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Second Chance - The Match

von Lunmine

Thanks again for commenting! You guys make me happy and thanks to all the readers! It means a lot to me that the story is being read!! :)

It was friday and I had the day off to show my “friends” Hogsmead. Josh and Steve would stay at Hogwarts with the National team while Kellan, Jane, Joey, Roxy, Drew, Freddie and myself went to Hogsmead. I was walking next to Kellan and he talked to me. “Cloe, I'm sorry. I need to explain some things to you,” He said. I looked at him waiting for him to talk. “I never wanted you to be my fake girlfriend. My parents are coming today but of course they know I broke up with Holly. Josh begged me to 'test' you. He called it like that. I'm sorry.” I didn't say anything. “Say something,” Kellan said. “I broke up with him.” I said. “I'm sorry, are you angry at me?” He asked me. “No, not really. I just don't understand why you did it but okay,” I said. “I don't know. He had a few good arguments. He thought Drew fancies you and you fancy him a bit. And when I thought about it I came to the conclusion that he might have been right. Sorry.” I nodded and went to Jane.

“Sorry, I broke up with Josh,” I said to her. “I know. I'm sorry, too. It's just stupid that it was while we are here. He goes back home after the game. Steve is joining him.” “What are you doing?” I asked her. “I don't know. I probably join them. You are different. You have your new friends. I don't know why but it seems like the one with the red hair knows you better than I do,” She said. “No, he was just there for me. Yesterday, I mean. When I broke up with Josh. He was there,” I said knowing that it was a lie. Freddie was the only one who knew about my mum and what Josh did. Well, maybe Jane knew what Josh did. “Do you know why we broke up?” I asked her. “Josh said it was because you fancy Drew,” She whispered. “It was a lie,” I said. She looked at me surprised. “Why did you break up?” She asked me. “Have you heard about the neckless?” I said. “What? No. What neckless? What has this to do with you breaking up with my older brother?” She asked. “Well, nothing. Sorry. I just was thinking about a neckless. He gave me one for Christmas,” I said. She smiled. “Thats sweet.” “I know. But he was so jealous. He said he didn't think I had a life here. He thought I'd be crying all day and so,” I said. “Yeah. I was a bit surprised, too. You seem so happy here. Happier than you have been in Australia.” She said. “But I'm not. I'm just happy that I found such good friends and that Joey is so nice.” “Have I heard my name?” Joey asked. “Nooo,” Jane and I said. Joey shook his head and talked to Roxy again. “He is hot,” Jane said. “Who?” I asked. “Joey,” She said. “Ihhh. Gross. This is my brother you're talking about,” I said. “Now you know how I felt about you and Josh,” She grinned. “It's really good to see you.” I said. “Yeah, it's good to see you, too. It's good to sort things out. Why did you never told me your mum has problems with drugs?” she asked. “Would you want to talk about the drugs problem of your mum?” I asked back. “Yes, with my best friend,” She said. “Well, I didn't want to. I enjoyed to much my life as a normal child,” I said. “You were never normal at home. Everyone loved you because of your mum and you hated it. You could have told me why,” She said. “I told you. I don't want to be loved because of my mum,” I said. “Yeah and probably because of her drugs.” “No, it was just because I'm a person for myself and not my mum.” “Yeah because she is taking drugs and you aren't.” “NO. It is because I'm an individual. I'm not my mum. In no way,” I said. “You look like her.” “Well, then this is the only thing we have in common.” “No, you are so much like her,” Jane said. Was she really that stupid? It was a good decision that I never told her about my mum. “You don't know her,” I said. “I saw her in movies and Interviews.” “Well, but she is nothing like me. James understands that. But it seems like you don't.” “Oh, suddenly James is better than me? Wasn't it you who told me not to be such a crazy fan? What are you now?” “This is not fair. I'm friends with him.” “You know him for four fucking weeks.” “And that is enough to become friends. He stayed with Joey over the holidays. I spent every day with him. Don't say anything about our friendship because you have no idea.” “Yeah, I have no idea anymore. I don't know you anymore. I don't know anything about your life. I probably never did.” “You did. I told you everything except about mum. Because I didn't and don't want to talk about her.” “I bet you talked with James about her.” “No. I didn't.” “But you said...” “I said that he would understand because his dad is the most famous wizard ever.” “It was the most stupid idea to come to England.” “No, I finally found out what Josh is like and you.” “Me? I didn't do anything. You stole James.” “No? I never stole James.” “You did. When I talked with him he only wanted to know about you. You in Australia and so. I bet he loves you. YOU NOT ME! You stole my future husband and the father of my kids.” “This is too dumb for me. I'm out,” I said and walked over to Freddie and Drew. “Everything alright?” They asked. I nodded. “Cloe, wait,” Jane said I turned around. “I'm sorry. I was a jealous bitch.” “Why?” I asked her. “Because your life is awesome here. You have such cool friends and all that jazz, and I'm so alone at home. I miss you.” “You have Grace, Toby and Sean,” I said to her. “No, Grace was more your friend. She doesn't spend time with me very often. And Toby and Sean are boys. They are not you. You are my best friend. And to see you live a new life I'm not part of... it hurts. I bet it was the same Josh felt. It seems like you don't need us anymore.” “Of course I need you. You are my best friend.” We hugged. “Awww,” Freddie made a weird noise and Drew laughed. It was a very nice day. We had lot of fun. Kellan left us very soon because of training but the rest of us had so much fun. I even forgot Josh. I was glad Jane and I are back on good terms because she really is my best friend.

“ENGLAND. ENGLAND,” I heard the fans scream. Whole Hogwarts was down at the pitch. I was sitting in the Australia fan edge. We were only twenty people or something like that. And to my luck next to our edge was the edge were Roxy and so were sitting. There was even a VIP-area and I swore I saw Harry and Ginny Potter and a few of the older Weasleys like George. The game was really awesome. Kellan was a fantastic keeper. He was better than the one from England but England had the better chasers and beaters. James was truly amazing. He was bloody brilliant. He flew like he was born on that damn broom and he did a lot of awesome stunts to score. And he did score very often. The score was 140:90 for England and James scored at least 60 points. I was really impressed. And if Kellan wasn't that damn good of a keeper the score would have been two-hundred and something to ninety. The seekers were both really good and they were both going after the snitch. But no one did reached it at that time. The score was now 160:90 when the England seeker finally caught it. England won and to be honest it was well-deserved. Steve looked like he was about to cry. Josh was sitting next to him looking disappointed and Jane looked amazed at James flying to the ground and hugging his mum and shaking the hand of his dad. I watched him, too. I saw him speak to his dad and then he went to the trainer who smiled at him. The whole team smiled while the Australians looked really disappointed.

“This was an awesome game. And Potter junior did an amazing job. England should be happy to have a chaser like him. Please a huge applause for Mr. Jaaaaaaaames Potter!” The speaker said and all visitors were clapping their hands except for Josh. The Australian players were coming to our edge. “Thanks for your support.” One of them screamed. “Hey, we have VIP-tickets. We can go down.” Steve said to us and we walked down. I saw Kellan. “Kellan you were awesome. Way better than the England keeper!” I hugged him. “Thank you. But damn Potter is bloody brilliant. Without him we'd have had a chance. But their beaters were better, too,” he said. I smiled at him. Josh was next to me and looked at me awkwardly. “Jane, you wanna go? You need to pack,” I said to her. She saw my glance and nodded.

“So, Jane. How is life?” I looked at her. “It's alright. Like I told you, I'm a bit lonely without you. I miss hanging out with you. Surfing isn't the same without you,” she said. “I miss you a lot, too. I know it doesn't seem like it. But it's the truth. I love my new friends and they are so sweet and gentle and nice. But they are not you. I've known you since forever and nothing will ever top that. You are my sister,” I looked at her. “Too bad you won't marry Josh anymore... How about Steve?” She laughed and had tears in her eyes. “Or you could marry Joey,” I suggested. She smiled. “You know... I do have to tell you something...” She looked at me, “I think I might fancy Sean a little bit...” “Sean? Really? I thought it would be Toby...” I said. Toby and Jane were really connecting when I left. “No, Toby is nice and I like him but I don't feel any butterflies. But Sean... Lately whenever he smiles at me... I don't know, it feels just so nice. And I can really talk to him, you know? Since you are gone he's the one who's been there for me the most. The others know how much I miss you but I … I don't have words for it...” “Sean. Go for it, love,” I said to her. “You think? I don't want to destroy our friendship...” “You don't destroy it. If he feels the same it would be a shame if you two were too coward to get together. And if not, your friendship will last. Remember when I fancied Josh at first but he didn't fancy me back. Our friendship didn't break because of it,” I said to her. “And in the end you got together,” Jane smiled. I nodded sadly thinking about the breakup. “I think I might go for it.” “Common... let's go meet Kellan. I barely see him anymore,” Jane said. I nodded.

“Kel, how are you?” I said as we found him. “I'm fantastic... a bit sad that we lost... but fantastic. And you two?” He looked at Jane and me. “We are alright. We just wanted to hang out with a cool bloke like you,” I said.

“It was good to see you. Visit me soon,” Jane said and hugged me. “Yeah, I'll miss you. Keep writing me. And take care,” I cried a bit. After our conversation on the way to Hogsmead our relationship was the same as before. She cried, too. I hugged Steve, too. “It was nice to see you,” I said to him. He smiled, “Yeah, visit anytime.” “Bye Josh.” I said and looked away. “Cloe, please. I love you,” He said. I looked at him. I loved his dark eyes and as he was talking they were warm. But then I remembered how he hold me and anything. “It's over, Josh. Have a nice life. Take care of Jane,” I said. I watched them walk to Hogsmead. Kellan was next to me, “Remember Wednesday? We were standing here and you were over excited.” “Yeah, I do. Why had he to be such an ass?” I asked him. “I have no idea. But I do think he loves you,” He said. “Maybe.” “Do you love him?” “I don't know. Everything had changed. I loved him when he came but then, well, it turned out that he wasn't the same person I fell in love with.” “I'm sorry for you. And I'm glad that I met you. You are like a sister for me. Please, let's stay in contact,” He said. “Yeah, whenever you are in England, tell me,” I smiled. “Or you come to Australia.” “Sure thing.” I walked back to my new friends and Kellan to his team. “Cloeany, honey,” Mrs Potter came to me and hugged me. “Mrs Potter, nice to see you. How are you?” I asked smiling. “I'm very good and you, honey?” She looked at me warmly. “Very good, thanks. James played fantastic,” I said. “Yeah, he is awesome and his career is awesome. I bet he's soon richer than Harry and are,” She laughed. “He's getting paid for Quidditch?” I asked. “Yeah, whenever he plays he gets a lot of money.” “In Australia you're only getting paid when you are twenty or older. For everyone else it's the honour to play for and with the team,” I said. “How do they live?” Mrs Potter asked confused. “They have to work,” I answered. “Interesting. Oh, Harry, look who's here, Cloeany.” “Hello Cloeany,” Mr. Potter said looking at his wife, “He hasn't changed his attitude. I told him how proud I was and he just said thanks and went away.” “I'll have to go. It was nice to see you,” I said and went away. I felt a bit unconformable when Mr Potter talks about his problems with James in front of me. When I got in the common room James went to me. “Cloe, you know what?” “Nope, hit me.” “I won,” He said. “Yeah, I've seen the game,” I said a bit confused. “No, I won the bet. You have to be nice to me for two weeks,” He grinned. “Oh, that. Shit. I mean, it's lovely to talk to you, James,” I said. “Ah you're so damn bad in being nice,” He grinned. “Common, dance with me,” He said and the next second I was dancing with James. It was a great evening and I had lots of fun and to my own surprise it wasn't that hard being nice to James. Even though I had to watch my mouth at some times.

“Why do you have so different hair?” I asked James. “What do you mean?” He asked me back. “Your dad has black hair, Al has black hair, your mum is ginger, so is your sister and your hair is a mixture of brown and blonde. Why?” I asked him. “I have no idea. But maybe someone knew I want to be different to my dad,” He said. “So why aren't you ginger?” I asked back. “Okay, I'll tell you something I haven't told anyone before,” He said. Okay now I was curious. “Naturally my hair is brown. But since I can remember I wanted to be different to my dad. And with my dark brown hair I looked very similar to him, so I guess, I changed my hair with magic and now it's stuck like this.” I laughed, “Really?” He nodded. “I won't tell anyone,” I smiled. “I know.”

“So you and James are finally getting alone?” Joey looked at me and smirked. I was at the bar getting myself a drink. James was dancing with Roxy. “Yeah, remember that stupid bet? I do have to be nice for him for two weeks. But it's not too bad. I actually like him,” I answered. He smiled at me. “Where's Carol?” “Oh, she has gone early. She was a bit tired and she is not a big fan of Quidditch and parties,” he answered. “Too bad.” He nodded. “Wanna sit down for a bit?” He asked me. “Sure, lovely twin,” I smiled at him. When we sat down I asked him: “So, what's going on? Relationship troubles?” “I don't know. I wouldn't be able to talk to one of the boys about it... it's just that... Carol and I haven't done it yet. And we've been dating for quite some time now and I don't want her to do something she doesn't want to but at least we could be sleeping in one bed and cuddle or stuff like that. But she doesn't want to. I can barely kiss her in public and it kinda feels weird. No other girl rejected something like that.” “Give her some time and talk to her about it. Maybe she's just scared. Maybe she doesn't know that you don't expect her to do it right away,” I said to him. “What if it scares her?” “Why should it? All you are is being caring. What on earth should her scare?” He smiled, “thanks, and please don't tell the boys we haven't done it yet.” I nodded.

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