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Second Chance - Surprises

von Lunmine

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Hope you enjoy it :)


The rumour of me dating Drew vanished with the arrival of the Quidditchteams and I was very happy about that. I really liked Drew and I think he really likes me. But it's more like a sister-brother-relationship. I was thinking about Quidditch and Drew when a man in his twenties came to me. “Are you Cloeany Strong?” He asked me. “Ehm, yes, why?” I asked back. “I'm Kellan Feith, keeper of the Australian Quidditchteam,” He said. “Ooookay. Why do you know my name?” I asked him really excited. Common, an Australian superstar was standing in front of me and knew my name. ARGH! Time to freak out. “Because I have a message for you and this lovely young lady helped me finding you,” He nodded to Camille Proft. “Okay. So what's the message?” I asked him. “It's from Josh. Here is a letter, a photo and a cake, I think,” Kellan Feith said. Josh? I think I might hyperventilate, “So, you know Joshi?” “Yes, I do. He was my neighbour two years ago. But then I moved to Melbourne after graduation, you know I'll play for Melbourne. But I have a lot of contact to his older brother, Steve. He was one of my best mates back in school. And then I got a call from Josh and he asked me to do him a favour because I was coming to Hogwarts where his beautiful girlfriend is at the moment. He was right, by the way, you are beautiful. So sad that you are taken,” He grinned. “He or Jane never told me they know a professional Quidditchplayer,” I said. “Yeah, kinda my fault. I asked them not to tell anyone. And it seems like they've kept their word,” He said. “Oh, okay. It's just a bit weird because Jane and I had never secrets, so did Josh and I,” I told him. “It's fine. Don't be mad at them. It's my fault.” I nodded. I wasn't mad, I was just surprised. But that explained why Steve was so often at Quidditchgames. Sometimes he had taken Josh or Jane with him and I was always wondering why he got such good seats, “Mr. Feith, you said you have something for me from Joshi?” I asked him. “Oh, Cloeany, please call me Kellan. I'm not that old,” He grinned. “Okay, Kellan,” I smiled. He gave me a letter and a package and a photo. “Do you want to show me around here? I have free time and I'd like to see the famous Hogwarts. You know, Harry Potter went there,” Kellan said. “I know. I've already met Mr. Potter,” I told him laughing. “What? Steve told me you came to England three or four weeks ago,” Kellan said. “Well, yeah. But as my brother's best friend is James Potter, I was invited to a christmas dinner and a New-Years-Eve-Party at the Potters, I've managed to meet him.” Kellan looked at me, “Not bad for only three or four weeks. So what do you think about the Potter boy?” He asked me. “He is nice, a bit arrogant but nice. Oh, and he believes he'll beat Australia. But I've already told him that he wont. We even have a bet,” I grinned. “Good thing, you know for which country you should be,” He said. It was really cool to hang out with Kellan. He told me so many funny stories about Steve and Josh. Some were even about Jane. We were sitting on the Astronomy tower and laughed a lot. “Don't you wanna read the letter from Josh?” He asked me after a while. “I want to, but it'd be rude to read it while I'm talking to you, Mr. national player.” “No, read it. It's fine,” So I opened the letter and read it.

My lovely Cloeany,
you've met Kellan Feith, the national keeper. I'm sorry for not telling you about him but we promised him not to tell anyone we are friends. His parents still live next to us and he wanted to have some peace home in Sydney.
I miss you so much and I hope you'll love your surprise. I think Kellan already told you, that I gave him a letter, a photo, and something else. I think Kellan thinks it's a cake but it isn't. It's way better than a cake. Well, at least in your eyes.
I have another surprise for you. Kellan managed us to get some of the very few cards for the big game this week. So Steve, Jane and I will be coming to Hogwarts for three days, see the game and fly with the national team back home. Isn't that great? We'll see each other and as a bonus: We'll see a cool game.
So I hope you're looking forward to me and guess what? I'm coming tomorrow. And now open the package and look at the picture.
I love you, honey.

I smiled, “You haven't told me Steve, Jane and Josh will come.” “Sorry, I promised not to,” He said. “It's fine. Was it hard to organise some cards?” I asked him. “Nah, not really. We wanted some Australia fans, so everyone got a few cards and we gave them away to friends and family, and a few to very crazy fans,” he told me. “Cool thing. Is it okay, if I open the two things?” I asked him. “Sure, I want to know what's inside, too,” He smirked and I smiled. I unpacked the photo and looked at it. It was from all my Australian friends. Jane, Grace, Toby, Sean and Josh were smiling and lauging. Jane and Grace had a big sign in their hands that said: We miss you, Cloe. I smiled, “These are my great friends back home.” He looked at the picture. “You seem like a cool girl.” “How did you come to this conclusion?” “You have great and nice friends. It's really sweet of them, the picture. So you have to be special,” He smiled. “Thanks.” I smiled back. I liked Kellan. He was so typical Australia. He was so open and I could talk so easy to him. “Open the package, please?” Kellan asked me. I laughed and opened it. Inside were many TimTams, Vegemite and Toast, a beautiful neckless and a stuffed animal, a koala. “Oh, how cute,” I said. “Yeah, Vegemite. You like a Toast with Vegemite?” He asked me. “Oh yeah, mate. I'd love to,” I said to him. “Okay, then let's do a picnic.” He said. “Now? Outside?” I asked him. “Hey, I'm a fully educated wizard. It'll be warm. Like in Australia,” He said. “Yeah, bring Australia to my new life,” I said and laughed. We went outside. The pupils kept starring at us. “Oh my gosh. I'm spending time with a professional Quidditch star. As it's something new for me,” I said dramatically to Kellan. “So who's the other Pro?” He asked. “James Potter. I've spent a lot of time with him. Well, to be honest with him and his friends. They are my friends now, too,” I said. “Ih. You like the enemy. I'm very disappointed, Cloeany.” “Everyone calls me Cloe,” I only said to him because I didn't know what else to say.

We were outside and he casted a spell, so it was warm and we could sit on the snow without getting wet. We ate Toast with Vegemite and laughed a lot. Kellan was really cool. “I'm sorry to end our little date but I have training. Could you explain me the way to the Quidditchpitch?” He asked me. “Of course. I'll show you the way,” I said. “Oh, I can introduce you the the rest of the team. They'll love you because you are an Aussie!” I looked at my watch, “Oh my gosh. I missed History of Magic today. Shit.” “Oh sorry. I'll tell your teacher, it was my fault,” He said. “When ended History of Magic?” He asked. “Well not yet. It started half an hour ago,” I said. “Okay, forget showing me the way to the pitch. We go to your teacher and I have a good excuse why you came so late,” He said. “No, it's fine. He wont even know I wasn't there. Training is more important than school. So come with me, Feith,” I said grinning. “Okay, whatever you want,” He said.

“Hey everyone. This is Cloeany. She's from Australia and lives in England since Christmas,” He said. “Oh, she's a nice girl,” One of Kellans teammates said. “Do you wanna stay and watch training?” The trainer asked me. “If it's okay, I'd loved to,” I said really surprised. Kellan smiled. “Sure thing. You made our little keeper smile. He didn't smile since we left Australia,” The trainer said. “Shut your mouth, coach,” Kellan said. “Two laps for you, Feith.” He said and Kellan started running. “His girlfriend broke up with him two days before we left,” The coach told me. “Oh, okay. Didn't know that,” I said. “Do you play Quidditch?” He asked me. I nodded. “Which position?” “Keeper.” He laughed. “Like little Kellan.” I grinned. “You wanna play with us? We could need a second keeper for a test game. Our substitutes are injured and couldn't come with us. And the others are shit keepers except for Kellan of course. He's the best since my years as keeper,” The trainer said. “Are you kidding? Training with the national team? Is it my birthday?” I asked. “No, it's not. I'm Coach Brown. What was your name again?” He asked. “Cloe, Cloe Strong.” “Okay, fine Strong. You have a broom with you?” He asked. I shook my head. “Well, then take one of ours. We have enough,” He said and handed me one over. It was the newest model of MagicAussie. “You can try the broom. Be ready in five minutes.” I nodded and flied around five minutes and it was awesome. It was the best broom I've ever used. “Okay guys and Strong. On your positions. Feith you take the right side, Strong the left.” He said. It was a really funny game. I kept my rings as good as I could safe and to my own surprise my team won in the end with 220:100. “Not bad, Strong. With a bit training you'd be a really great keeper,” The coach said to me. I smiled: “Thanks. But I have to go now. It's dinner time and I've already skipped my afternoon class. I'm sure my friends are worried. But thanks for this great opportunity. I'll never forget that game,” I shook his hands. “It was a pleasure to have you on the pitch, Strong. I hope I see you again? We have training tomorrow evening, if you wanna visit, you're welcome,” He said. “I'd love to but friends of Australia are coming to see the game and I think I'd like to spent time with them.” I said. “Bring them with you. Australia fans are more than welcome but don't bring England fans,” He grinned. “Okay, then I'll see you tomorrow I guess. Bye coach,” I said.
“Cloe wait!” Kellan shouted. I turned around. “Thanks for the afternoon. It was what I needed. My girl broke up with me and I miss her crazy and thanks to you I didn't think about her once this afternoonm” He said. “No worries, mate. It was great to hang out with an Australian bloke, too. I miss my language. They are so British here,” I smiled. He smiled, too. “See ya tomorrow, Cloe,” He said. “Yeah, bye. It was nice to meet you, Kellan.” I turned around and walked back.

“Where have you been? You haven't been in History and I haven't seen you all day,” Joey asked me. I was sitting next to him. My friends were looking at me curiously. “I met Kellan Feith, the keeper of Australia. He gave me some things from Josh, my boyfriend, because he's good friends with Joshs older brother.” “What? You've spent so much time with the keeper? You are so lucky. I bet he's hot,” Roxy said. “Oh yes, he is. But I have Josh and the best of it: Josh and Jane, my best friend, are coming tomorrow. Kellan gave Steve, Joshs older brother, three tickets. And so I'll see them tomorrow. Oh, and even better: I played with the national team Quidditch today,” I said. “What?” Joey seemed confused. “Yeah, the substitute keepers are all injured and they needed one for a test game. So I did it. And the other team only scored 100 points. While our team scored 70 and our seeker caught the snitch,” I told them really proudly. “Not bad,” James said. I had to tell them all about my afternoon and about Josh and Jane very much and I was really happy to go to sleep when it was late enough. I was tired and really excited, too. I wanted to see Jane and Josh. I was even happy to see Steve.

The next morning I went to the office of the headmistress.
“Professor Patil, I wanted to know if you are aware of the fact that Jane, Josh and Steve Cameron are coming today for the Quidditch game on Saturday?” I said to her. “Miss Strong, of course I know they are coming. They asked me if they could stay from Wednesday until Monday. They explained that they are very good friends of you and they also asked if they could visit the classes with you. Except for the oldest Cameron. And I said yes. I think you'll like it. Oh and before I forget it, you and your friends don't have to go to classes on Friday. James isn't going to class all week because of his match. And, well, I thought it would be great for you to spent time with your friends from home and maybe your new friends want to get to know them. I even allow you to visit Hogsmead,” She smiled at me. “Thank you so much. It's very nice of you. I don't know how to thank you,” I said. “Easy, don't get into detentions anymore. First day and two detentions, I must say I was a little bit shocked,” She laughed. “Sorry, Won't happen that soon again.”

I was so happy about my friends coming that I wasn't paying attention to lessons. In Arithmancy Drew was making fun of me. “Earth to Aussie. Earth to Aussie.” “I'm good, thanks, Drew,” I said without paying attention what he said. “Yeah, that's what I said. You look awful today. I bet you've slept with that son of a bitch from Slytherin, Flint,” He said. “Yeah, I think so, too,” I said. “Cloeany. What's the matter with you today?” Drew asked me. “Sorry, what did you say?” I said, confused that he used my full name. “What's the matter with you?” he repeated. “My friends are coming today, oh and my boyfriend is coming, too. Do I look ok?” I asked him. “Are you kidding me? You look gorgeous like everyday,” He said. “Ah, I don't believe you. But thanks,” I said. I took out my pocket mirror. I was pale. I could see that even my skin was missing the sun. But without that I looked okay. When it finally was time for lunch I was so happy. I was jumping up and down not able to eat anything. I had no afternoon classes today and my friends would come any minute. “Why are you jumping?” Roxy asked me. “Why are you not jumping?” I asked her back. “She has a point, you know,” Freddie laughed and jumped up and down with me. “Stop making fun of me, Weasley,” I said. “Hey, I didn't do anything,” Roxy grinned. “It's getting old. I meant Fred,” I said a bit annoyed but then I thought about my friends who were coming any minute and I was happy again. “So why are you jumping like an idiot?” Roxy asked. “Because Jane and Joshi are coming,” I smiled.

“Cloe, is everything alright?” Kellan Feith was standing next to me and laughed. “Sure, why not?” I asked him. “You are jumping up and down.” “Yes, thank you, enemy. You are so right,” Roxy grinned. “Enemy?” He asked a bit confused. I stopped jumping around. It seemed like people are thinking I'm crazy when I was jumping around. “Australian keeper?” Roxy said. “Oh, yeah. Sorry. Cloe, do you wanna go outside with me? They are arriving in five minutes and you'll probably want to see them as soon as possible?” He said. “Sure thing, Kel.” I said. “Kel?” he asked. “Yeah, I thought you need a nickname.” I said. “Hm, Kel is okay. But one of my friends started to call me Kelly. Hello? Am I a girl?” He said. I laughed. “I don't know but it would explain a lot of things,” I said. “Thank you.” He said. I laughed and hugged him a bit. “Sorry, mate. I'm just so happy Joshi and Jane are coming,” I smiled. “I see,” He said. “Common, outside, now!” I said. “You know what? You'd be the perfect match,” Roxy said. Kellan and I looked at each other and started laughing. “Sorry mate, I know her only for a day but to be honest: she's like me lil' sis,” He said. I smiled. “Thanks, big bro. I feel the same about you.” We hugged. “We have to stay in touch after Monday, kay?” He said. I nodded. “See ya later, mates.” We waved a short goodbye to my friends and then I went with Kellan outside.

“THEY ARE COMING. THEY ARE COMING. THEY ARE COMING,” I said in a sing-sang-voice. Kellan laughed at me. We were standing at the school door. “I think I see them!” I said. I was really nervous all of a sudden “What do you wait for? Run, Cloe, Run,” He said. “First: I'm not allowed to leave the school grounds and second you've stolen that from Forrest Gump,” I said at him. “Oh, I didn't thought of that....” So I had to wait until they were there. “CLOE!” Jane screamed and the next second I hugged her. “I missed you so much,” She said. “I missed you, too,” I said to her. We laughed. “Joshiiii,” I said. “Hey darling,” He said and kissed me. It felt so good to feel his lips. “Gosh, I missed you,” I breathed. “I missed you, too,” He said. I saw Steve and Kellan starting a conversation. “Hi Stevie-O,” I said to him. “Ah, still a fan of Jackass?” He asked. I shook my head. “Not really, but I gave you that nickname,” He grinned and hugged me. “Oh she gives other people nicknames, too?” Kellan asked. Steve laughed. “Common, you have to meet my new friends. Do you wanna join us?” I asked Kellan and Steve. “Sure thing, you're like family. I wanna know how your life is now,” Steve said. “What about you, KelKel?” I asked Kellan. He laughed at the nickname. “Sure, but I have training in an hour so I'll leave you then.” He said.

I went with them to my common room. I saw Roxy first. So I went to Roxy. “Roxy meet Jane, Steve and Josh. Jane, Steve and Josh meet Roxy,” I introduced them. They greeted each other and I was smiling. I liked to see my friends. My new ones and my old ones. “What are you so happy about?” Kellan asked me. “My friends. They are all together. Well, okay Grace, Toby and Sean are missing. But it's nearly perfect,” I said. Kellan smiled. “Hey, what's that situation about you two? You're supposed to know each other for like a day,” Joshi said. “Oh, are you jealous?” I asked him and kissed him to prove he was wrong. He looked happy. “I don't know. It's strange. It's like I've known him a lifetime. Like a big bro,” I smiled at Kellan. “Exactly!” He said. “Good for you,” Josh said. “Oh, there's Drew. DREW!” I shouted the last bit. He was looking at me and walked slowly over. “What's up, Aussie?” Drew asked looking curiously at my friends. “Meet my friends, Jane, Steve and Josh,” I said to him. “Hey guys. I'm Cloes good-looking, handsome, and nicest new friend,” He introduced himself. “Nice to meet you. You seem like the modest person I've ever met,” Jane laughed. “Thanks, I like you,” He simply ignored her sarcasm. “Where are Joey, Freddie and James?” I asked him. “At the Quidditch pitch. James has training and they are watching him fly,” he said. “Why aren't you there?” I asked him. “You are very noisy today, Aussie.” he said. I sticked my tongue out. “Common, you can tell me everything. I tell you always everything in Arithmancy,” I said. “Well, that could be because you always tell me the things about this subject I don't understand which is everything,” Drew said. “Okay, then... Be a bitch and don't tell me,” I said. “You haven't changed a bit, honey,” Jane said laughing. I smiled. “Okay, okay. You know I'm not gay. So I thought it'd be great to be the hottest guy in the common room since James, Joey and Freddie aren't here. I don't know why but girls are thinking they are hot, too.” He said. I laughed, “Okay then. I'll show my friends Hogwarts. You wanna join?” I asked Roxy and Drew. “Nah, I have to do homework, sorry,” Roxy said. Drew was looking at Jane. “Yeah, I'll come with you. I hate homework.” He said.

It was really fun. Jane and Drew were talking the whole time as were Kellan and Steve, so I had enough time with Joshi. Most of the time we kissed or hugged or we were holding hands. He told me everything about school and home. He told me that there was a big article in the newspaper about my mum. We were sitting at the lake. Kellan has performed his warming spell again. I was leaning on Josh and talking with Jane. Kellan went to training, Steve decided to join him and watched the training and Drew listened to us. “So Josh, don't listen. Are there hot boys?” Jane asked. I grinned. Josh wanted to say something but I gave him a short kiss then I answered Jane. “My friends are all pretty hot. You've seen Drew. He is all muscle and all that jazz. Freddie's the same. Well Joey is my brother and it's awkward to say but he is really handsome and James, well, you know how he looks like,” I said. I thought it would be mean to Joshi if I told Jane how hot and handsome and attractive James really was. I'm not in love with him or something like that. It's just the true. James is even hotter than Joshi and I'd never thought anyone could be hotter. “Oh, yes, James. I have to meet him. Please. Cloe. NOW!” She said. Drew looked confused. “Jane loves James. She adores him, she stalks him and I don't know what else,” I said. Drew laughed. “Which team do you support on Saturday?” He asked her. “England f'course. James is playing, isn't he?” She said as it was the most natural answer for an Australian girl. Drew laughed. “Why don't you have the same attitude?” Drew asked me. “Because there isn't written James Potter all over my face,” I said. Drew laughed. Joshi joined him. “Okay, let's go find James,” I said.

“POTTER, DETENTION!” I said very loudly. James was sleeping on the couch. Jane was looking really pleased with herself watching him, Drew was laughing and well Joshi, Joshi wasn't showing any emotions. He just hold my hand. He woke up. “Sorry, I didn't do anything. I swear,” He mumbled. “You fall asleep in my class, Potter. A week detention,” I said. He looked at me and finally recognised me, “Haha, funny, Strong. Very funny.” I grinned, “Morning, Sleeping Beauty.” “Hey, that's my name for you, you name... stealer! I laughed, “James, behave. Meet my best friend Jane and my boy Joshi.” He suddenly was sitting straight. “Hey, sorry for my behaviour. I'm James Potter,” He gave both his hand. “I... I … I … I kknnnnow you,” Jane stammered. “You must be Jane, I guess. Cloe told me so much about you.” he said. Jane was looking at me. I grinned. “Guilty.” She smiled and started to talk with James. Actually she started stammering with James. “So this is the famous Potter?” Joshi asked me very quietly. I nodded. “I'm hungry. I'll go to the kitchens with Freddie, kay?” Drew said. I nodded. Freddie appeared in front of us. “Joshi, this is Freddie. Freddie, this is Joshi,” I said. “Ah, you are the bad boy who stole Cloe from us poor guys. Just kidding, buddy. She's just really hot. You are a lucky man. Very lucky man,” He said. “Ah, Freddie. If you have told me you're in love with me, I'd broken up with Josh,” I said. Josh looked horrified. Freddie laughed, “We are not serious. We are joking around. I don't want to steal your girl and she only loves you.” Josh looked relieved. “Oh common. Have you really thought I'd break up with you for him?” I asked him. “Thanks, Strongy!” Freddie said. “Sorry, mate,” I said still looking at Josh. “Nah. If it'd be James or Drew who made the joke, I'd believed you and him. But not with this ginger boy. I know you're not interested in ginger,” Josh grinned. “I missed you,” I said. “You know what. We go to the kitchens and ehm you two... get a room!” Drew said and Freddie laughed.

I smiled at Joshi. “It's really good to see you.” He smiled back. “It's hard to live without you in Australia.” Oh how sweet but a bit dramatically... “You are such a drama queen, Mister,” I laughed. “King. Drama king, Miss,” He said, “Is it always that cold here?” “I don't know. I live here for like 3 weeks or something like that?” I said. “Hm. Don't you miss the sun? You are so pale,” He said. “I do. I love the sun and the heat. But it's not too bad that it's cold. It's kinda cool. I had Christmas with white snow. Oh and I have something for you. Please wait here for a sec?” I asked him and ran upstairs. I had a little christmas present for Joshi. I've already bought it in Australia. It was the present that was extreme cool. I know that Joshi loves surfing very very very much. But he couldn't take his board with him around all the time because it was really big. But since I made a placement at a magic surfboard I get some special prizes for some special boards. Josh wasn't seventeen until june this year which meant that he wasn't able to use a reduction charm. So I bought him a board with a button that did the reduction charm. Pretty awesome, or? I have one of these, too. And they are bloody perfect. So I gave him the small present (I meant the size) He opened it and looked at me confused. “What's that?” He asked. “Come with me outside. I'll show you,” I said and he followed me outside. “So?” He asked. “Push the button.” I said. He did as he was told and a big surfboard appeared. “Whoa, it's not what I think it is, is it?” He asked. “It's the reduction surfboard. You know I have connections to a magical surf shop.” “It's awesome. I love it. They aren't even on the market yet.” He said. “I know but as I said sometimes connection is all you need.” I said. “Do you have one yourself?” He asked me. “Of course I have. And they are bloody brilliant. I love my board. It's as good as a muggle board. But with the reduction charm it's really perfect. Exactly what every surfer needs.” He nodded. “Push the button again and it's getting small again,” I said. He pushed it again and soon he had a small surfboard. It had the size of a fingerboard and you could use it as key ring pendant.

It was an awesome evening. I've spent a lot time with Steve, Jane and Josh. Roxy joined us at dinner, Drew and Joey did so, too. Freddie and James were sitting away from us with two girls. “Is it James girlfriend?” Jane asked me. I didn't know, so I looked at Roxy. “Yeah until after the game. He likes to have, I think he calls it, moral support,” She grinned and I laughed. “I never thought of James as a bitch but well I think I need to change my mind.” I said. Roxy laughed. “James is not a bitch. He just needs moral support. It seems like he doesn't get it from his friends,” Jane said. Roxy and Drew started laughing. “What?” She asked. “Well, moral support means that he needs sex. Otherwise he is too concentrated on the match and well it's not good if you get too nervous,” Drew explained. I laughed. “Like I said. I need to change opinion of him. He's a bitch.” Drew laughed, too. “Don't say that about anyone, honey. It's mean,” Josh said. I looked at him. Normally he was funny. Why was he so serious now? “It's just joking, mate,” I said. “Yeah, but not nice. Do you want to be called a bitch?” He asked. “I've been called a bitch already and I don't really care. Because I'm not serious. I like James, he knows that,” I said. “But it's not funny, darling,” Josh said. “Well, sorry then?” I said. “I think it was funny,” Drew said. I smiled at him. “Thanks, Drewie-Pooh. You're nice.” “What and I'm not nice?” Josh said. “Josh common. You are only here until monday. I don't want to fight with you,” I said. “Well, it seems like you've changed a lot in the last weeks. I go to bed. Good night.” Josh went out of the common room. “He has no idea where his room is. I should probably show him the way,” I said and went after him.

“Josh, why are you so weird?” I asked him. “Because I thought I'd be the good boyfriend and visit you, and then I come to England and find out that you are totally happy with a lot guy friends and only one girl friend,” He said. “Do you want me to be sad? Because fate's a bitch and I had to move to England? Do you think I wanted that? Have you ever thought how I felt when I was in that plane? When I found out my dad had a perfectly fine life with a wife and two daughters? When I had to go to a school so different to my own? Joey introduced me to his friends and I like them. I like Joey, he is a really cool brother. And they help me to be more comfortable here. Sorry, that I'm not crying the whole time. But I'll never be sixteen again, so I live my life no matter if I'm in Australia or in England,” I said. “But you don't even seem like you missed me. It took you long enough to write me. I didn't understand and Jane had to explain things to me. You didn't even called one time!” He said. I was angry at him. Did he really wanted me to be sad the whole time? “I'm sorry. I was busy. I had to get to know my new life. And it's really expensive to call someone in Australia.” I said. “So I'm not worth it to call?” “I didn't say that. Of course you are worth it. Joshi, I'm sorry. You could have called, too.” “You were the one who disappeared.” “But I did it because I had to. I had no choice. Do you have any idea how it feels when your mum is in jail? It's my mum. I love her no matter how often she has been a bitch to me in the past. I'm sorry I didn't think about you all of my time.” “Cloe, I'm sorry. I … I was jealous.” “Why?” “You speak with Drew like he is special for you.” “He is. He is a friend.” “I know, I'm sorry.” “It's okay. I'm sorry, too.” He kissed me. “And I haven't given you my christmas present yet.” He said. We went to the guest apartment. He opened his case and gave me a small present. I opened it. It was a beautiful old neckless. It was oval and had small pearls on it. In the middle was a big pearl. You could even open it. Inside was a picture of Joshi and me. “It's beautiful.” I said. “She belonged to my granny. She gave it to me and told me that whenever I love a girl more than my life I should give her that neckless.” He kissed me. It was kinda sweet but a bit frighting, too. I kissed him back. Half an hour later I went back to the common room. “Is it safe to go to bed?” Jane asked me smiling. Steve looked at me amused. I didn't sleep with him. What is she thinking? “I don't know. I haven't seen anything dangerous on my way,” I said exactly knowing that it wasn't that what she meant. She grinned, “Okay. Steve, do you come with me?” He nodded. “I bring you back,” I said. Jane smiled. On our way we talked the whole time. Steve was laughing about us. On my way back I checked my mobile. I had one text from Josh.
Babe, I love you. Awww. “Cloe, thank god I found you.” Kellan was standing in front of me. “What's up? It's eleven p.m,” I asked. “Can you do me a huge favour, please?” He asked. “Sure, how can I help you, mate?” I asked. “My parents are coming on friday. They want to have dinner with me in Hogsmead and well I didn't tell them I broke up with my girl. Because if I do they think I'm a loser. They never met her nor did I mention a name. Could you please be my girlfriend for one evening?” “Why me? I have a boyfriend? Ask Jane?” “I can't pretend I love Jane because I don't really like her.” “Why can you pretend you love me?” “Because I can. I like you, you are beautiful and funny. No worries, I like you in a sisterly way.” “Okay, but I think I should ask Josh.” “No. You can't. He'd say no. I know that. I'd do that if my beautiful girl asks me if she could pretend to be the girlfriend of a famous keeper.” “But I can't lie at him. I'm sure he wants to know what I'm doing on friday?” “You don't have to. Tell them you meet with dad and don't mention you mean my dad?” “Why is Joey in Hogwarts?” “Ask him to have a night out with his mates?” “Do you really want me to lie to Josh and Jane? My best friends?” “No, sorry. But I hate it when my parents are thinking I'm a loser.” “I understand. But I tell him.” “Thank you. And what do you do if he says no?” “Oh, I think I can be really convincing.” “Nice, you are great.” “How old am I?” “Eighteen.” “Okay. Oh and no kissing.” “But we should be convincing.” “No kissing. And why do you lie to your parents?” “As I said. They already think I'm a loser because I didn't had a long relationship until now. They always wanted to meet my girl. I told them she is with me in England.” “Oh, I understand and since you can't say no to meeting them when they came all the way to England...” “Yeah thanks.” “Do they come to the game?” “No, they don't like Quidditch. They visit London on Saturday.” “Okay. Well, I'll go to bed now. See ya.” “Thank you, Cloe. You are the sister I never had.” “You know me for two days. Don't be a drama queen.” “You sure like to call people 'drama queens', don't you?” “Yeah. Night.” “Night, sleep well.”

This was a really stupid idea. I needed someone to talk to. The common room was already empty. Well it was nearly quarter to twelve. There was sitting someone in a chair. It was James he had his eyes closed and listened to music. “Everything alright, mate?” I asked him. He looked at me surprised, “Yeah. Where do you come from?” “I walked Jane and Steve back to their room.” “It took a long time.” “I met Kellan.” “The keeper?” “Yep, the keeper.” “Aha.” It was silent. Well I could talk to James, right? “Can I ask you something?” “Sure, what's the matter, Cloe?” “Do you think it's stupid to pretend to be Kellans girlfriend, so his parents won't be disappointed of him?” “Yes.” “What?” “It is stupid.” “But shouldn't you help friends in need?” “You know that bloke for two bloody days?” “But it seems like I've known him for my entire life.” “You've seen too much Disney.” “No.” “You are going to do it. No matter what I say.” “How do you know?” “You can't say no.” “I said no a few seconds before?” “That's not what I meant. You never say no to something. The other day Drew asked you to help him with his homework. You were really tired and you wanted to go to bed. You yawned the whole time but you helped him. Even I could tell it was the last thing you wanted to do.” “Hm.” “Do you wanna train saying no?” “Sure.” “Give me five galleons.” “No way, sorry.” “Give me a massage.” “Okay.” “Stop. Say no.” “But why? I don't mind giving you a massage.” “That's not the point. You should say no.” “But I want to. I'm sure you need one. You had a lot training.” “Next question. You wanna go outside in your bikini?” “That would be fun, wouldn't it? I mean it's cold and so but why not?” “You are supposed to say no.” “Oh.” “Next test. Do you wanna go out with me?” “I have a boyfriend.” “Yeah but: do you wanna go out with me?” “Sorry, I have a boyfriend.” “Why can't you just say no?” “Because it would hurt your feelings.” “No, it wouldn't. It's training? Remember? You're trying to learn to say no?” “Oh, okay.” “Kiss me.” “No.” “Have sex with me.” “No, you bitch.” “Go on a walk with me.” “Sure.” “You failed. But that with kiss and sex was good. I liked that you added bitch. It made your no more realistic.” “It was realistic.” “No, you do want to have sex with me, everyone wants. I'm the son of Harry Potter.” “Don't you want to be judged by your character and not by your parents?” “I know but for most girls it's a turn on.” “Not for me if your character is still a bitch.” He laughed, “Nice one, Strong.” “I think I'm good at saying no.” “No, you are not.” “Yes, I am.” “No, you are not.” “I am.” “No.” “Yes.” “Yes you are not.” “No, I am not wait? I lost it.” “Me, too.... Go to bed, Cloe.” “No.” “It wasn't training. It's late.” “I'm not tired.” “Me neither.” “I'm hungry.” “Me, too.” Silence. “I can show you the kitchens?” James suggested. “No.” “Why?” “Because you said I have to say no?” “Ah, it's not training anymore. I've already told you. Do you want me not to show you the kitchens.” “No.” “Okay fine. Don't follow me.” “No, I will.” He smiled, “Okay, now you are learning how to say no and are getting to have something to eat. Lucky girl. I want training like that, too.” “No, I'm not doing a training like this with you.” “Damn, I created a monster.” “Ah, common to the kitchens!”

We walked in silence to the kitchens. James had such a great invisible cloak. We've sawn Pucey but he didn't saw us. It was really hard for me not to giggle. When we were in the kitchens James looked at me amused. “So, do you do the thing with Feith?” He asked me. “Yes, I think so.” “Why?” “Because.” “That is not a reason.” “It's the best reason ever!” “No, it's not.” “Sure, it is!” “No.” “Yes.” “No.” “Stop.” “Fine.” We laughed. “Is everything alright with you and Josh?” He asked me. “Why?” “He seemed upset today in the common room.” “He was. He was a bit jealous. But it's fine, we made up.” “I bet the sex must have been fantastic afterwards.” “Why?” “The way you looked after you came back, you had a fight, you made up. It's normal to have sex after that.” “I thought you never had a real relationship.” “Actually, I did. In my fifth year. But to be honest: I had to watch these stupid girl movies with my sis.” “Oh, who would have thought that? James, the romantic freak.” “If you say a word to anyone, you'll be a dead person.” “Is that a threat?” “No, it's just a hint.” “Thanks, sir... “ I made a pause, “I haven't slept with him. I'm still a bit angry.” Silence. “I still think you shouldn't do that for Feith.” “Maybe you are right.” “Say it again.” “What?” “That I'm right.” “Why?” “It sounds cool.” “No.” “Damn me. If I didn't teach you to say no, you'd have said yes.” “No.” “Stop.” “Fine.” “We had this conversation already.” “I know,” I laughed. “I think I talk to him tomorrow. It doesn't feel like the right thing to do.” James smiled, “That's what I think.” “I know.” “Maybe Roxy will do the job for you?” “I don't know?” “Ask her?” “What, now?” “Yes.” “Okay, come back with me to the common room.” “No, Strong. I'm still hungry.” “Well, bad luck. Because I need your cloak.” “Okay, I'll bring you back.” “Thanks.”

The next morning I went to Kellan and told him my decision. He seemed really disappointed and a bit angry, too. But I decided that Josh is my boyfriend and nobody else. Even if it's faked. “Cloe, Cloe. Is it true?” Josh came to me. “What?” I asked. “That you said no to Kellan. He wanted you to be his fake girlfriend for his parents.” “Yes, I said no to him.” “It's like the first time ever you said no.” “Yeah, I know.” “Why did you decide it was time to say no?” “Because you are my boyfriend.” “Well, you must love me.” Yeah. Or maybe it's James fault. Because he talked me into saying no. “But to be honest. I like Kellan and I know his parents. They'll be pretty mad and disappointed of him and then he'll be sad and plays bad Quidditch. Since I travelled around the world I want to see Australia win...” “Josh, what do you want to say?” I interrupted him. “Please, do him the favour. Be his fake girlfriend. It's fine. I'm fine with that.” “Really?” “Yes. As I said. I want to see Australia winning.” “But I don't want to. I don't love him.” “I know. He knows that.” “Why not Jane or Roxy?” “Because his parents know Jane and Roxy is a Weasley. She is famous and not from Australia.” “Are you trying to persuade me to do it?” “Yes.” “Why? Why don't you want to spend the friday evening with me?” “Because, well... Because I'll meet the whole Quidditchteam.” “Ah, Quidditch is more important than I am?” “Cloe, that is not fair. I try to help a friend.” “Yeah. You are so heroic.” “Sleep with me. Common. I wanna have sex right now.” “NO, I'm not in the mood right now.” “Don't be like that!” “Like what?” “Like a bitch.” “You call me a bitch? ME?” “No, I just say you behave like one.” “Oh, good. I'll be Kellans fake girlfriend. And I'll snog him and sleep with him because I'm a bitch and that's what fucking bitches do. And I'd fucking rather sleep with him than with you.” “You wont do that.” “Why shouldn't I?” “Because you love me.” “No, I'm a fucking bitch, I don't fucking love. I don't have fucking emotions. Sorry.” “Well, if you are a bitch then sleep with me. NOW.” “No.” “Common, bitch,” I started crying. Josh looked at me calm. “Cloe, I'm sorry.” “Leave me alone.” “Cloe, please.” “Go away.” “I shouldn't have said that. I'm really sorry.” “What are you sorry for?” “That I called you bitch.” “And that you want to force me to sleep with you?” “Not.” “Then, go. NOW!” He didn't move. I walked away. He followed. We were on a corridor. “LEAVE ME ALONE. STOP FOLLOWING ME,” I said loud. He didn't leave me alone. “Cloe, please.” He hold me. “If you don't let me go, I'll scream.” “Honey, please hear what I have to say.” “You have five seconds til I scream.” “I'm sorry. You are not a bitch.” “HEEEEEEELP!” I screamed. “Why did you do this?” “I told you, I'll scream. Let me go now.” “No, you don't listen to me.” “Cloe, everything alright?” Freddie suddenly stood behind Josh. Josh hold me even tighter. “No, he won't let me go,” I said. “Cloe, I'm sorry,” Josh said again. “Freddie, make him leave me alone. Please,” I cried. I was scared. Josh hold me so hard that it already did hurt. “Leave her alone,” Freddie said. “She is my girlfriend. You have no right to tell me what to do.” Josh said. “You are right. I don't have that right. But Cloe has every right to tell you to leaver her alone,” Freddie said calm. “I won't. She is my girlfriend. I love her.” “Josh, you're hurting me,” I whispered. He didn't hear me. Freddie looked at me worried.
“Look, mate, let Cloe go,” Freddie said. “No, SHE IS MINE!” He said. “I don't belong to you,” I said quietly. Freddie heard me. Josh didn't. “Josh, what is going on?” Freddie asked him. “She... she... she is like a bitch. I gave her the neckless and all and she isn't acting grateful... not like a loving or caring girlfriend, he said. I looked at him scared. He scratched over my body and my blouse was torn apart. Freddie and Josh could now see my bra. I cried, “Let me go!” He put his mouth on mine. I tried to pull him away but I couldn't. I searched with my eyes for Freddie. He looked horrified. Then he caught my eyes and shook his head. He tried to pull Josh away. And he did it. But then they started fighting. I tried to pull them apart but I wasn't successful. Josh punched me in the stomach, in my chest and in my face. I fell to the ground and cried. I couldn't believe how Josh acted. The boys stopped fighting and looked at me. “Let's go, Cloe,” Josh said. “No. I don't want to go with you anywhere,” I cried. “COME WITH ME NOW!” Josh said loud. “NO,” I said. “Come with m....” Josh started but he was interrupted by Freddie. “She said no. So leave her. You know what? Leave England.” “You can't tell me anything. Cloe, you have to come with me. You wear my neckless. This means you belong to me. And you are my girlfriend,” He said. I throw the neckless at him and said: “No, you are not my owner and I'm not your girlfriend.” “Is this what you want?” Josh asked me. “YES,” I said loud. “Okay, then you are coursed now.” Josh said. “What?” I was confused. “I knew this would happen. I knew it when I saw your friends. So I gave you the neckless I got from my godfather. He told me: whenever you have a girlfriend and you think she won't be loyal to you, then give her that neckless. When she stopped being your girlfriend, she won't be able to kiss another guy.” “What?” I said. “You've heard right. You can't kiss any other guy. Just me,” He said. “You are seriously sick in your head,” I said and got up, took Freddies hand and ran away. I heard him follow us. “Do you know if we can hide anywhere here?” I asked Freddie while running. “Yeah. Follow me,” He said and he led me to a secret passage. We walked through it. “When we are on the other side, we are in the near of our common room,” Freddie told me. “I'm sorry,” I said to him. “For what?” He asked. “For Josh. That you had to see it. That he punched you. And for my behaviour,” I said. “It wasn't your fault that Josh acted like an ass, sorry, and it wasn't your fault that he punched me and you don't have to apologise for your behaviour. It was natural. I'm sorry for you, Cloe,” He said and hugged me. “So and now we go to my little cousin Rosie. She knows nice spells for bleeding noses and so,” He grinned. “Do I look that bad?” I asked. “Hm, truth or lie?” He asked. I smiled. “Lie.” “You look amazing and wonderful.” “Thank you.” “Are you ready to go in the common room?” He asked me. We were still in the secret passage. “No, not really. I don't want to see people right now. I don't want people to ask...” I said. He smiled, “Good thing then that you know me. Rosie will be here in five minutes. Do you want anyone else here?” He asked. I shook my head, “It would be nice if you could stay. I don't need Rosie. I just don't want to be alone.” “It's fine. I can call her without leaving the passage,” He said. I looked at my mobile. I had no connection. To my surprise he put a golden thing from his pocket. “Have you heard of Dumbledore's Army?” He asked me. I nodded. Of course. This army is famous. It had a whole chapter in our history of magic book. “Have you heard of the Galleons?” He asked. I nodded again. “Well, this works similar. Aunt Hermione gave us all one a few years ago. It works just better. You contact all Wotters or just one. Whatever you like,” He said. It was silent. I was freezing. I looked down at me. My blouse wasn't a blouse anymore. It was totally torn apart. You could see my bra and all. I was ashamed. Freddie looked at me weird. “You can have my t-shirt,” he then said and took his shirt off. “No worries,” I said. “Nah, you take it. I don't mind showing my muscles. I bet my body is a lot better than that of your ex,” he said joking. But the thought of Josh was horrible. I started crying again. “Oh gosh, Cloe. I'm really sorry. That was a stupid joke,” He said. “No, it's fine. Your body is way cooler.” I said trying to hide my tears. He smiled a bit. He gave me his shirt and I took it on. “It suits you,” He said. “Thank you,” I smiled. Rosie came in.

“What's the emerge... OH MY GOSH. What happened to you?” Rosie looked at my crying self and Freddie without shirt. Then she saw our bleeding noses and probably the bleeding face of Freddie. I looked at the T-Shirt of Freddie. It was full of blood, too. Freddie looked at me. I shook my head. I didn't want anyone to know. “She'll understand,” Freddie said to me. Okay, well. Maybe. But only Rosie. “You have to promise not to tell anyone,” I said. Rosie nodded. “Promise it,” I repeated. “I promise not to tell anyone what happened to you two,” She started fixing the wounds of Freddie. “Okay, Josh, my boy... ex boyfriend, tried to force me to sleep with him. And he grabbed me real hard... my blouse was torn apart in a fight. That's why Freddie gave me his shirt. Because he came along and tried to help me,” I said. “Oh, Cloeany. I am so sorry. I... I don't know what to say. I can … I even can't imagine how you must feel right now,” Rosie looked at me. “Rosie, have you ever heard of a neckless that curses you?” Freddie asked her. “Why?” She asked him back. “Josh gave me one. He told me it was because he loved me so much. But then he told me it was cursed and now I'm not able to kiss a guy,” I explained. “Oh gosh. Yeah, I've heard of things like that. I can ask my mum what to do,” Rosie said. I shook my head, “NO. I don't want anyone to know.” “She could help you,” Rosie said. “No, just no.” Rosie fixed my nose not saying anything. “I'll go to the library. I find a way. I promise and till then: don't kiss anyone,” She smiled a bit. “Thank you so much,” I said to her. “Anytime, sweetie. And now go to the common room, talk to Roxy or your brother,” She said. “No, I don't want to talk to any of them about it,” I said. “Fine, if you need someone to talk, come to me. I'm nicer than I seem. I promise,” Rosie grinned. It seemed like the Wotters were famous for their grin. “Thanks,” I said. Rosie left. It was silent for a while. Freddie starred at me. “Was he always like that?” He asked. “No, he was so sweet and gentle all the time. I can't explain it. I … I … can I tell you something?” I asked him. He nodded. “My mum hurt me. She was often on drugs or drunken and then she started hurting me,” I said. He looked horrified. “Oh gosh. Thanks Merlin you are here, now,” He said and hugged me. “Don't stop. Please,” I cried. “This must have been really hard. Was it today the same?” He asked. I nodded a bit. “It felt like it. And Josh knew about my mom which made it even worse,” I said. “I'm so sorry. You know, I'm happy you talked to me. I can help you. I'm there for you,” He said. I smiled, “Thank you. No one knows about mum except Josh. The worst thing: I still love her and I wished she was here and hugged me and gave me a kiss on my forehead and said: Everything will be alright, sunshine. But she isn't here. She is in fucking jail. Because she is an fucking idiot. Seriously, who gets caught with drugs?” I cried again. “I'm here. Everything will be alright, sunshine,” He tried to give me a kiss on my forehead but he wasn't able. He flew backwards a few inches. “It works,” I just said. “I wanna go back. Please.... I'm scared. Freddie. Let us leave now,” I panicked. “I'm here, sunshine,” He said and we went to the common room. As we went inside everyone looked at us. Of course. Freddie had no shirt, I had his. We both must looked like shit.

“What happened?” Roxy asked me shocked. “Nothing, really,” I said. She looked at Freddie. “She fell down the stairs, her blouse torn apart. I tried to help her and I fell down, too. We met Rosie, she fixed our wounds and now we are here,” Freddie lied. I smiled at him a thank-you-smile. He put an arm around my shoulder. “Oh, okay. Well...” Roxy seemed like she did not really believe us. “I'll go in my room and take on a shirt. I don't like it when first years are looking at me like they want to fuck me right now,” he joked. “You wanna come with me?” He asked me. I nodded. “Thank you,” I said when we were at the stairs. “No worries, mate,” He said in Australian slang. “For the very first time I'm happy to be here and not in Australia,” I said to him. “I'm happy that you are here, too.” “Do you wanna stay here or go back to the others?” He asked me after he put a shirt on. “Do you mind me staying here?” I asked him. “No, of course not.” I talked to Freddie the whole time. It felt so good. And he told me many things, too. I had the feeling that our friendship was getting closer, like no other friendship I had. When it was late at night Joey, James and Drew came in. “Cloe, what are you doing here and why do you wear Freddies shirt?” Joey asked me. “Long story, has to do with stairs and blood and it is a bit embarrassing for both of us.” Freddie said. The boys laughed. “Do you mind if Cloe sleeps here today?” He asked the boys. “No, of course not. But won't Josh be jealous?” James asked. I looked at Freddie begging him to tell them but he shock his head. I had to tell them. “I broke up with him,” I said. “Why?” Joey asked. “He... he changed so much and wasn't himself and he was jealous of all of you and he tried to tell me what to do, so, I decided it was time to break up,” I said. Freddie put his arm back on my shoulder. “Freddie was there when I fell down the stairs and I was crying so hard that he was wondering why because I wasn't that hurt, so I told him,” I tried to explain our sudden close friendship. The boys didn't say anything. “You wanna sleep on the floor or in my bed? You have the choice.” Freddie grinned. “Do you … Do you mind sleeping in the same bed as me? I need someone,” I said to him. Freddie smiled. “No, of course not. I have nothing against a beautiful woman in my bed.” “You can sleep in my bed, too.” Joey said. I shook my head, “No, I need Freddie. He understands me.” Freddie nodded. We both smiled a weak smile at each other. “Here you have a pair of boxers and a t-shirt from me. I wrote Roxy a text so she doesn't worry and I'll have an extra tooth brush. So, no worries, sunshine,” Freddie said. “Thank you so much,” I said to him. He gave me a pair of boxers and a shirt and a tooth brush. “The bath is all yours,” Drew said pointing to a door. I went inside. It was really tidy which surprised me. Because their room was probably the messiest place I've ever seen.

“You look hot in my clothes,” Freddie said. “Thank you, mister muscle.” “Feel home in my bed,” He said smiling and I sat down on his bed and waited till he came from the bathroom. We both lay down. He hugged me and I mumbled a “Thank you” He closed the curtains of his bed. “Everything is fine. I'm here. I'll protect you, sunshine,” He whispered in my ears. “Thank you,” I mumbled again. I didn't sleep well that night. I woke up a lot and cried quietly. Sometimes Freddie was awake, too and just hold me. He did such an amazing thing to me, which I will never forget and I'm eternally grateful for his help.

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Buch: The World of Ice & Fire: The Untold History of Westeros and the Game of Thrones
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