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Second Chance - All the single ladies!

von Lunmine

Sorry that it took me so long to upload. I have a lot going on with university and stuff. Sorry xoxo


It was a nice evening and I forgot about Josh. But at night I had nightmares. So when it was five a.m. I was happy that I could get up. It was still early when I went down to the common room at half past six. But I wasn't alone. Freddie was there, too. “Why are you awake?” I asked him. “I could ask you the same,” He said looking tired. “But I asked first,” I smiled. “Good point. I couldn't sleep. I made a huge mistake,” He looked at me. “What mistake?” “I made out with a girl I don't love,” He said. “Isn't that a typical boy thing?” “Yes, no. Yes, well, maybe. I don't know. But I feel guilty. I think the girl really likes me and I, well, I don't like her that way back,” He said. “Who was it?” I asked him. “Amy Miller.” “That Ravenclaw girl?” I asked him. He nodded. “You don't like her?” “No, I do. But I … I just like her. Like a friend. Like you. I'm not in love with her.” “Nice way to tell me you like me,” I grinned. “Ah, Cloe. You know I like you,” He smiled. “I know. I just wanted to make you smile. And look: I had success.” “You are a wonderful person, Cloe. I'm grateful to call you my friend.” I blushed, “So tell me more about that Amy girl.” “Okay, well she is pretty and funny. She is very smart, of course, I mean she's a Ravenclaw, after all. Oh, and she is so nice and helpful.” “She sounds perfect.” “That could be because she is perfect.” “You said you don't love her?” “I don't love her. It's just. She is like the perfect girl - just not for me. I thought she'd be perfect. But then I kissed her and did stuff that is a bit dirtier than kissing and then I recognised that she is not the girl I want to be with.” “Did you tell her that?” “Not exactly.” “What did you tell her?” “That she is a wonderful person and I really like her but that I don't have feelings for her and then she started crying and was mad at me. She screamed that I only wanted to fuck her and that I never was really interested.” “Ouch, and now?” “Now, I think I made a mistake. Because I liked her. But she was in love with me, she told me.” “Ouch again. Poor girl.” “Cloe, let us promise one thing.” “What?” “We won't fall in love with each other.” “Sure. I promise.” “I think I'll never make out with a girl again if I'm not completely sure I love her.” “Oh, oh. How will you survive.” “I don't know. I'm going to miss it.” “Ah Freddie, the girl will be so happy,” He smiled, “So why are you up early?” “I couldn't sleep.” “Why?” “Nightmares.” “About?” “Josh and mum.” “I'm there for you, sunshine,” Freddie hugged me. “Thanks, ginger.” “Hey, don't call me that.” “What?” “Ginger.” “Why?” “It's a bad word. I wanna be your fire.” “You want me to call you my fire?” “Say it.” “You are stupid, my fire.” “Okay, it sounds stupid.” “Yeah, it does. So ginger wins!” “No.” “You have a better idea?” “Yes, I do. Call me Freddie.” “Fine. But you are boring, very boring, ginger.” “Hey!” “Ah, don't complain about it. Be happy that a girl gave you an awesome nickname.” “One day you'll wish you would have been nicer to people,” He grinned. “Yeah, the day is next to the day when Freddie is the king of the whole world.” “Then this day will be soon.” “In your dreams.” “Ah, shut up.”

“What's going on?” Joey yawned. “Nothing. Why?” Freddie asked. “You're both awake. Normally no one is down here when I get up,” He said. “We both couldn't sleep,” I said.
“Wanna go to breakfast?” Joey asked. I nodded. In the Great Hall I heard a few pupils whisper. “Look, the new Australian girl has two of the hottest guys.” I was getting mad. “Hey, it seems like you are talking about me,” I said to the one girl. She was a Slytherin. “No, I wasn't,” She said. “Well, I've heard what you just said and maybe you wanna know that Joey is my twin-brother. He grew up at my dads in England and I grew up with mum in Australia. And Freddie is just a friend. So stop spreading rumours,” I said. “Woah. You finally say I'm your twin. I'm proud,” Joey grinned next to me. “Yeah, I have you and the others as friends. I don't need someone else.” “What? But your last name is Strong and you don't look alike. Well except for the eyes.” “No shit, Sherlock. Well, my mums name is Strong and I lived with her, smartie. And know I'm gonna have breakfast with my friends. Bye,” I said.

Freddie laughed the whole time at breakfast. “What's so funny?” I asked him again. “You are. The way you talked to the Slytherin. You talked to her like she was some paparazzi.” He laughed. I raised an eyebrow, “I just said the facts.” “Yeah, it's fine.”
“How is my single friend doing today?” James asked me in a good mood. “I'm fine,” I said. Freddie chocked. “What?” I asked. “Yeah, you're fine,” He said. I gave him a look that meant: watch your damn mouth, Ginger. “What's going on?” James asked. “Well, I had a bad dream and was up early, so was Freddie. Joey joined us soon and that was all,” I said. “You are a strange person, Strong. Very strange. Well, I have a question for you: Do you like to be part of my Quidditch training tonight? Our keeper is ill and we need one for practice. Are you in?” He asked. “Sure, it's Quidditch,” I grinned. Yeah. Flying. I love this sport. “Okay, eight pm,” He said. I nodded. “I'll be there, captain!” He smiled. “That's the right attitude, Strong, one day you'll be a big star at the Quidditch heaven. Just because of your attitude.” I laughed.

I was standing outside. It was late afternoon. Kellan was next to me. “It was an honour to meet you, little Aussie,” He said. “Ah, don't be such an ass-kisser,” I grinned. He laughed. “No, seriously, it was great to meet you and to get to know you. I hope we keep in touch.” “It was okay to meet you, too. I guess.” “You are such not an ass kisser.” “I know. Write me,” I hugged him. “Yeah, you too,” He said and that was our goodbye. I saw him going to the magic bus of the Australian Quidditch team. (same technique as the knight bus except: this one could fly) I looked after the bus. “Sad?” James was standing next to me. I wondered why there always were boys in the near when I was sad. Never Roxy. Always one of the boys. “Yeah, kinda.” “He was an ass-kisser.” I laughed. “What?” He asked. “That's what I said to him.” He grinned, “Yeah, I know people well. Even if I don't know them..... Wanna go for a walk?” “Yeah, why not.” We were walking through the grounds. “What is going on between you and Freddie?” He asked me bluntly. “Nothing, we are just good friends.” “No, since you broke up with Josh you two are so close.” “I have no idea what you mean.” “Oh yes, you have.” “Do you really wanna know it?” “Yes.” “Seriously? Are you sure?” “Yes, I am.” “Okay, well. Freddie was there when I broke up with Josh because he wasn't so nice to me. So Freddie was there and was nice to me. That's all. I'm thankful and we talked a lot and he told me a few things, I'll not tell you because he have to tell you himself if he hasn't yet.” “I'm so sorry, Cloe. I shouldn't have bothered you.” “It's okay. Just eh subject change!” “Okay, so what do you think about the weather?” James asked. I looked at him. “Sorry, what do you wanna do after graduation?” he asked me instead. “I don't know. I'm sixteen. I am not supposed to know what to do with the rest of my life. But I wanna have fun and you?” I asked back. “Quidditch.” “It's all you think about, isn't it?” I said. “No, just a really big part,” He grinned. “What else are you thinking about? I have no idea what is important enough to get in the head of Mister Potter,” I grinned. “Well, obviously my friends and girls. A special girl is like always on my mind,” He smiled. “And you are not going to tell me who this mysterious girl is, are you?” “Of course not.” “Is it Lily?” “Lily who?” “Lily Potter. The only girl that would be a problem to date.” “Gross. Ih. Cloe. No.” “So. If it's one of your cousin, no problem. It's legal, I've read that,” I said. “Gross, no. No family. Family is a no go. Ih. They are like my brothers and sisters. Wah. Cloe, I hate you for that thought,” He said looking disgusted. “Sorry. So tell me, from your reaction I would say it's someone from the Clique. But since Roxy and Dom are the only girls in the Clique – and Dom isn't really part of it – and you said no cousins. I guess you are not into someone from the Clique.” He nodded. “Wait. Does Drew have a sister?” I asked him. He nodded. “Is it her?” “Which one?” “Eh. The younger one?” I asked. He laughed. “Sure, I always fall in love with two years old girls or did you mean the eleven year old one or the thirteen year old one or the fifteen year old one?” “Very funny. The fifte... wait: Do I know her?” “No, not really. She is a Hufflepuff and a year below. Her name is Jenny and no, I don't love her. She is okay, I guess. She was in love with me and I guess, if Drew wasn't one of my best mates, I would have dated her. But that was two years ago. So I was thirteen or fourteen and she was thirteen or twelve. And we just made up the code.” “Okay. I think Kohana and Tenshi are a bit too young for you?” “Good thinking, madame.” “Okay, I'll let it be but I promise you: I will find out. I will study you. I will follow you around until I found out who this mysterious girl is.” He laughed, “You sound really creepy.” “You don't know my Bond-side.” “What side?” “James Bond?” “Yes?” “Well, I'm just like him. So I call this my Bond-side.” “Aha.” “Yeah. I'm stupid.” “Yes you are.” “Hey. You are stupid, too.” “Ahaha. I won the bet. Be nice.” “You are so not stupid,” I said grinning. “Better, really better, Strong.” “So, what else is on your mind? Quidditch, girls, friends?” “Ehm, my family of course. Not sure if I mentioned it before. My dad and well...” “I still don't understand why you have so many problems with him.” “I already told you. Everyone thinks I have to be like him.” “No, nobody tells you that. I have the feeling that your dad loves you for who you are. And the rest of your family does so, too. And I'm happy that you are not a second Harry Potter because otherwise I would be a bit frightened of you and your power.” “Very funny.” “I'm being honest. Your dad loves you and it hurts him that you don't talk to him.” “I said thank you to him!” “Oh, very much.” “Ah, shut it.” “Maybe your dad wishes that you pay more attention to school but honestly: Which dad doesn't? Every dad who cares about a child wishes this. And maybe Al does pay attention, so he says something like: Take Al as example. But that doesn't mean that he wants you to be like Al. He wants you to be you. But everyone has some bad manners and it's good if someone is there to tell you.” “So, you are there to tell me that I have to make peace with my dad? Because that is my worst manner?” “No. I'm only someone who tries to explain life to you.” “It's complicated.” “Welcome to life, Mr. Potter.” “Funny.” “No. I was serious.” “You can't be. I am Sirius.” “Funny.” “No, I was serious.” “Yeah. I know: Your full name is James Sirius Potter. You may be anything but you are not serious.” He laughed, “You are right.” “About what? You and serious?” “No, about my dad. I think I just wish that I would be more like him. I mean: EVERYONE loves him.” “Yes, even Voldy did.” “What?” “Voldemort. There must be some REAL explanation why he wanted your dad so bad.” James laughed, “I like your explanation.” “Thanks. I think you have to write a letter.” “To whom?” “To your dad.” “Why?” “You already told me why.” “Yeah. You're right. Do you help me?” I shook my head, “You have to do this on your own. But I will accompany you to the common room.” “Thanks.” “Oh, and at least nearly every English wizard or witch loves you.” “Why?” “Quidditch?” “Right.”

James View:

I love you. Sorry that I have been such an ass. (Sorry, for my language.) I need to tell you this now because I talked to Cloe (the twin of Joey) and she opened my eyes. I never was mad at you. I was jealous because you have so much power and you are such a good person. And everyone loves you. Maybe I was annoyed because you always mention Al but I guess I understand it now. Cloe tried to explain it and I think she was right. You only want the best for me, don't you? Well, I know you want it because I'm your son and you love me. At least I hope so. Can you forgive me for being such a bad son?

I'm sure you've read dads part and I'm sure dad is reading this, too. Because you never have secrets. (I like that.) Well anyway, I'm sorry, mum. I know I gave you a hard time, too. I think it wasn't easy for you to see dad and mine relationship and that I wasn't there at Christmas. But you know: I love you. I always have and always will. Sorry for not talking to you much lately but you would have told everything dad. So I am sorry. I hope you love me the same after reading this bad apologise.

I love you.

I was kind of happy that I wrote this letter to my parents. It was important. I know I behaved like a Jackass and I always knew why. I simply was jealous of dad and Al. But I would have never admit that... so, I'm really thankful that Cloe talked some sense into me. I looked at her. She was talking with Freddie. Her head was on his shoulder and he hold her hand. They seemed so like an item. Freddie laughed and Cloe rolled her eyes. She had the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. They were a warm brown. Like Joeys but Cloes were full of love and joy. I didn't join them. It seemed wrong to interrupt them. But I really wished I was Freddie just to be close to her. Sharon was coming towards me. I rolled my eyes. Just what I needed.

“You wrote a letter, Jamesie?” She asked me. Could she be more annoying? Calling me Jamesie? What am I? A baby? “It's James. J-a-m-e-s!” I said. “You are so funny, Jamesie.” “No, I want you to call me James like everyone else,” I said. “Okay, sorry. So the letter is for your parents?” “Even if it's none of your business, yeah I wrote my parents because I love them and I want to tell them what's going on in my life and I want them to tell me what's going on in their life.” “You are so deep.” “I'm what?” “You care for your family and friends. I wonder why you never wrote me. I wrote you. In the holidays. Why didn't you answer?” “I wasn't at home.” “But you left Hogwarts?” “Yeah. I was at Joeys.” “Oh, that's why you know Cloe.” “Yeah. And she goes in the same year and the same house.” “Of course. She is a really nice girl.” “Yeah. She is so like Joey.” “I think the same. Her eyes. Exactly the same as Joeys.” “Yes. They are.” “There is no difference. It's fascinating.” “Actually Cloes eyes are always warm and full of joy. Joeys eyes don't show any emotions but they are not cold. It's just him. I can't explain. You don't know him well enough.” It wasn't too bad to talk to her that time. She actually was nice. “Why don't you talk to me very often?” Sharon asked me. “Because I'm busy with my friends, school, family and Quidditch. Sorry.” “No need to apologise. It's fine. But I wanna be friends with you, too. I think we'd be great friends.” “Maybe.” I didn't think we'd be great friends. She smiled like I'd have said I love her. Strange girl. Strange girl. But she had a great taste in men. “So you were with Cloe outside. I saw you.” None of your business, girl. None of your fucking business. “Yeah. We went for a walk,” I simply said. I don't like being mean to people. “What were you talking about?” “I can't tell you.” “Why? We are friends?” Oh girl. We are not friends. I don't even like you! “It's private and I don't know you well enough to call you a friend.” “You know me for nearly six years.” “No, you have been in my calls for nearly six years.” “So?” “There is a difference.” Cloe was coming towards us. Maybe she was my rescuer. “James? Freddie and I need you. It's important,” She said. “Excuse me, my friends need me,” I said to Sharon politely. Sharon shot dead-glances at Cloe and Freddie. “It's fine. I'll wait,” She said. “It will take a longer time,” Cloe said. “Well okay, we'll talk tomorrow,” She said to me. I nodded and walked with Cloe to Freddie. “Thanks. You saved me,” I said. She smiled the most beautiful smile in the world. “It was a pleasure. And you won. So I'm being nice.” “You're doing a fantastic job.” “Thanks, Mr. Potter,” I smiled and High-fived Freddie. “Kitchen?” he asked. Cloe and I nodded.

“Thanks again for saving me,” I said on the way to the kitchen. “Yeah. So this is your alibi. We need your help for something. But we can't just sit and talk in the common room. So we can stay at the kitchens till evening,” Freddie said. “You are just hungry, buddy.” “You know me too well,” Freddie laughed. I'm not gay. But I loved him. He was my best friend. Really. “So guys. Is it okay that a girl is joining you?” Cloe asked grinning. “We try to eat normal and oh you are not A girl, Freddie said. “Thanks? What am I?” “I meant that you are not any girl. You are Cloe. We would be stupid not to let you join us,” Freddie smiled. Cloe smiled. “Thanks, ginger.” “Anything for you, sunshine.” They were so cosy and everything. I want to be the one Cloe calls names. And I want to call her sunshine. But it seems like an inside joke or something like that. No, I am not jealous. Cloe is the sister of Joey. I don't feel like the happiest man on earth when she smiles or laughs. Ah okay. I love her. I know it. But I can't. I didn't really hear what they were talking about. I just heard her voice. She was the song of my heart. Her voice. It was enough to hear her and feel her walking next to me. She was in the middle of Freddie and me. I could even smell her. She smelled like the summer. Fantastic. Like she had a shower a minute ago after taking a trip to the beach. When she laughed her whole body laughed. It was really amazing. Oh Merlin, I'm in deep shit. I sound like a gay unicorn. “JAMES?” Cloe looked at me. Ups. “Ehm. What?” “I was asking why you are looking like I don't know. Watching a porno?” I laughed. Girl. She had no idea. “I'm looking that way because well...” “You were thinking about something we talked about earlier?” She asked. What? What were we talking about earlier. My parents? Gross. I would never look like watching a porno if I was thinking about my parents. Wait? How do I look like when I'm watching a porno? I haven't watched one yet... I have no idea. Ah it doesn't matter. Shut up, brain. No, don't. I need to find out what we were talking about earlier. Cloe is still looking at me. Ah. We talked about her. Well more about a girl I loved. So it's the same. “Yeah. Was thinking about that,” I grinned. If she knew. Maybe I should tell her. Or maybe I should wait. At least another month or so. I mean she broke up with her boyfriend two or three days ago? Maybe four? I'm not sure. I can't wait another month. No, I can. I waited for her to come since my birth (no I'm not a drama queen). I can wait forever for her. So concentrate. What are they talking about? Brain, shut up. Ears, listen! I'm crazy. I'm talking to my body. I should go … dying or something. “He is in another world. The girl world. He found a new girl that makes him crazy. I can tell by the look of his eyes. It seems like he is talking to himself inside his brain. And to be honest. There isn't anything like a brain in his head,” Freddie laughed and Cloe looked at him curiously. She seemed to be thinking. “Thank you, Fred,” I said with a lot of sarcasm. “Oh, you are back in the present. Welcome back,” Freddie grinned. Cloe laughed. “Yeah, welcome back, mate. Hope you enjoyed it where ever you were.” I was with her. The whole time and damn I enjoyed it. “Very funny. Be nice, Strong.” “I am,” She smiled. I couldn't help but smile, too. If Freddie wouldn't be here – well – I would have kissed her. Now that I think about it, I am actually grateful Freddie is here.

The evening was nice. Even though I didn't catch up the topic of the conversation between us three. It was quit hard to concentrate while sitting next to the most beautiful girl in the universe. But I managed not to be dumb. I just couldn't remember anything but her. The school week was hard. Doing homework and Quidditch. And running away from Sharon. That was nearly impossible. She were everywhere where I was. But it wasn't that bad. I had many excuses like reading a very important letter from my dad about politics. She actually believed me that one. I am so good.
My parents wrote me back a few days later.

nice to hear from you. You weren't a bad son. And don't be jealous. Believe me: being me isn't always easy. I love you for who you are. It seems like Cloe is a smart girl. What's going on between you and her? Your mum and I were wondering that. Oh your mum is very happy about your letter and she kissed the letter a hundred times and danced in the kitchen and sang (not very good but okay) and she will kill me if she ever reads this letter. So as you see: We have secrets. Keep an eye on Lily and Al. You are the oldest and we trust you. We haven't heard anything bad of you yet. We are really proud. You seem to change. Neville wrote me that he thinks you are on drugs. In classes you are a bit distracted but at least you are not doing anything like pranks and you are even doing your homework. Very good! So if you manage to stay out of trouble I think you can manage to keep Lily and Al out of trouble, too.
Please: Never show this letter to Ginny. She would kill me. Stay out of trouble and take care of our family and of you!
Your mum and I love you!

I smiled. My parents are so cool. Sometimes. It was so sweet how in love my dad was with mum and the other way around. I decided to be nearly honest with them.

Hey parents! :)
Nothing is going on between Cloe and me. We are just friends and I like her. But I like her like Roxy or Dom. Hope everything is fine at home. I keep an eye on Lily. She is not dating any stupid guy. I would know, I promise. Al is fine. He is hanging out with Malfoy. A lot. But who am I to tell him that he is the wrong friend?
I love you,

Cloe. Of course something was going on. I loved her. We had charms when I answered my parents. I looked at Cloe. She was talking with Bratwurst, Kevin. They laughed. Why does every boy loves Cloe? It was obvious that Drew liked her, maybe as a friend or maybe more. Then there was me of course. I liked – no – I loved her. Freddie, well, they say they are just really close friends. Kevin obviously tried to flirt with her and even Slytherins looked at her with interest. And she is friendly to everyone but doesn't flirt with anybody. Maybe because of Josh. But maybe she was in love with me and didn't want to ruin our friendship and … no. Don't think this. She knows you for nearly five weeks. There is no “real” friendship and there is no love. Wha t am I saying. Our friendship is great and of course I love her. My brain needs to shut up. “You look at Cloe a lot,” Freddie said next to me. “Nah. I'm just looking nowhere.” “No, you look at Cloe. You are in love with her. You could barley talk that one day.” “Hm.” “I don't love her. I just like her.” “Yeah. Sure.” “Really. Like Dom or Rosie. She is more family as anything else.” “Tell your mum. I can tell you love her.” “I don't and I wanna pay attention to Charms,” I said. Freddie laughed.

“What's so funny Mr Weasley and Mr Potter?” Professor Height, the Professor for Charms, was standing in front of us. “James,” Freddie laughed. I gave him the dead-glare. Now, I had to explain. Thank you. “So?” Flitwick looked at me. “I just said that he should stop talking to me because I wanna pay attention to what you're saying, Professor,” I said. A few pupil were laughing. “Sure. What's funny about that?” She asked me. “Nothing. I have no idea why Freddie is laughing. I just wanna have an O in Charms,” I said and gave her the charming Potter-Smile. “You already have an O, Mr. Potter. But you are right. You have to pay attention to stay at this level. Your homework was outstanding. So I think you'll manage that. Weasley, you should take Mr Potter as a example and pay attention to my lesson. Detention on Friday night. 8 p.m. my office.” “But Professor. I have Quidditch practice with my role model James Potter. I need to attend the practice.” “I am sorry. You have detention and you have to attend them,” The Professor turned around. She was smiling. I smiled, too. Freddie stuck his tongue out. I couldn't care less. He got detention and I didn't. Best thing ever, isn't it?

“This is so unfair. You talked, too,” Freddie complained after Charms. I grinned. “That is life, my dearest friend.” “Shut your fucking mouth.” “Uh, Freddie can say f-words,” Cloe laughed. Next to her was Roxy. They aren't as close as at the beginning. Even I could tell that. Bratwurst was behind Cloe. “I have to go. So Friday at eight?” He looked to her. “Sure thing. Meet me at the entrance,” She smiled at him. “Thanks again,” He smiled. “No worries, mate. It's a pleasure.” Bratwurst disappeared. “Do you have a date with Kevin?” Roxy asked her. Please say no. Please say no. “No.” Thanks Cloe. I love you. “I help him with Charms. He had really difficulties with the spell today. For me it was easy, so I offered him help. He agreed. End of story.” She gave Roxy a look and Roxy grinned. “Okay, that counts,” She said. “What counts, Roxy?” I asked her. “Nothing. Girl language,” She smiled to Cloe. “So why was Freddie using F-words before?” She asked to change the subject. “Because I got detention and Mr I-Am-So-Wonderful Potter didn't,” He said. “Ohhhh,” Cloe grinned. “Shut up, too,” He said. Cloe laughed, “No. I can't. It's too much fun to see you angry.” “Shut the fuck up,” He said again. “Where are your manners? Roxy, what went wrong with him?” She asked Roxy. She laughed, “I'm asking myself this question since our birth.” Cloe laughed. “Hey. Stop making fun of me,” Freddie said. “No, it's too much fun, honey,” Cloe smiled. She seemed happy today. Like she was in a good mood. Her eyes were laughing, too. Her hair falls perfectly fine today. She had nice curls. I loved it. I wish I could play with her curls. She looked lovely today. She wore the normal school uniform but still. She was like a sun. She was my personal sun. No she was my personal universe. She was my sea, my beach, my mountain. Okay I sound like an idiot. Could be because I am an idiot. What kind of ass would fall in love with the sister of one of your best friends? Yeey, 100 points, me.

“So what are we doing today?” Cloe asked sitting here and talking. “I have a date,” Roxy said. “Me too,” Joey said. Drew looked at both. I didn't really care. That meant that I have more Cloe. Good thing. “Who is your date?” Drew asked Joey. “My girlfriend of course?” Joey looked weird at Drew. “Hm. Never mind. Have fun. And who is your date?” Drew asked Roxy. “None of your business,” Roxy grinned. “Ah common. Tell me,” Drew said. “You don't know him. He is in year seven. Hufflepuff,” She answered. “Gross, a Hufflepuff?” Drew said. “He is hot,” Cloe said and gave Roxy a look. Probably she said: I help you. I don't know. It would suit her. “So his name?” Drew asked. “Not when Freddie is around,” Cloe said and Roxy gave her a silent thank you. I smiled. Watching two of the most beautiful girls (my cousin indeed is beautiful) was really great. “Maybe you shouldn't tell any of them. They are like Freddie. We are like brothers. But I really really wish you and the Hufflepuff guy good luck. If he is nice. And if he isn't, tell me. But I don't want to hurt him unless you want to. Because I don't want to hurt you,” I said. The boys looked at me with a “WHAT?!” And Roxy smiled and hugged me. Cloe looked surprised. But in a good way. “Okay. Off to your dates, you two. Have fun,” Freddie said. “We will,” Roxy smiled. “Sooo. Us four? What are we gonna do?” Freddie asked again. “I wanna fly,” Cloe simply said. “Me too,” I said. “Yeah, when do you NOT want to fly?” Freddie asked. “True,” I answered. I loved flying. Flying with Cloe? Amazing. She on my broom would be awesome. She would hug me because she'd need to. And I could close my eyes and enjoy the moment. The wind would play with her hair. She would laugh and smile. I would turn around and kiss her and STOP brain. You think too much! Never ever think of kissing Cloe again. Oh it must be wonderful kissing her. Ah shut up brain. Maybe I should give you a name? Since I have an endless conversation with you. Brian – the brain. Yes, I like that. So, shut up, Brian. I smiled. “Why are you smiling?” Drew asked. “Flying,” I simply said. It was kinda true, wasn't it?
“So flying. I like it,” Cloe said. “Yeah, you suggested it. 'course you like it,” Drew said, “I don't wanna fly.” “But I want,” Freddie said. “Hm. Okay. Flying is on then,” Drew said but not he wasn't looking happy. “If you don't want to you can stay inside,” I said. “And miss the fun? No way, mate,” Drew said. “Hey. You are stealing my language,” Cloe laughed. “Sorry, Aussie.” Drew stuck his tongue out.

We were having lunch in the Great Hall. “James? Were you running away from me?” Sharon was sitting towards me. Oh no. “No. Of course not,” I lied. She was annoying me. “Oh good. It feels like we haven't talked in ages. How are you?” She asked me. Cloe and Roxy were laughing. “I'm fine, thank you,” I said. “Won't you ask how I am?” Sharon asked. A bitch, shut up. “Sure, How are you?” I asked looking at Freddie who high-fived Drew. Assholes. “I am so good. But I missed you. We are supposed to be together. Why don't you ask me out?” she asked. Oh no. Oh no. Ooooh nooo. I can't say because I hate you, can I? Obviously not. “I am kinda busy. With Quidditch and school my life is completely full,” I lied again. “You don't have to come in the evening. So you can go on a date with Sharon,” Freddie said. Ass. Was this his revenge for Charms? It seems so. “No. I need the practice,” I said to Freddie. “No you don't. You are perfect in flying. Isn't he, Sharon?” Freddie asked the bitch. “Yes. You don't need to practice. So, you can ask me out,” Sharon smiled. Ass. Ass. Ass. I want to spend time with Cloe, not with the bitch. “No. I promised Drew to show him a trick on the broom,” I said. “Yeah, it can wait,” Drew laughed. “Okay, then it is a date,” Sharon said. Ahhh. Noooooo! “Meet me in half an hour in the common room,” She disappeared. No. No. No. “I hate you,” I said to Drew and Freddie. “Why? You ruined my training day, I ruin your evening. Fair,” Freddie said. “And you didn't want me to show me a trick. So no need to be rude,” Drew said. Ah. “You can't say no to her,” Cloe said. “Why?” I asked her. “Because if she hears that you spend the evening rather with Freddie, Drew and me, she will hate me and make my life a living hell,” She answered. Okay I couldn't risk that, could I? Yes, I could. Dating her would be living hell for me. “So, you want me to go on a date with her. And then go on another date with her and then be her boyfriend and then marry her because you don't want to live in hell?” I said. She nodded. “But my life can be a hell?” I asked back. “You are the gentleman,” Cloe grinned. Ah. Her grin was cute. She can never ever live in hell. She should live in wonderland or happyland. No, in heaven. In peace. Not with a bitch messing up her life. “Yeah,” I said not really thinking about what she said before. “Am I invited to the wedding?” Cloe asked. “Wedding?” I asked back. “Yeah?? You marry her, so I won't live in hell,” Cloe grinned. “No, I won't marry her. I will go on one stupid date,” I said. Cloe smiled. I don't understand love. Why am I doing this? Never mind. There is something to eat. Brian the brain, shut up. I wanna concentrate on the yummy noddles.

I wore normal jeans and a normal t-shirt. Cloe and Roxy were laughing about my usual experience. They thought I would dress better. But for her? Never. I was going downstairs with Cloe and Roxy. Sharon was there. I rolled my eyes while Cloe giggled. “Be happy,” she whispered. “Shut your fucking mouth. And don't respond because you have to be nice!” I grinned. She grinned, “I love your language, Mr. Potter.” Without the “r” and “language” she said: I love you, Mr. Potter. Cool. Okay Brian, seriously, you need to stop. What sick idiot calls his brain Brian? Me, obviously. Ah. “You look great,” Sharon said looking at me. Cloe and Roxy giggled – again. “Eh. Thank you?” I said. Sharon looked at me weirdly. “What about me?” She asked. Eh what about her? Think, Brian. Think. Oh, her looking. “You look nice,” I said. Sharon smiled. I heard Roxy saying: “That wasn't that much of a compliment. Nice. Come on.” I smiled. “Wanna go for a walk?” I asked her. She shook her head, “No, it's cold outside.” Oh my gosh. It is winter. But it is nice? Common. I wanna go outside and watch Cloe flying. Wait. She doesn't go flying till eight. Maybe I could go with Sharon having dinner and then be ready at eight to go flying with my friends. Best plan ever. I have to be quick. “I have an idea. Follow me,” I said to Sharon. She seemed happy and followed me. “Where are we going, James?” She giggled. Why do girls always giggle? “Kitchens. We are having dinner,” I said. “Cool. I have never been to the kitchens,” She said. That didn't surprise me. Maybe I shouldn't show her the kitchens. Otherwise many people would be there. Hm. New idea. Brian, common. I know you know something! Hm. Date. Dinner. Dinner. Date. Late. Kate. Fate. Mate. Cloe. Wait? Cloe? Why Cloe? oh. I thought of mate. Australian slang. Yeah. hm. Oh. I have it. Picnic. “I have a better idea,” I said. “Could you go back to the common room, grab a jacket and come to the Astronomy tower?” I asked. She nodded but seemed confused. The minute she disappeared I said loudly: “Dobby.” A house elf, son of Kreacher, my dad's former house elf, apperead. Kreacher had five kids. Three are working at Hogwarts, two are working at our house. Dobby was my favourite. He was mine. Everyone had an own house elf. That was kinda funny. I got Dobby. Lily has Winky. She is really cool, too. “What can I do for my Master?” He asked. “I need a nice dinner for two on the Astronomy tower.” “Sure thing. Romantic?” “Eh, no. Not too romantic. But a picnic.” “Okay. When?” “As quick as possible.” “Five minutes?” He asked. I nodded. Sharon would need more than five minutes from the common room to the tower. So I could go really fast and be there first. Or I could just catch her. That's what a gentleman would do, I guess. I looked at the map. The Marauder's map. I stole it from my dad. It shows Hogwarts and every person. Hm. I wonder where Cloe is... On the way to the Great Hall. No. Sharon. Okay. She is... ah. Only one level above me. Perfect. I'll be there any minute. “Winky.” Winky appeared. “Winky, can you do me a favour?” “Of course, Master James.” “I am not your Master. Lily is.” “You are family.” “Okay. Well Can you bring me two levels higher? To the second floor?” “Sure,” She said and she appeared with me. “Thanks. I needed to be there very fast.” “It was a honour, Master James,” She disappeared. I went to the stairs and waited there for Sharon to arrive. “Hi,” I smiled. She smiled. “You are fast,” She said. I nodded. “No food?” She asked. “You'll see,” I said. I talked with her a bit about school and a bit about her dorm. She said a few things about Roxy and Cloe. (not nice things). I don't like her. I was proud of Dobby when I saw what he made. There was a simply picnic blanket and one candle. The rest wasn't too romantic. Perfect. “Wow. James,” Sharon said. She turned to me and did the most horrible thing ever. She kissed me. Ihhh. I don't care for Cloes life. I care for my lips! “Stop!” I said. She looked at me. Then she started crying. Oh no. “I knew you don't love me. You are just here because you pity me.” Wait? No? Why? “Because I begged you to ask me out. Even your friends needed to help me,” She cried. “And the gentleman you were, you even had a romantic idea.” Yeaaah. Would it be perfect or would it be perfect if Cloe was the one who kissed me? “And you don't really care what I am saying.” Yeah. She is right. “I know. You love Cloe,” She said. Waiiit? Whaaat? No. I don't. “I hate her. She stole you from me. Her life here will be hell.” “Sharon. I do not love Cloe,” I said. She can't make Cloes life a living hell. She can't. “Why did you say stop then?” She asked. Ahh. Damn. Everyone knows I am the ladies men. Shitey. I need a good excuse... “The man has to kiss the girl. Not the girl the man. Where is the romance in that?” I said and I was damn proud for that good excuse. “Uh, you wanted to kiss me?” She asked. “Yeah, just not now. I planned it,” I said and lied. I wished Cloe was here. And I wouldn't need to lie. “Owww. Sorry. Can you forgive me?” She asked. Kinda sweet. The kiss wasn't too bad. If I imagine it was Cloe? Maybe it would work? That would be really stupid. But I like kissing and having sex. Why do I have to be the pope? So I kissed her. And it was good. She was a good kisser. We had dinner and kissed and made out a bit. But then I said goodbye. And that I want a slow start. She seemed happy with that and I ran to the Quidditch pitch. I felt like a ass.

“AAAAAND? Why are you back early?” Freddie asked me. “Ehhm. She kissed me,” I said and turned a bit red. “Congrats. She is a bitch but she is hot. And what else?” He asked. “Nothing else. I said I want to start things slow, she was like: Oh gosh. You are so sweet and gentle and she was really happy. Then I went down here and end of story,” I said. “Why did you do this?” Asked Drew. Because she wants to make Cloes life a living hell. “Like Freddie said. She is hot.” “Yeah but even if you had a lot of girls you always cared for them. You can't tell me you care for Sharon,” Freddie said. Hm. Right. Haven't thought of that. Hm. “I do. She is nice to me,” I said. “Only because you are James Potter.” Freddie said. “Maybe. But maybe she likes me for who I am?” I said knowing that it wasn't true. “Common. Say a name of one girl that isn't related to you and doesn't like you because you are James Potter.” Freddie said. “Yeah. Maybe you are right. But I can dream. There is no girl that likes me for who I am. Because – well – I am a Potter. But then again I can take the hot girls,” I said. “I like you for who you are. I don't care about your family or that you are a Quidditch star. I like your character,” Cloe said. I looked at her surprised. “Then I should have started dating you. But too late,” I said. Knowing that I would loved to date Cloe. But she never would want to date me. “Yeah and besides that I have a bo... no I had a boyfriend and I still have feelings for him,” I saw a tear in her eyes and I hugged her, “Hey. One day you will forget him and get a better one. One like me.” I grinned and hoped that I would be the better one. “Thank you. That's why I like you,” she smiled. I smiled. “Why do you like me?” I asked. “You are sweet and gentle and charming. You know what to say. You are funny and make people laugh but you also know when to stop. Except Slytherins. Then you really care for your friends. You are a bit arrogant but only a bit. And that is good because your parents are the most famous parents in the world and you are probably the most famous Quidditch star in the world. And the youngest. But still: You are very down to earth. Your family and friends are more important than anything. Oh and you have a really big heart.” I smiled hearing this. I sound like a good person, don't I? Ah Cloe. I like you sooo much. “Thanks, Cloe,” I smiled. “So what do you like about me?” She asked grinning. “Ehhh what?” I asked back. “I told you what I like about you. Now I want to know what you like about me. It's fair,” She said. “Okay. First of all: Your accent. It's so cool. And then you smiling. The whole time. No, you are shining like a star. You are so sweet and don't have any prejudices. You try to understand everyone. You always help people out. The way you can't say no. The way you smile and talk. Your heart is speaking when you talk. You never sound bored. You are always interested. And you are very down to earth, too. I mean you mum is such a famous actress,” I said. She smiled. “Thank you, James.” I smiled, too. “Wowowo. Jimmy you have a girlfriend.” Freddie said. “First: No. And second: I am not dating Sharon. I just told her what I like about her.” “But you didn't even mention her good looking!” Freddie said. “So? I don't see your point.” I said. “Normally, the best thing about a woman is the good-looking for you.” He said. Haha. It was never the best thing. Maybe one of the best thing. But Cloe could be ugly and I still liked her. “But I like Cloe the way she is? Without her looks.” I said. Freddie smiled, Cloe smiled. I smiled. Woah. That were too many smiles. Doesn't matter. I am not dating Sharon. Not yet at least. We just kissed. That's all.

“So I want to fly,” I said. “Yeah, yeah. Nice try. We are not finished, Potter Not yet.” Freddie said. “I know. I know.” I mumbled and then I got on my broom. It was fantastic. Flying and watching Cloe. Best combination ever. The evening in the boys dorm wasn't that easy. Cloe was with us. She slept in Freddies bed. While he was in there. Why didn't she want to sleep in my one? She had bad dreams. I could tell. She was crying at night. Sometimes even screaming. Roxy slept sometimes in our dorm, too. Like today. She was in my bed since Freddies was taken. But I'm fine with that. Roxy is like my sister. No, she is my sister. I love her the same way as I love Lily. We grew up together so she really is my sister. “Jimmy, is it okay if I sleep in your bed?” Roxy asked. “Ehm, sure. As long as there is enough space for me.” I said. “Of course. You are my favourite brother.” She grinned. “Hey, what about me?” Freddie complained. “You are... my brother.” Roxy grinned. “But James isn't even your real brother.” Freddie cried. I laughed. “I am. We are as close as siblings. You know that, bro.” Freddie smiled. “I love my family. Well except Roxy.” “Ah, now you are mean. I love you, Freddie. You know that. And you are my favourite TWIN brother.” She smiled. Freddie smiled. “Fine, I can live with that. Good night.”

Roxy and I talked quietly. She told me what has happened in her life since last time we've spoken. We haven't really talked lately so we were awake very late. “Mum, no. MUM. DON'T. STOP. MUM. I LOVE YOU. PLEASE. IT HURTS. STOP. NO. NO. JOSH, STOP. PLEASEEE. YOU ARE HURTING ME.” I heard Cloe screaming. “What's up with Cloe?” Roxy asked me. “I don't really know. Let's check.” I said and climbed from my bed. “You go checking. I did it last night. I'll sleep, okay? I use a quiet charm.” She looked tired. I couldn't blame her. And one is enough. Freddie never woke up in the night. A bomb could explode and he would sleep. “Cloe? Cloe??” I asked her. She was still screaming for help and her mum to stop. “CLOE!” I said loud and put a silence charms around us so no one else would wake up. I shook her. She opened her eyes and looked at me confused. “Are you alright?” I asked her. “Where am I?” She asked. “In our dorm. In Freddies bed. You had a nightmare. You were screaming.” I answered. “Sorry. I didn't want to wake you up.” She said. I smiled. “You didn't. I was awake. Are you fine?” I asked her. She nodded a bit. “No you are not. You don't have to tell me. But sometimes it helps to talk to people.” I said. She nodded. “I know. I talked with Freddie. But... it doesn't stop.” “Maybe you need to talk to another person?” A person like me. Talk to me. Please. I can't see you hurt. “Fancy a night walk?” She asked. “Sure,” I smiled. I grabbed a jacket and we went outside. We were walking trough the doors and the secret passages. To be sure we won't get caught. But then we finally were outside. “What is going on, Cloe? The day you are happy and the night you scream?” I asked her. She started crying. She was freezing. Like me. But I decided that she needed my jacket more. “It's okay. I am there for you,” I said and put my jacket around her. “Thank you. You are such a nice boy. You are more like a brother than Joey. It seems like I know you better,” she said. Great. I am her brother. Thanks. Damn it. I do love her. I need someone to talk. Someone I could trust. I need Lily. “You know my mum,” She said. “Sure, Ellen Strong. I saw her movie. The one... ehhh.. I think “Midnight is after dinner” or something like that.” I answered. “No... Yeah. Well the movie is called like that. But my mum....She is always on drugs. And drunk. And she never knows what to do. Whenever she is on drugs or drunk she... she... she hurts me. She screams at me and hurts me...” She cried. Oh gosh. Her mum... What? Poor Cloe. How could anyone do that to her? HOW?! “I'm here. I'm here.” I said and put an arm around her. “And...And... And Josh... Josh,” She shivered. “Freddie was there. That's why we are close... I don't love him. It's just... I need you to know it.” She said. “What?” I said confused. “I don't love Freddie. Even if Josh was such an ass.... I love him. Or Maybe I love him because he is an Aussie.” Hm. Hopefully. No wait. That means that I never ever have a chance, or? Ah. Damnit. Fuck my life. “Maybe. You should try to forget him. Hogwarts has pretty boys, too,” I grinned. She smiled. “I know. And all the pretty ones are my friends.” “Uhh... I am pretty?” I said. “Never said that. But you should read what is written in the toilets.” She laughed. She didn't cry anymore. Thanks Merlin. “What?” I was curious. “Oh... about all the boys.” She said and laughed again. “About me, too?” I asked back. “Probably most of the writing is about you.” She grinned. Ahh.. “Tell me. Please,” I said. “Best thing: I never have to sleep with you because I know exactly how good you are,” She laughed. “WHAT?” I said. I was a bit scared. Women are so mean. “Well, one of your girlfriends or exgirlfriends wrote something about you. Ehm. I think it was: He is a sexgod. He is so good. Damn it was the best night in my life. But after that he breaks up with you. He is an arse. But it is worth it,” Cloe laughed. I grinned. “Thahahaha. I knew it. I am a sexgod. YEEES!” “But if your character is shit no one will love you.” “But my character is good? It's not my fault that many girls are getting boring with the time.” Cloe laughed. “You have an excuse for everything.” “No, Cloe. Just for a few things.” I smiled. “What else was there about me?” I asked. “You are the hottest and most handsome guy in Hogwarts. Everywhere stands: I love James. Or Sharon Potter.” She laughed. “Oh no. I have to talk to her. I don't want her to be my Mrs Potter,” I said. “Who should be your Mrs Potter?” She asked me. You. Only you. “Someone special. Someone I like and someone who likes me for who I am and not for my parents or my Quidditch skills.” I answered. “Someone like me?” She asked. No. Not someone. Just you. “Yeah. Something like that. Someone like Roxy, you or Lily would be great.” I smiled. “So Roxy doesn't work and Lily doesn't either. Seems like I have to marry you. Oh no,” She said dramatically. Damn. I love her. That hurt. Really. “Yeah... Seems like. But no worries, you don't have to.” I smiled as good as I could. One day I'll be marrying her. I hope.

“POTTER! STRONG! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING OUT HERE?” Professor Haight. “I wasn't feeling well, so James decided to take me on a walk.” Cloe said. Well at least she was honest. “If you are not feeling well, go to the hospital wing. Ten points from Gryffindor from you. You are lucky I found you. I give you a week detention. Starting tomorrow, nine o clock.” She said. Looking at Cloe. “The same for you, Potter. Detention and ten points from Gryffindor,” She said. I nodded. “What are you still doing here? Go to your dorm!” Haight said. So Cloe and I ran back to the castle. Cloe giggled, “Too bad we were caught.” I smiled. She had red cheeks and looked somehow happy. “Thank you. It was good to do something fun,” She smiled. I smiled. Like always. “I don't wanna go to your dorm again.” She said slowly. “Do you want me to come with you? Maybe you shouldn't be all alone.” I suggested and hoped so much that she said yes. “Hm. Sharon will be mad.” She said thinking. “Nah, she won't see me. You have curtains and I have an invisibility cloak,” I said. “Good point. Okay. Come with me. Thanks.” She said. I will always remember this night as the happiest of my life. I could sleep in the same bed as my one and only love. Okay, I'm exaggerating – but who cares? She was very restless that night so I hold her tight. I felt so sorry for her and tried to be there for her. I really tried. The next morning I heard the other girls getting up and talking.

“Oh look, the Aussie finally found her own bed. I wonder who of the boys let the kangaroo in his bed.” It was definitely Sharon who said that. “Yeah. I wonder who Weasleys boyfriend is. I bet it's Drew or Joey. But it's strange. Strong barley sleeps in her own bed. Oh and look. That jumper is from a boy. Probably a boy is in her bed?” Camille said. Oh no. My jumper. “I know that jumper,” Sharon said. I was shocked. They can't make Cloes life any worse. If Sharon finds out that I'm in the same bed as Cloe she'll kill me. Very silently I put the invisibility Cloak on and I tried to move as less as possible. “It's from James. He wore it yesterday. I told you. When I kissed him. He wouldn't dare to fuck her, would he?” Sharon was angry. I could tell. “There's only one way to find out. We have to look. Open her curtains,” Camille answered. Please don't see me. I was as far away from Cloe as I could and She was lying in the middle of the bed. Or at least it looked like this. I saw Sharon looking to Cloe. “There is only Cloe,” Sharon said and closed the curtains again. I was relieved. “Maybe there is a simple explanation? He probably went to his friends to tell them about you. She was there, too. She was freezing. The gentleman he is, he gave her his jumper. End of story,” Camille said. I liked her. She was about to save me. “Maybe you are right.” Puh. Lucky me. Lucky me. When the two girls left for the bathroom I sneaked out of the room.

“Where have you been?” Roxy asked me. The boys were still sleeping. “In your dorm.” I answered. “Why?” She asked. Roxy was so damn curious. “Well, I took Cloe on a walk. We got caught. She didn't want to go back to the boys dorm but didn't want to be alone. So I slept in your dorm.” I answered. Roxy smiled. “Nice of you.” “I know. That's me,” I said. “Modest as always,” Roxy grinned. “I know. Thanks honey.” Suddenly I was happy. Cloe told me her secrets. She wanted me to be with her all night. Maybe. Maybe. I didn't have zero chances. Maybe there was one. A tiny one. But a tiny one is better than no chance. And best: SHE IS SINGLE!

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Hobbit 3: Begleitbuch
Samstag, 01.07.
Neue FF von SarahGranger
Freitag, 02.06.
Neue FF von Laurien87
Mittwoch, 24.05.
Neue FF von Lily Potter
Emma ist eine natürliche Schönheit – wenn sie also die ,normale‘ Hermine in ihrer Schuluniform spielt, müssen wir ihr Aussehen unter dem Make-up eher herunterspielen. Aber der Weihnachtsball erfordert natürlich das genaue Gegenteil – da konnten wir uns mit dem Make-up richtig austoben.
Amanda Knight, Maskenbildnerin