't ya?” Cloe asked. “Thanks and you are right. James you stole his song! Now you have to sing it,” Roxy said and looked at me. Ahh no... I hate singing in front of people. “Yeah. If you are stealing his song you have to sing it,” Cloe supported Roxy. Damn. First time I don't like something about her.
“I can't do it. I don't know the words and I need a guitar for this.” I said.
“You have one upstairs. And we'll help you.” Roxy said and a second later my guitar and a piece of paper with the song and the chords were in front of me. Why does she know where my guitar is. And since when is she so good with the Accio-charm?
“Common!” Roxy said. Fine. Stupid Bruno Mars. Damn you! So I started.
“Her eyes, her eyes make the stars look like their not shining. Her hair, her hair falls perfectly without her trying. She's so beautiful and I tell her everyday. Yeah, I know, I know when I compliment her she won't believe me. It's so, it's so sad to think that she don't see what I see. But every time she asks me do I look okay, I'll say:
When I see your face, Roxy, there's not a thing that I would change 'cause you are amazing, just the way you are. And when you smile, Cloe, the whole world stops and stares for a while. You're both so amazing just the way you are. Yeah.”
This song is perfect for Cloe. It describes totally the way I feel about her.
“Your voice is incredible and you can play the guitar really good,” Cloe said. “Haha. He had to take lessons when he was young. As I remember he had to play piano, guitar and he had vocal lessons. So funny. He hated it but his parents wanted him to do 'muggle' things,” Freddie laughed. Not funny. “Thank you for the special version” Roxy said. “You wanted to have the 'James' version,” I said. “And it was amazing.” Cloe said. I love that girl. “Thank you, honey,” I said. A little girl came to us. “Did...Did...Did you just play Just The Way You are?” she stumbled. “Ehh. Yeah,” I answered kinda embarrassed. “It was amazing. Could you sing another song?” She asked. “No, sorry. I gotta go now. Another time maybe. Goodbye, sweetie,” I said to her and walked to my room.

“That was kinda rude, you know,” Roxy said to me. She followed me – together with Cloe. “Oh really? It was kinda rude to beg me to play something when I didn't want to and then it was kinda rude to come to me and disturb me when I'm chilling with friends. It isn't always easy when everybody knows you. You know I hate singing and playing instruments in front of people,” I said to her. “Is it kinda annoying that people are coming to you? If I didn't know you and you would have sang this song. I would have come to you, too.” “Yeah. I wanna have some private time. But I only get it here. Lily and Al get never disturbed. Why me?” “Because you are an superstar athlete?” Cloe said. Okay. Maybe. “I know. I'm being unthankful. But it's hard,” I said. “I kinda understand you. It was maybe a bit too much today. The kids wanna take pictures with you today in Hogsmead. Selina didn't want to go away and now this. I kinda understand why you are so on top of your nerves,” Roxy said.
“Don't be too harsh to your fans,” Cloe said. “You need them. Their support is important for you.”
“I do know that. It's just kinda hard,” I said. “I do understand you. My mum used to say the same. She hated to be famous. But you can use your fame. Use it for helping the poor,” Cloe said. “I know. And I do. But I would love to have a private life,” I said. “We understand you,” Roxy said and hugged me. “Common. Let's go to the kitchens. I'm hungry,” Cloe said. I laughed. “Okay. I'm in,” I said. “Yeaaah! Kitchens. It's on!” Roxy grinned.

On the way down to the kitchens it was life as I knew it. We were outside of our common room when the first two girls arrived. “Hi James. Would.. would you sign my school bag?” She asked. I gave Roxy and Cloe the look. “Sure, Sweetie. What's your name,” I said to her. “It's Kelly. Is it true that the brunette is your girlfriend?” Kelly asked. Mind your own business. “Kelly? A wonderful name,” I said ignoring the questions. She giggled. “Can I take a picture with you?” The other girl asked. “Sure. Maybe Cloe or Roxy will take one and you can both be on the picture?” I suggested. The girls smiled. “I'd love to spend more time with you but we are kinda in a rush. Sorry. Have a nice evening,” I said to them and walked away. “And know the girls think you like them. Especially Kelly,” Cloe said. “Why? I was just nice.” “Exactly. How many nice guys do you know?” Roxy said. “Eh... I'm a guy. But I'm sure Hogwarts has a lot of nice guys.” “No. We have you, Drew and Joey.” Roxy said. “What about Freddie?” I asked her back. “He is ehh great but not soo nice. Everyone knows he.. isn't searching for love but for fun.”
“James?? Are you James Potter?” A girl asked me. Hell, Can't I just walk to the kitchens?
“What's up, sweetheart?” I asked her. “I am so sorry to interrupt you but the headmistress sent me to find you. You have to go to her,” The girl said. Oh... “Thank you. Roxy, Cloe, have fun. I have to go,” I said and turned around. What if something bad happened? No. No. No.

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Es hat mich beruhigt, zu sehen, dass eigentlich niemand die Szenen beim ersten Take schafft.
Evanna Lynch