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Second Chance - Meeting the Peasleys.

von Lunmine

Thanks for the comments! Please keep commenting. It makes me happy :)

Brina: I think the English language is beautiful. And Harry Potter just belongs in English - for me it's only natural. And it was also really hard for me to write my first fanficition in German. I often only know the English impressions for some things in the magical world J. K. Rowling created.

I hope you all enjoy the next chapter,


“James?” I shouted. It was Christmas morning. James came in my sight. He was only wearing boxers, his hair was really messed up and he looked sleepy and his body was like... godlike.. really. He has so many muscles. I bet he has muscles that don't even have a name yet. “What's up, Aussie?” He asked. “Well. What should I wear for the dinner?” I asked him. He laughed. “What?” I asked. “You know it's nine in the morning and you're wondering what to wear in the evening?” I grinned. “Well, it's not too formal. I go with a Jeans and a nice shirt.” He said. “So if I wear a skirt and a t-shirt or something like that it's fine?” James nodded. “Okay. Oh and Merry Christmas.” I said. James smiled. The next time I saw him we were giving us our presents. Dad and Cho were really happy about the books. Joey was so pleased about that new broom case that he hugged me four times and James, well he said that he always wanted one of them but nobody gave him one. And now he finally has one. From Dad and Cho I got a coupon of Fleur Weasley, from my two younger sisters I got a cute picture and a flower that never fades. From Joey I got a Gryffindor scarf with a note that said: If you don't get into Gryffindor, you're not my twin. I laughed. And James got me a England National Shirt of the Quidditchteam with a note that said: I hope you are for the right team. “You know, Australia will still beat you? And on the game day, I promise, I'll wear my Australia shirt. Even if I'm surrounded by England-Fans.” I laughed. “Yeah, I know. I'm looking forward to a week where you'll be nice to me.” I grinned. “All you have to do is dream.” The afternoon was soon over and James and I went to his home. From there we would floo to his Grannys home.

“Good evening, Cloeany. It's nice to meet you again,” Mr. Potter welcomed me. “It's Cloe. But it's nice to meet you again, too, Mr. Potter,” I shook his hand. “This is my lovely wife. Ginny, this is Cloe, Joeys twin,” Mr. Potter said and I got a hug from Mrs. Potter. James nodded to his father and hugged his mum. She looked sad. Well, Mr. Potter looked sad, too. “Jimmy!” a young girl hugged James. James took her up, “Lils, meet Cloe. Cloe meet Lils, my lovely sister.” “Are you his girlfriend?” Lily asked me. Mrs Potter looked curious at me. “Nah, we are just good friends. Actually I'm the twin of Joey,” I said. “Never knew Joey was a twin,” Lily said. I smiled, “I used to live with my mum in Australia.”
“Well kids, we leave in five minutes,” Mr. Potter looked at us, “James, could I have a word? In my office?” “Sorry. I wanted to show Cloe my room. I'm busy,” James took my hand. “James, don't be childish. The only girls who were allowed to see your room are your mum, sister and your cousins,” Mr. Potter was looking to his wife for help but she just shrugged her shoulders. “Well and Cloe is allowed, too,” with that James went aways with me.
“James, why don't you talk to your dad?” “Because it's always the same. He begins with: James, you don't need to be like me or Al and it ends with: Maybe it would be good if you would be a bit like Al. And I don't want to,” He said. “Well maybe he wants to say something different this time?” I looked at him. James shook his head. “So this is my room,” He opened a door. I went inside. The room was very nice. It was bright and friendly. Many red-golden elements were there. Probably because he was a Gryffindor. He also had many pictures. Many with Joey, Roxy, Freddie and Andrew. And many of a baby. “Is this Jane?” I asked him. He nodded. I even found some pictures of Mr Potter with James. It seemed like they had good times, too. I didn't say anything to James, but I think they should have a good relationship again. “We should go downstairs. We're leaving in a minute,” James said and I followed him. We were in the living room and then everybody flooed over to the home of the Grandparents Weasley.

James introduced me to all of his family. It was kind of weird because everyone asked the same questions. Everyone wanted to know if I'm James girlfriend and if he has finally found someone for a longer time then a week. Roxy was like crazy happy that I was there and even Freddie seemed happy about my presence. “Is your goddaughter coming?” I asked James. He nodded. “They are there.” He said. A beautiful young woman and a very attractive man were standing a bit out of the way and the man hold a baby. They looked happy. “Teddy, Vic, Merry Christmas. This is a good friend of Roxy, Freddie and me, Cloe.” He said and pointed at me. “Hi, Merry Christmas,” I said a bit shy. “Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Teddy,” Teddy gave me his hand. I shook it. Victroie introduced herself as Vic or Vicky, whatever I prefer. And I was introduced to Jane. She was a really pretty baby. James hold her proud and looked at her. “So you're not James girlfriend?” Vic asked me. “Why does everyone think that? I'm the twin sister of his best friend, Joey,” I said a bit annoyed. “Well, James never brings girls home, only Joey or Drew. Joey never mentioned he had a twin,” She said. Ah the same as everywhere. Nobody knew Joey had a twin. “Well, I lived with our mum in Australia. But she is now in jail because she took drugs and therefor I was sent to my dad,” I said. Vic looked at me a bit confused. “Your mother took drugs?” She asked me a bit horrified. “Well yeah. She's a muggle and a very famous actress in Australia. I think fame wasn't good for her,” I told her. “What's her name? I love watching movies. I probably have seen her,” Vic asked. “Ellen Strong. She won four Oscars. One for her role as Leila Love in 'The magic of the Niagara Falls'. She is most famous for that role.” “Yeah, Ellen Strong. Of course I know her. She played in a few Surfer movies, didn't she?” Vic said. I nodded. “She is fantastic,” I nodded again.

The dinner was really interesting. I learned that Albus, James younger brother, was a bit boring as was his best friend and cousin Rose. Dominique, the younger sister of Vic was really cool but also very beautiful. The mother of Dominique and Vic is part Vela. Percy Weasley, the uncle of James, was one of the most boring persons I've ever met. All he talked about was his very important work at the ministry. His daughters didn't talk to me because they don't talk to strangers. Mr. Potter was a very quiet man. He didn't talk much about him and when they talked about the old war times he always mentioned how brave Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger-Weasley have been (aunt and uncle of James). Ron Weasley was really proud of his time as a defender of the good, as he called his job. He made a great show of this time. Mrs Granger-Weasley always rolled her eyes when Ron started and looked at Mr. Potter who laughed. Mr. Weasley senior (the grandpa of James) was a Muggle freak and his wife was so lovely and warming. I really liked her. James younger sister Lily was also really lovely and warming. And she really adored her older brother James. And James adored her. Teddy Lupin is a totally different man. He is a Metamorphose and really funny but also very smart. I liked him. James told me that he was a werewolf. But not a real one. He just can't sleep on full moon and likes to eat raw meat. I also learned that James was in love with Jane. He always looked at her. He even changed the baby. It was really cute. I had so much fun and was a bit sad when we left.

“Thanks for taking me with you,” I said to James. He smiled, “It was nice to have you around.” I smiled, too, “Well, it's nice to already have friends in England.” “Good night, Cloe. Sleep well,” He said. The next days were gone too fast. And New Years Eve was coming closer. My whole family was invited to the Potters. Joey and I could sleep at James'. So did Roxy, Freddie, Andrew and Dominique. Well I'm happy they do. It's going to be fun. Well at least with Joey, James, Roxy and Freddie. I didn't know Andrew and Dominique well enough. “So dress code?” I asked James. “Formal. Like to a ball or something like that. Not your surfing clothes.” He grinned. “Arh shut up, wombat.” I said. I went to my closet and searched for a perfect dress. Then I found the perfect yellow dress. Then I searched for the diamonds of my mum. They were my birthday present. She said I should wear them for her next premiere. I have many dresses because I have been to many premieres of my mum. I remember the last premiere. I went there with Josh.

Josh took my hand. We went to the rear entrance. I didn't like the red carpet but of course there had to be paparazzi, too. “Cloeany Strong. Who is the man on your side?” one of them shouted. “Is it true that you are in youth prison?” another one asked. I ignored them all. Until one asked. “There are rumours that you are pregnant with Prince Harry.” I laughed. “Really? Of course I am - even I've never met him. What do you guys think?” The paparazzi looked curious. “That was a no, you wombat. She is not pregnant.” Josh said. I looked at him. Was he jealous? We have been together for three months. I loved him. “Come on, we go inside. I don't like paparazzi.” I said and we ignored them all until we were inside. Then he kissed me. It was wonderful. My mum came in. “Cloeany, what are you doing? I said you can come and bring a friend. Not ... him!” “Mum, I love him. And he is a friend.” I said. “No honey, he is your boyfriend. And I don't like him,” She said. “You don't know him!” I said. “He is a freak like your dad. And you'll have freak kids with him. And you won't be lucky and have a daughter like you. You will get the freak children. I expected you to bring Jane. She is a normal friend and not such a freak.” She said loudly. Jane never told mum she was a witch, too. She thought she went to a boarding school in the near of Sydney. “Well. You like Jane?” I asked her. She nodded. “Well, she is like me. A freak. She goes to my school!” I said. “Hon, you are not a freak. You are you. You are my daughter.”

We fought until the movie started. Then I went home with Josh. The next morning I read in a gossip magazine:
“Fight in paradise
Ellen Strong (36) and her daughter Cloeany (15) had a big fight at the premiere of “My book.” Ellen Strong plays the main character (Alice). They fought about Cloeanys boyfriend and her friends. We finally were able to find out that Cloeany is gifted and goes to a boarding school, so her skills can be encouraged, it seems like she has that gift from her father because Ellen shouted that she is a freak just like her father. We never found out who the father of Cloeany is but one thing is sure: He is gifted. Maybe it's even Bill Gates or Steve Jobs? Who knows.”

Well I've worn that yellow dress on that evening. But I liked it. So I'll wear it again.
The New Years Eve evening was very soon there. Joey and James both wear a pair of dark jeans and a white shirt. Cho was wearing a kimono and my dad a really formal suit which he could have also worn on a wedding. Kohana and Tenshi both wear kimonos, too. They looked really pretty. “You look beautiful, honey,” My dad said. I smiled. “Thank you. You're looking good, too,” He smiled. “Is it possible that you've worn that dress to a premiere?” Joey asked me. “Yeah,” I said. Joey smiled. James laughed, “It looks really good on you.” I thanked him. “Let's go,” My dad said and we walked to James home.

“Good evening. Can I have your names please?” A man said. He was in front of the entrance. “We are family Corner.” My dad answered. “I see, five persons. Well you are more then five. Kohana, Tenshi, Joseph, Michael and Cho. You can go.” The man said. My dad looked at him. “But the beautiful young lady there is my daughter. She is invited, too.” My dad said confused. I felt really weird. It was not nice to go to a party and not being part of the guest list. “No worries. I'm James Potter and she is my date.” James said. “Oh, Mr. Potter. I haven't seen you. Of course you can go inside with your date.” The man said. “There must have been a mistake with the guest list,” The man added. “What's your name?” He asked me. “Cloeany Strong,” I said. He looked at his list. “Oh yeah. You just should've told me your name, darling.” “Well, no worries,” I said and went with my family and James inside the house. “Sorry for that,” James said. “No worries, mate,” I said. It wasn't that bad. Eventually, I'm inside at a Potter-Party. How cool can life get? “Michael, how are you?” Ginny Potter hugged my dad. “Ginny, I'm fine. You look gorgeous,” My dad said smiling. “Arh, you're still the same charmer as ever,” She laughed, “Cho, you look lovely.” “Thanks, the same goes for you, beautiful,” She smiled. “Tenshi, Kohana. You are so pretty. Do you wanna meet the other kids?” Mrs Potter looked at Cho and dad. Both nodded. And a house elf appeared and disappeared with my sisters. They probably have a kids programme. “Joey, Cloeany. So nice to see you. You look like a movie star, Cloeany,” Mrs. Potter hugged me and Joey, too. “James, can your dad and I have a word? Please?” She asked him. James nodded unhappy and followed his mother.

“Come with me. You have to meet Drew. I know you have seen him but well... You need to get to know him,” My brother dragged me behind him. “Drew, buddy. What's up?” Joey gave Drew a clap, “This is Cloe, I know you've met her but well. In case you forgot.” “How could I forget this beautiful lady? How are you, Cloe?” Drew said to me. “I'm pretty good, thanks. How are you, mate?” “Couldn't be better. I'm talking to a lovely lady right now. Oh that reminds me. Joey, your girlfriend is somewhere here and tries to find you.” Drew laughed and Joey disappeared.
“So, you like the rain here?” I looked confused, “What?” “You are from Australia. So you don't know rain? And arh. I didn't know what to say. Sorry.” I laughed, “Well no. Rain is nice. But I need the sun and the heat afterwards. In Australia it rains like five minutes and then there is always sunshine in the end – except at nights. And here it rains like five hours and then there is a five minute break and it rains another five hours.” He smiled. “And snow? What do you think about snow?” “Arh. Gross. Cold. No, it's nice. But as I said. I need the heat.” “Well, if it helps. I'm really hot,” He grinned. “Well, actually. It's getting cool here,” I grinned. “That's a compliment, Aussie. Strike, I'm cool.” “You're funny, mate.” “Thanks. So what do you think about Joey and James? You have to live with them..... My condolences.” “It's not too bad. Except James' big head and Joeys overprotective attitude.” “What's that with my big head? I think my head has a perfect size,” James appeared next to Drew. “Yeah. If it'd be any smaller, your big ego wouldn't fit in,” I grinned. “I like that girl,” Drew looked at me impressed and I laughed. “Remember, you have to be nice for two weeks,” James reminded me. “In your dreams, Potter. Australia will so beat you,” I laughed. “I'll make sure England wins, Strong.” James said. “Are you talking about a bet and James?” Drew asked. “Yeah, if England beats Australia, she has to be nice to me for two weeks and if – what is not possible – England lose,I'll do her homework for two weeks,” James explained. “Oh, oh. I think you're head will explode. Your ego is too big,” I said in a dramatically tone.
“So, you're going to Hogwarts now?” Drew asked me. It seemed like he wanted a new topic. Maybe he didn't like it when I'm mean to his best mate. I don't really care. “Yeah. I will,” I answered. “It's going to be awesome. You'll love Hogwarts. It's not as old fashioned as it seems.” Drew said. “Yeah, we'll see about that,” Was all I said. Then I got interrupted by a scream. “CLOE! HEEEEY!” Roxy hugged me. “Is it okay, if I say 'hi' in a normal tune?” Freddie asked. “Yeah, I beg you to,” I laughed. “Let her beg, let her beg. Please. I wanna see her beg,” James said. “Ah, sweetheart. Stop begging. It doesn't suit you,” I grinned and greeted Freddie. “How have you been?” Roxy asked me. “Pretty good, thanks. You?” I asked her. “Fantastic. Two days til Hogwarts. Are you excited? You have to be a Gryffindor. We are all Gryffindors here. Jimmy is our Quidditch captain, Freddie is our beater and Joey is a chaser and Drew is Chaser, too. Oh, if you wonder James is chaser and seeker. But since Lily made the team he can play chaser. Lily is a fantastic seeker.” “Oh, Right. I guess you already had try outs?” I asked James. He nodded. “Too bad. I miss playing Quidditch. I used to be keeper at my old school,” I said. “A keeper? Woah. Never guessed that. You look like the perfect chaser,” James said. “I was a chaser. But then I played keeper at the tryouts of the chasers and well. I love this position. And my captain said it would be a shame to let me play chaser ever again if I'm the perfect keeper,” I was kinda proud about that statement. “Well, you can come to the training, if you make Gryffindor. I always like to have a backup option. You remember, Drew, one time you had to play keeper. He is not that bad but...” James ended and looked at Drew. “Nah, my dad is a good keeper. He is the trainer of Germany at the moment. And I guess I suck as a keeper. But I can fetch a few Quaffels. My dad hated to see his son as such a bad keeper. We were lucky that Lily caught the Snitch so fast,” Drew said and turned a bit red. “I don't want to sound big-headed but I hate to be second choice.” I said. “I do understand that,” James said. “Can you go for a surf in Hogwarts?” I asked. “Nah. Sorry,” Drew said. “Too bad. No Quidditch? okay. No surfing? Not okay,” I smiled a sad smile.

The party was really cool. We had so much fun. And I came to the thought that Hogwarts won't turn out too bad. We 'kids' slept at James house and had the whole night fun. It was six in the morning when we decided to jump in the pool of the Potters. We were all still dressed but it was worth it. Only Roxy cried a bit over her ruined dress. Dominique was there, too. She just laughed. She was really beautiful, I was a bit jealous, even with the ruined makeup she looked perfect. James gave us all outfits to wear to sleep. Roxy, Dom and I were really amused that we all were giving boxers and a Quidditchshirt. I had, of course, one of England. Roxy got just a fan shirt of his Quidditch club and Dom had a Gryffindor shirt. I learned that Dom was a Ravenclaw and not so happy about this. So I swapped with her which displeasured James. We both laughed. We slept 'til noon. Then we got up and had breakfast. It was really cool. Mr. Potter was a really nice person.
“I have been to Australia once, when Hermione, Ron and I went there to find Hermiones parents. It's a beautiful country. You must be really proud to call this your home,” He said. I nodded: “Yeah, it's fantastic. But England is not too bad either.” Mr. Potter smiled and turned to James, “James, could I please have a word?” “Sorry, I'm kind of busy, father,” James said not looking at him. “James, please,” Mr. Potter starred at his son.
“Roxy, Dom. I think I lost my mobile upstairs. Could you please help me find it?” I looked at them. The understood and nodded. “Drew, Joey and I help you,” Freddie jumped off his chair. “I can help, too,” James wanted to stand up. “No, I think we are enough. Thank you. But you can talk to Mr. Potter now,” I said. James looked at me angry but we disappeared.
“James will hate you now, Aussie,” Drew said. “I know. But his father loves me now. And I think it's good to have Harry Potter on your side,” I grinned. “Smart thinking. Smart thinking. I am impressed,” Freddie laughed. We went to James room where we all slept and talked. After a time James came in. “Thank you, Cloeany!” He said. “Oh, you are welcome, sweetheart,” I said in a very sweet voice. “That was sarcasm, Strong,” James said trying to look furious. “Oh, I would have never guessed that. Thank you for telling me, James,” I smiled. “Well, actually, thanks. I kind of have sorted things out with my dad,” He finally said. “Good to hear,” I was a bit proud to be the one who got them to talk. “He really loves you now. He hopes we marry someday. So, do you wanna marry me?” James got on his knees. “Are you kidding?” I was a bit confused. “No, I am sixteen and I wanna marry because I wanna throw my life away.” He said totally serious. “Okay, well, then I must break your heart. I have a boyfriend, sorry,” I looked at him. “Oh a boyfriend is a reason but no obstacle,” James laughed. “Ah, shut up, Potter.” “Never, Aussie.” “Kids. Time out. Cloe, we should go. James do you come with us?” Joey asked. “Of course I am. Okay. Sorry buddies, I have to kick you out of my house,” James said.

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