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Second Chance - Chrissie in London

von Lunmine

It was the day my brother and his best friend came home for the holidays. After christmas I would be joining them for school. Yeah. School. Can't wait to have a normal school day again. (sarcasm!) “Cloe, darling. We are picking them up from the train station. You wanna come?” my dead shouted. I was in my room. I loved my room. With the help of Cho and dad I turned it into a Aussie-room. “Yeah. I think it's a good idea”, I run grabbed my jacket and ran downstairs. “I'm ready.” I grinned. “Okay, let's go.” He drove with his car to the famous King's Cross Station. We walked through a wall which was pretty awesome. And then we were at the station. The Hogwarts Express was already there. “Hello Harry”, my Dad said to a man next to us. “Michael, nice to see you. How are you?” He asked. “I'm pretty good, thanks and you? I don't think you met my daughter, Cloe. She is Josephs twin-sister.” “Nice to meet you, Cloe. I'm Harry Potter.” The man introduced himself and I suddenly saw the famous scar. “G'day. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Potter.” Harry Potter laughed, “Oh yeah. You are Australian.” I smiled: “Guilty.” He laughed. “So I heard my son will be staying with you?” Mr. Potter said and he didn't look to happy about it. “That is what Joe was writing me.” Dad told him. “It's nice that my son has such a great friend who isn't family.” Mr. Potter still seemed sad. “Yeah. I've heard that they are a quartet at school. Fred, his cousin, Andrew Wood and our two boys. So I guess Andrew is a good friend, too.” Mr Potter nodded. “Yes, I know.” “Look Harry, I don't wanna be rude. But maybe, if you tell me what has happened, I can talk to James and he will be coming home?” My dad offered. “Michael, thank you. I don't really know what is wrong. I guess he always thinks he has to be better than me. And he thinks that he isn't good enough to be my son. He thinks I like Albus more because he is more like me. From the outside of course. But from the character it's James who is more like me. And he thinks that he is only playing Quidditch in the League because of me. And he only made it into the National Team because of me. But that's not true. He has real talent. Everyone knows that. I guess he thinks he will always be in my shadow.” “I think that is normal. I mean you are Harry Potter after all. The boy who lived. Give him some time. I think no one will doubt that he has real talent and made it in the team and not because of you.” “Thanks, it's a shame I used to hate you in school.” Mr Potter laughed. “No wonder. I dated your wife and your ex-girlfriend.” “Which is your wife now. Funny how life works out.” “Yeah,” Mr Potter laughed. “Look who is coming.” Mr Potter looked at a bunch of children. “Hi Dad.” Joseph said. “Oh, hi Cloe. I didn't expect you to come to the station.” He said. “Nice to see you, too.” I grinned. “Cloe, meet my best friends Freddie, Drew and James. Guys meet my twin Cloe.” “G'day.” I was a little shy. Joseph friends looked all like big football stars. Full of muscles and all that jazz. “Hey Aussie Girl”, Freddie said smiling at me. James nodded to his dad and then went away. “Wait, James. Please come home – at least for the Christmas Party. You can bring Joe along if you want,” Mr Potter said to him. “I'll think about it,” Was all James said.

“So you are from Australia?” James asked me in the car. “Correct, mate.” I said. “Yeah, you sound like an Aussie.” was his answer. “And you sound like a Brit.” “Sorry.” He laughed. “No worries, mate.” “Your accent is kind of sexy... sorry Mr. Corner. But it's the truth. I understand why you had an Australian girl,” James laughed. My dad looked at him with an expression that meant: 'Be careful. Not everything what you say is okay.' I smiled. “Too bad I cannot say that about your accent,” My dad loved this answer. “That's my daughter,” He looked proud. Good for him. “Do you know my father in Australia?” James asked and he looked curious. “Well, of course we know all about the famous Harry Potter. What he did is – well - untouchable. No one will ever do something like that again. At least we should hope that it's not necessary for a hero like him again. And of course we know all about you, you little Quidditch-world-star. My best friend even runs a fan club,” “Wow, she seems nice, you're best friend, I mean,” I laughed. “I'll tell her that and you can be sure she faints. She is really obsessed with you. It's horrible. All she talks the whole day is James is so amazing. He is so good-looking. He is so talented. He is so not his father which is amazing because we don't need a second Harry Potter, do we? What we need now is a James Potter who changes the whole world by playing Quidditch. Can you believe it? It's all she talks about. Horrible.” “It looks like you know me pretty well, don't you?” “Yeah. Although I never wanted to know anything about it, I know you pretty good. And I want to be honest with you. I think I don't like you. You seem like a big headed boy. And I don't like boys who think they are better than the rest. And by boys I mean people in general.” “Lucky me I'm not like that. Lucky me I'm normal.” “In your head, Potter.” “Oh. You are so arrogant. You think you are better because you are from Australia. But let me tell you this: It's not such a good place. We sent our prisoners there.” “Shut your mouth. You know nothing about Australia. You are such a dumb ass, sorry Joey. I don't want to be mean to your best friends but well, let's say he's an 'exception.'”
Dad seemed like he had enough: “Okay guys. It seems like this will be an interesting Christmas. Please get off the car and walk home. James, you know the way. And I want you to sort your stuff out on the way. I don't want any fights in my house. And if you don't want do do it, then do it for Joe. He has to live with both of you. At home and in school,” My dad said.

Well what can I say? I'm now walking beside James Potter. “I have an idea,” Potter said. “Okay, then share it with me. I'm not a mind reader, you know?” “Can we pretend the whole conversation in the car didn't happen, you haven't heard anything about me. I'm a total stranger and we just met by accident?” “Sounds good to me. Hey mate, I'm Cloe.” “Nice to meet you. I'm James. How are you?” “Pretty good, thanks mate... Common James. This is stupid and not working. I'm sorry for being a bitch in the car.” “Maybe you are right. I'm sorry, too … You like England?” “It's okay I guess. It could have been worse. My dad is a nice guy, his wife is lovely and my half-sisters are really sweet. Nothing I could complain about.” “But?” “It's not home. My mum isn't here. My friends aren't here. My boyfriend is on the other side of the planet. It feels wrong being here.” “You have a boyfriend?” “Do I look like I don't have a boyfriend?” “No, sorry. I just … well … sorry. How long have you been a couple?” “Half a year.” “You love him?” “Yeah. I do. Well no. Actually I don't know. I totally forgot him the first days here. I thought about mum, my best mates but not about him. I miss him now I've started thinking about him. But I should have thought about him the whole time, shouldn't I?” Why the hell am I telling this a stranger? “I don't know. It's special circumstances, isn't it? I mean your mum is arrested, you are in a new country, have a new family, a new life?” “Nah, I just should have missed him. I didn't. I tried to do the right thing and break up with him but he told me not to. He told me he loved me so much. He told me we'll meet at Eastern. He told me it would work.” “Obviously you don't think it'll work.” I nodded. “I don't know you well enough to tell you things like that. But I think you should be honest with him.” “I know. But I love him, too. It's just. I think he loves me more than I love him.” “Well then try it. But in the end it will be worse. Because now you can break up in peace. But later there will be no peace.” “I know. But maybe it's worth it? Maybe we'll never break up?” “How old are you, Cloe? Hundred?” “Actually hundred and two.” He laughed, “You are funny and sarcastic. Joe is just like you. It's really weird. You never spent time together but you are so alike. When I'm talking to you it's like talking to Joe.” “So we should be great friends?” “Yeah. Sounds good to me, mate,” He tried an Australian accent. “Your accent is shit. You sound like a Roo that had a car accident.” “Like a what?” “A kangaroo. You know the animals that jump around?” He smiled. “Yeah. I've heard you ride them to school.” “You're right. And you ride the Queen to school.” “Damn, touche,” I laughed. “We are nearly there, you know?” “Nah. I'm still a stranger here. The only way I find is from my room to the kitchen and back.” He laughed. “As I said. You are like Joe.” “I am not like Joe. I am an individual.” “Yeah. But there is another individual that is just like you. Oh common, you are twins. It is normal. Freddie, my Cousin and best friend, has a twin-sister, too. They are so alike. It's just - well twins. Just twins.” “We'll see.” With that we were silent for the rest of the way.

“Oh look who finally made it home.” Joe said sarcastically. “I don't know?” I said sarcastically, too. “Nice to see that you two are still alive.” my brother said. “Yeah. We've decided to be friends. She is just like you. So I like her.” James said. My brother smiled. “I've always wanted a twin who is like me. So, you know her better now than I know her?” He said to James. “Could be possible. I don't know. We had an hour or so to talk.” “More than I've ever had.” “You can talk to me for the rest of your life. I am really hungry, you know? Can we please have lunch or dinner or whatever?” I said. “Oh, hello James. Nice to see you.” Cho came in. “Hi Cho, it's nice that I can stay with you. Anything is better than being with my dad.” Oh, there's someone who doesn't love Harry Potter. He must be the first since Voldemort and to be honest. I always thought that Voldemort loved Harry Potter. It's the only way to explain why he was so obsessed with him. I mean a prophecy is a really boring explanation. So I go with the Voldy loved Potty. “You're more than welcome here. And Cloe has some people of her age to show her around.” Cho said and hugged James. “It's a pleasure for us to have you around,” Cho smiled. “And I've heard our lovely Cloe. She is hungry. So it's a great thing that dinner is ready.” “YEAH.” I grinned. “Oh gosh. You are exactly like Joey.” Cho laughed. “James, Cloe? Have you sorted everything out?” Dad came in. “Yeah, we decided to be friends. James thinks I'm like Joseph, so we should be friends. And since I don't have any friends here, I agreed.” I explained. “Good point, Cloe.” James smiled. I'm sure it bothered him that I said I'm only being friends with him because I don't have any here. “Thanks, Potter.” “It's unfair. You know my last name but I have no idea what yours is. Unless it's Corner of course. But I don't think so.” “Well you are right. It's not Corner.” Was all I said. “I will find out, Aussie.” “Have fun with it.” “Joey, what's her last name?” “Well, if she wont say it, who am I to tell you?” I gave Joseph a high-five. “Thanks, bro. You are fantastic.” “I know” We both laughed.

“The dinner is fabulous, Cho,” James said - looking happy. “Well, thank you. You've always been the most charming friend of Joe. Freddie is the sweet guy, you know. I think Cloe will love him and oh Drew. Drew is so gentle and sweet and kind. He looks like a monster boxer but he is such a nice boy. I think you have to love all four of them. Joe is like all the others but James is definitely the most charming. His words and his smile is all he needs to have every girl wanting him. ” Cho said explaining it to me. “Not sure if I think about it the same way. James isn't that charming. He tries but no. He is the average charming guy I'd say.” Cho laughed. “You can't just compliment me, do you?” James asked laughing. “To be honest. I can. But not with things that aren't true. You've never been to Australia. The guys over there are a lot more charming.” I grinned. “Well, I'm going to go to Australia this summer. You know, I've got a world cup to win.” “Australia will beat you. And you will cry like a baby,” I laughed. “It's a bet.” “You know there is a game in four weeks.” “I know. I'm playing. But it's only a test game.” “Well we should take that game.” “Fine, you're on.” “What's the wagger?” “If I win you have to be nice and sweet to me for two weeks.” “Fine and if I win you have to do my homework for two weeks.” We shock hands. “Cloeany. I'm really disappointed. You haven't been in Hogwarts yet and you already planning on not to do your homework?” My dad laughed. “I have been to other schools before. And homework is something I don't like to do.” Everyone laughed. “She is so my twin,” Joseph smiled.

It was a great evening. We had lots of fun and I discovered that Joseph is really like me. I was going to go to bed as he stopped me. “James and I are going out for a walk. Wanna join?” I asked. “Sure I'm in. You're going for a walk?” He smiled: “No, not really. We're going to meet Freddie and Drew.” “Your two other friends?” “Yes, so you're still in?” “Yeah, sure. Why the lie at first?” “Just to see if you are willing to go away past curfew.” “Curfew?” “Dad'd never allowed us to go out after nine p.m. Well we could ask him. But sneaking around is more fun. Don't know the rules yet?” “I guess. He never mentioned anything like that. But I wasn't that awake the evenings before. I still have jet-lag.” “Well fine. We are meeting in half an hour in my room.” “Fine, I'm there.”

“Joseph?”, I asked. The room was dark. “Sh, Cloe. Don't give us away. And by the way I'm Joe or Joey but not Joseph.” “Sorry, Joey.” I was whispering now. “This is better.” That was definitely James. “Good, Cloe. Under my window is a ladder. We're climbing it down and then we are on the ground. You have to be quiet.” Joey explained. “Okay. Who's first?” “Well, ladies first.” Joey said. I climbed the ladder down quietly. James and Joey followed me quickly. Joey pointed to the open window of the room of dad and Cho. I nodded. Okay. We were not allowed to say anything otherwise they would have heard us. James and Joey hid the ladder carefully. Then we walked out of the garden on the street. After a corner Joey started smiling. “Okay, we are safe now.” “So why don't you just ask dad if you can go visit Fred and Andrew?” I asked. “Where would the fun be?” was all James answered. I rolled my eyes. “Sure. Stupid me. I should have known the answer.” “As my twin you definitely should have known this.” “Oh shut up, Joey.” James laughed. “At least she is to everyone mean not only to me.” Joey joined him laughing. I just rolled my eyes again. “So how long are we walking to Fred or Andrew?” I asked. “We are going to Freddie. He lives the nearest to us. Okay James is nearly our neighbour but then comes Freddie. They used to live in Diagon Alley. But then Angelina Weasley got a third baby and the apartment became to small. So they bought a house in the near of our home. Actually I think they wanted to live near Harry and Ginny Potter, they are really close. And of course Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger-Weasley live next to Harry and Ginny Potter because well best friends and so on. I think they should call the street the Wotters.” I laughed. “So we are near James home now?” I asked. James nodded. “See the house there? If you go right and then follow the street you'll get to my home.” “Why are you staying with us then? You could hang out with Joey the whole time?” “I like your family. And I have problems with my dad. I just like to have a nice and peaceful Christmas. It's enough that I have to come to the Christmas party of my parents. And of course to Grannys dinner. But that's fine. Freddie and Lily, my baby sister, are there.” “And your brother?” “Oh, oh. Rule number one: never mention Albus Severus or short: AS.” My brother said. “No, it's fine. She doesn't know. My brother is my dad. He looks exactly like him and he behaves like him. He is quiet, good at school. Always there for the ones in need. He is the good boy. Well my dad wasn't that like a good boy in school because he had to break some rules to defeat Voldy. But it's okay. Everyone thinks that my dad would have been like Albus if there has never been a Voldy. And I'm not my dad. I'm more like Uncle George. Or Uncle Fred. George always says I'm like his brother. He died in the war. Well I'm the troublemaker. I'm not making my homework everyday. I'm not going everyday in every class. I live for Quidditch not for school. I like to have fun with girls, not with books. I just like to live.” “That isn't bad.” I said. He smiled. “No, it's not. But everyone thinks I should be like Albus. I should be perfect. They always compare me with dad and Albus. Lily is lucky. Since she is a girl nobody compares her with dad. She is my girl. She is more like me. But everyone says she is exactly like mum. Well she is not. Mum isn't that fun.” “But there are people who don't compare you. Like Joey or me. I never thought that you should be like your father. You should be yourself and you are yourself. Not that I like you. But I like the fact that you don't try to act like someone else. So don't worry and enjoy Chrissie.” “Chrissie means Christmas?” Joey asked. I nodded. “Awesome. I love your language.” “It's yours, too.” James said smiling. “Oi, Freddie has a twin-sister. Roxy, I think you like here. She is very sarcastic, too,” Joey said. “Well, good to know. Are we there?” We were standing in front of a big house. “Yep. Welcome at Freddies.” James knocked on the door. A man in the forties opened the door. He had read hair. “Good evening my favourite nephew and my one and only godson.” James hugged the man. “Uncle George. It's nice to see you.” “Hi Joe. Who is the lovely beautiful young lady?” He gave my brother the hand and looked at me. “I'm Joeys twin-sister Cloe. Nice to meet you, Mr. Weasley.” “Nice to meet you, too. I'm George. I don't like the Mister. I feel like my dad when someone calls me that. Joe, you never mentioned you are a twin. I like you more now.” “She used to live with my mum in Australia.” “JAMEEEES.” A girl shouted and ran down the stairs. She was not tall and had read hair. “Roxy, my favourite cousin.” James hugged her. She laughed. “I missed you.” “You have seen me like eight hours ago but fine.” He laughed. “Hey Joey.” Roxy said and hugged him, too. “And you are the new girlfriend of James, I guess. You are exactly his type.” “Ih, no. I'm Joeys twin-sister Cloe.” “Oh common. You actually like the idea of me being your boy.” “In your dreams, Potter.” “I like you. I'm Roxy. I'm Freddies twin-sister. It's so cool to meet someone with the same problem.” “James, Joey oh and Cloe. Hellooooooo.” Fred said jumping down the stairs. Andrew followed him. “Hi guys.” He said. “Follow me to my room!” Fred proclaimed.

“So why haven't I seen you before, Cloe?” Roxy asked. “I think we all die to know that.” Fred laughed. “I used to live with my mum.” “Had you private lessons? You are not at Hogwarts.” Andrew was confused. “No, I went to a school in Australia. My mum lives there.” “So why are you here?” Fred asked. “I'll give you the short story. My mum is in jail. She is a Muggle and a famous actress in Australia. The fame wasn't that good. She started taking drugs. One day the police caught her with drugs. The youth office decided that it'd be better for me to stay with my dad. So here I am.” “Sorry. I didn't know that.” Freddie said quietly. “Never mind. It's her own fault. I'm just sorry that I had to leave my country and my friends.” “You'll find new ones. You are a very nice person.” Roxy smiled. “Thank you.” “You know what? Let the boys be boys and we're going in my room and talk. So you get to know me and I get to know you.” I nodded. “Sounds perfect. It's enough to have James and Joey around all time.” She laughed. “Joey is so nice. I'd love to swap twin-brothers. And James is so perfect. I love him. Just as my cousin of course. But he is also my best friend.” James smiled. “That's my girl.”

Roxy was really cool. We've talked the whole night and I found out that she is just like me. We like the same clothes, the same music, the same movies and the same subjects. She told me that the boys were her best friends. Of course she has some girl friends, too. But she is just not so close with them as with the boys. Her other cousin Dominique is a really good friend, too. And she loves the boys, too. But Dominique has so many girl friends that she never hangs out with them that much. Of course we were interrupted by the boys. James and Joey came in Roxys room. “Ladies, we hate to interrupt you but we have to go. It's three a.m. And we should get some sleep. Otherwise it will be too obvious we were out.” Joey said. Roxy smiled. “It's fine. I'll come with you downstairs.” So we said goodbye to her at the door. “Thanks for the great evening. It was nice to finally meet a girl like me. It's so weird that we like the same stuff and have both a twin-brother and that we are going to go to the same school and we're even in the same year.” Roxy hugged me. I hugged her back. “Thank you for being so nice and welcoming.” “Aw, nothing to thank for.” Roxy simply said.

“You had a good time with Roxy?” James asked me on the way back. “Yeah, she is really cool.” I answered. “We know. She is our best friend. I think she loves James the most. But it's because he's like the nice brother. Freddie isn't that nice. They are fighting a lot. And so she knows James longer than Drew or me, he is her favourite.” Joey said. “Oh, jealous?” I grinned. “A bit, I mean she is such a cool girl. And so beautiful.” Joey said honestly. “Oh, is someone in love with her?” I asked. “Nope, I do have a girlfriend. She would be interesting if I hadn't Carol, but she is tabu anyway. She is Freddie's sister and in the clique. So never mind.” He said. Okay that was weird. If he is in love with her and she'd be in love with him: What is the problem? “Why is she tabu?” I asked. James explained: “She is in the clique. It's forbidden to date members of the clique. Because if it works out, it's fine. If it doesn't the clique is destroyed. And even if it works it can also destroy the clique because the couple could spent the whole time together and never hangs out with the clique. So we decided that we should make the rule: Dating other clique-members is forbidden.” “That is weird. How old have you been when you made the rule? Five?” I said. “Actually we were twelve.” Joey laughed. “We should be quiet now. We are nearly there.” James suddenly whispered. We climbed back in the room of Joey and I sneaked in my room.

“Wake up, Cloe.” My dad was in my room. I was confused. I only slept like five minutes. “Since when are you Sleeping Beauty, honey? You're always up early,” He said. Well I was out last night. That's why I am Sleeping Beauty. But I couldn't tell dad. I had to promise Joey and James not to tell dad, Cloe or anyone else. “Sorry, I fell asleep last night really late. I just couldn't sleep.” Was my bad excuse but my dad believed me. Or he wasn't really interested. “Well, Cho and I were wondering if you want to go to Diagon Alley today? We have to buy some things for Christmas and maybe you want to join us? We are leaving in half an hour.” I nodded. “Yeah, I come with you.” My dad left the room. I took an shower and went downstairs for breakfast. My hairs were still wet and I was only wearing a Boxer and a T-shirt that was too big for me. It belonged to Josh. It's weird wearing your pyjamas after having a shower. But I forgot to take clothes with me to the bathroom. So I had to wear this. And I didn't want to go back in my room and change and then go downstairs.

“You look lovely.” Joey said laughing. He was wearing boxers himself. “Thanks, you too.” I yawned. “Good morning, Sleeping Beauty. Nice T-Shirt.” James laughed. I looked at it. It said: Save the planet, it's the only one with beer. “Thanks. It belonged to my boyfriend. But then he gave it me. He liked it on me.” “Well, it's true. So we should save the planet.” James laughed. “You have a boyfriend?” my brother asked. “Yes. Josh.” “Woah, you never told me. How long have you been an item?” he asked. “Half a year.” I answered. “I hate him.” Joey said. “What? You don't even know him!” He is not going to be the overprotective brother. No way. “Well he just wants to sleep with you!” Joey said and he looked a kind of angry. “Well if it matters: He already did. And he is still my boyfriend. So probably he just wants to be together with me because he loves me?” “WHAT? You slept with that dig?” Joey was red. “You don't know him or me. So don't judge any of us. And actually it's none of your business.” “No, it is. You are my sister!” Joey said. “Yes, I am your sister. But you never really cared the last sixteen years, did you?” I went back to my bedroom. I wasn't hungry anymore, so I decided to get ready for town. Anything is better than being with the rat-shit of a brother.

“You look beautiful, honey.” Dad smiled. I smiled back. I was still angry with Joey. Why did he care all of a sudden? I'm still a stranger for him. “We can visit Weasley Wizard Wheezes. It's the shop of George Weasley the father of Fred, best friend of Joey. I think he has twins, too. So Roxy should be your age. Maybe you can meet her.” Cho said. I nodded. “That would be great.” They didn't know I've already met Roxy. But that was okay. I'm a good actress. One day I'll win an Oscar, I'm sure. I have the talent of my mum. Well I don't really know, but I hope. And her friends keep saying that I'm like her. Anyway we apparated to Diagon Alley. My dad apparated with me. Many people were out there. “Where do you wanna go first?” Dad asked. “I dunno. Where do you have to go first?” I asked back. “To the Quidditchstore. We need to buy Joey his present.” Cho said. I nodded. Maybe I could buy that arse something, too. It would be rude to not give him something. I'm living with him and he is my brother. So Cho and dad bought Joey a new broom. I'm a bit jealous. He got the new firebolt. But to be honest. I love my broom. It's from MagicAussi. And it's perfect. You're not able to control any other broom like it. The firebolt might be a bit faster but you can't control him that good like my MagicAussi. So I'm totally pleased with my broom. I bought Joey a new case for his broom. Dad told me that his is ruined. It is in the Gryffindor colours. Gryffindor is a house of Hogwarts which my brother belonged, too. Dad told me that James loved Quidditch, too and that he is the captain and chaser of the Gryffindor Quidditchteam. But he sometimes plays seeker, too. Because the Gryffindor seeker is often hurt and not able to play. So he plays seeker and someone else plays his part as chaser. So I decided to buy him a snitch. It's a cool snitch, so. It flies around and everything. But it's more like a bag. You can put whatever you want inside and only you are able to open it. And even if the snitch is so small, you could put a whole closet inside. Crazy, isn't it? At a children store I bought something for my two half-sisters. I bought each of them a magic unicorn. Cho told me that they both wanted one for ages. Then I went on my own to a book store, so I could buy something for Cho and dad. Joey told me that they both loved reading. I knew a fantastic book of Australia which would have been perfect but I wasn't sure if they'd have that in England. So I asked the shop assistant. “Excuse me, do you have books of Adam Rich?” “Adam Rich? No, I don't think so. He is an Australian author, isn't he?” I nodded. “Well, let me have a look. Wait a minute, please.” The man disappeared and came back a minute later. “What book do you want?” He asked. “I thought about the 'Magic wonders of the Ayers Rock' and 'The wizard town under the Sydney opera house'.” I answered. “That are fantastic books. They are like thrillers.” I nodded. “Well if you can wait another minute, you can buy them.” “Sure, I'll wait.” So after a minute he came back with the books. “That makes four galleons, two sickels and nine knuts.” I gave him the money and went to the store of George Weasley. I was meeting dad and Cho there. “There you are.” dad said. I smiled. We went inside. “Hello George.” Cho said smiling. “Cho, an honour to have you in my lovely store.” George said laughing. “And who is this amazing young lady?” He asked. I grinned. George already knew me. But it seems like he is in the game. “I'm Cloe. Joeys twin-sister.” George looked at me smiling. “Nice to meet you. I've never seen you before.” “Yeah, I used to live with my mum in Australia but because of some circumstances I'm here.” George smiled and showed us around. “My twins are in the back room. If you want, you can visit them. I think you have seen Fred on the platform?” I nodded. George led me the way. “I know the game. Every holiday it's the same.” He grinned. “Yeah. I just don't understand why they don't ask dad. I'm sure he'd be oaky with that.” “Cloe, Cloe. Where would be the fun? You have to learn a lot in Hogwarts.” I rolled my eyes.

“Cloe! What a nice surprise!” Roxy hugged me. “I've never seen you before.” I grinned. She nodded. And shock my hand. Just in the moment my dad came in. “Ehm, can we leave you here? We are looking around and try to find something for Tenshi and Kohana.” Dad said. “Yeah, of course.” I answered and he left again. “Cloe. It's so amazing that you are here. We were just talking about you.” Roxy said. “Oh, oh. What did you say?” I said dramatically. Of course it was just fun. But I was curious. “Freddie told me that he and James are thinking that you are hot.” Roxy laughed. “Roxy, you're not supposed to tell her things like that!” Fred said. He was red like a tomato. “Why not? I like her,” Roxy sticked her tongue out. “Never mind. I didn't hear it, oaky?” I said. Roxy giggled. “Hey. What I wanted to tell you: You are hot,” Fred said laughing. “Thanks. I wish I could say the same about you,” I grinned. Roxy gave me a high-five. “Thanks.” She said. “Argh. You are so mean. James is right.” Fred said. “Do you come to the Christmas Party at Potters?” Roxy asked me. “No. It's a family thing, isn't it?” I asked. “Oh, yeah. But only the party with Granny. But James parents throw every Christmas a big party. Friends, colleagues and family comes. And the kids are allowed to bring friends, too. So Drew and Joey always are coming. And your parents, too. So you have to come. So you can meet Dominique. Oh and Fleur and Teddy. And Lily of course. She is twelve now but really cool.” Roxy said. “Well, I think about it, okay?” Roxy nodded. “Do you wanna go out with me?” Freddie asked me. I shock my head: “No.” “Why not?” He asked. Roxy laughed. “I have a boyfriend.” I said honestly. “And if you didn't have a boyfriend, you'd go out with me?” Freddie said. “No.” I repeated. “Why not?” He repeated, too. “Do you really want a answer? It might hurt you.” I said. Roxy was gasping because she laughed so bad. “Okay. Don't tell me,” he said. “It was the right decision, Fred.” “Do you wanna hang out tomorrow night?” Roxy asked. “Sure thing you can come to my house. You are welcome, too. I guess James and Joey would kill me if I don't invite you, too.” “Yeah, it's a date, Aussie.” Freddie said and looked happy. “Yeah, sure. She invites you because otherwise she'd be killed. Sure it's a date.” Roxy said laughing. “Let me dream!” Freddie said. “You are so cool. I would be dumb if I didn't invite you both.” I laughed. “You know what? We could show you around. Today I mean. We can show you our favourite places in London.” Roxy said. “That would be great. I ask my dad when he comes, okay?” “What do you want to ask me, Cloe?” “Roxy and Freddie want to show me London and their favourite places. Can I go with them?” “Sure thing, honey. Come back 'til nine, okay? And if you don't find home, call me. Do you have a mobile?” “Yeah. Let's swap numbers.” “Ah, no need. We bring her home.” Freddie said. “Okay, but just to be sure, I'll give you mine.” My dad gave me his number and I gave him mine.

“So, where have you been yet?” “Big Ben, London Eye, London Tower, Buckingham Palace and the Bridge, I forgot the name.” “I think you mean the London Bridge. Well we show you some places at the Thames. We have some nice places there.” So I walked with Roxy and Freddie through the Diagon Alley and with the Bus we got to the Thames. “It's a beautiful city.” I said watching London. “Yeah. Is it like Sydney?” Roxy asked. “No, not really. Sydney is warmer and for me it's friendlier. I love the sea and the Surfers. The people are all like: Oh, chill. And that is so awesome. I miss that here. Everyone is so hectic.” I answered. “Well, one day I have to see Sydney.” Roxy said. “You will. Remember: James is on the National Team? So we can visit Sydney. Oh you have to give us a Sightseeing tour.” Freddie said. “Sure thing. So show me your places, mates.” I said. “Oh, I love your accent. It's so sexy.” Freddie laughed. “Oh shut up. It's just Aussie Lingo.” I said laughing. “Is it true that you call some people wombats?” Freddie asked. “Sure. Especially people like you. You are a wombat.” “Oh thank you, you are so kind.” “I know. Can you have a Sanger here?” “A what?” Roxy said. “A Sanger?” I asked a bit confused. “What is this?” Freddie asked. “Oh. It's sandwich.” I said. “I love how your language is so different to ours.” Freddie grinned. “Yeah, we have a good sandwich shop around the corner.” Roxy said to me ignoring Freddie. “Say more words in Aussie. It's so cool.” Freddie begged. “No way, you dag.” I said. “Oh what's Dag?” Freddie seemed amused. “Just shut up, drongo.” “Like a said. It's so funny. But it would be nice to know what you say.” Freddie laughed. “Okay. Dag means strange person and drongo means idiot.” I said. “Awesome. Tell me more f-words in Aussie-Slang.” Freddie smiled. “Yeah, please. It is really funny.” Roxy said. Okay I guess if two of my friends want me to tell them f-words then I should. “Hoon is also idiot, Pommie means English person. But that is not a nice words. It is more a bad word for English people. Bloody bastard of course oh and wombat. But to be honest. I don't know more at the moment.” “Well that's enough to be rude to Jimmy-James. Thank you, Aussie.” “You are more than welcome, Freddie.” I said smiling. I must say that the Weasleytwins are very cool. “You know what. It's gonna be amazing to be in a year with you.” Roxy said smiling. While we were eating our Sanger we went to the bank of the Thames. We were sitting down. It was fun to talk to them. They were both really funny and really nice. At first I thought Freddie would be a really arrogant arse but he wasn't. He was sweet and really gentle. I had a lot of fun and they showed me really great places, not only at the Thames. So we enjoyed our day in London and really soon it was nine and I was standing in front of my house.

“Thank you for this awesome day,” I said. “Yeah, it was fantastic. Thank you, too,” Roxy smiled. “I don't know but if you want to you can come in with me. I don't think my dad would mind.” I said. “Sure thing. But we need to tell our dad first. Otherwise he'd be worried.” Freddie said. Well I could understand that. So Freddie took out his cell and called his dad. Then he smiled. “We can stay as long as we want.” I smiled and opened the door. “Do you wanna go to Joey and James?” I asked Freddie and Roxy. “Well, we could say hello. But I think they will be here in a sec.” Freddie laughed. And it was true. The next moment they were standing in front of us. “What are you doing here?” asked my brother. Roxy looked at him. “We were showing Cloe some places in London and she invited us in. So we decided it would be fun to hang out with her a bit more because she is really cool.” “Why didn't you tell me? I think James and I would have come with you.” Joey said. “First: I went with dad and Cho to Diagon Alley. I met Roxy and Freddie. We decided this then. And Second: I didn't want you around, Joey. And I couldn't ask James without asking you. So sorry James.” I said. Roxy looked at me kind of surprised. Freddie tried to hide that he was laughing. James grinned and Joey was red. “Why?” asked Joey. “You're trying to be an overprotective brother. And I don't need one.” I said. Roxy looked at me like I'm a kind of god. I laughed. “It seems like you need one.” Joey said. James rolled his eyes. “I'm not that bad.” He said laughing. “Oh dear, you are. Not only to your sister but also to me, your cousin. I can barley date someone. Most of the boys don't ask me out because they are scared of James. He has hexed a lot. Franklin was in the hospital wing for two weeks. James was lucky he wasn't suspended.” Roxy told me laughing. “Well Webster was lucky that he wasn't killed.” James said but he laughed. “Look Roxy, I'm sorry. Seeing Joey being so overprotective changed my mind. You can date good boys.” James said. “Your good boys or mine?” Roxy asked. “Mine, of course.” James grinned. Roxy turned to me. “That means. Only boys who are looking like nerds and only read and do homework.” I laughed. “Well, I guess that isn't your type. But it isn't my type either.” Roxy grinned. “Why don't we go in my room? Freddie you are welcome to join us but you can stay with James and Joey, too.” I suggested. “I think I'll come with you.” Freddie grinned. And so we went in my room. James and Joey were looking. “Do you wanna come, too?” I asked. “Nah, have fun. I'm going to my girl. But if James could come with you, it would be nice.” He said. I nodded. “James is more than welcome.” I said. “See ya. James, I hope it's okay. You could have come, too. But I think alone-time is good for us.” Joey gave James a look which only boys could understand, I guess, because I didn't. “It's fine. I think I have more fun with the others,” James said.

“So this is my room.” I said. The looked around. It wasn't too friendly yet. An Australia flag, three pictures of my friends and a poster of my mum were in my room. The rest was still in my baggage. A few of my clothes were there, too. But a few were already in the closet. “Well, it looks nice.” James grinned. He hasn't been in my room yet. “Is your boyfriend on one of the pictures?” Roxy asked. I nodded and showed him her. “Woah, he is really hot. You are lucky.” She said. “Nah, he's an ugly son of a bitch.” Freddie smiled. I just rolled my eyes. “I know. He is the hottest guy in my old school. And I'm his princess. I've always been. But I thought he was an arrogant, stupid and selfish guy. But he isn't. He is really sweet and kind and gentle. And a good surfer. That's why his body is so hot.” I smiled. “Yeah. That is woah. You are so lucky.” Roxy said laughing. Freddie looked at the picture. “What? You think he is hot? I guess you never saw me shirtless, did you?” Roxy laughed. “I saw you too many time shirtless and I must say there are many words to describe you and your body but I guess hot doesn't work for you.” “Well, you have to say that 'cause you're my sister. Cloe, what do you think?” Freddie asked. “I've never seen you without a shirt so I don't know. But if Roxy says that hot doesn't work for you, well, I believe her.” I grinned and gave Roxy a High-Five. “We can change that, darling.” Freddie said and pulled of his shirt. I must say. He had a hot body. Many muscles. A nice skin colour. And well. It was hot. “So, what do you think, Aussie?” Freddie said. “Hm. Well maybe your body is kind of nice.” I said. Freddie looked at me like I'm E.T. “Kind of nice? Girl, do you have eyes?” Freddie asked me. I laughed. “Oh, oh. You are too self-confident. That makes just an okay-body. Sorry mate.” Roxy laughed real hard. James grinned and Freddie looked at me aghast. “I do better not take my shirt off.” James laughed. “Well, do what is best for you, mate.” I said. “You're so bloody mean.” Freddie said while he was taking his shirt back on.

It was a very long and very funny evening. And I must say that I was sad when Roxy and Freddie went home. But Roxy told me about a big New Years Eve party at the Potters and that I had to come. After the twins left I sat in the living room with James and we talked a bit. “I don't understand you, Cloe.” James said. Well what? “Why?” “You told me that you forgot your boyfriend here and the next day you act like you love him so much and he is so hot. That is not fair, you know?” “Well, I didn't actually forgot him. I was just not thinking about him. I was worried because of my mum and my life. It is not easy to leave all your friends and your home because you have to. I didn't have a choice and I – well – i needed to get things clear in my head first.” I said. “Well maybe you are right. Sorry. Actually it was none of my business.” James looked apologising. “No, it's fine. Maybe you are a bit right, too. And it's nice to have someone to talk about this. Thanks,” I smiled. James smiled, too. I think James could be a great friend. He is so nice. Like a brother. Well actually he is nicer than my brother.

The next day I wrote a mail to Josh.

Dear Joshi,

How are you? To my surprise I'm fine. I like London and I met some cool people. Can you believe that James Potter, son of Harry Potter, is living at my house at the moment? Well he is best friends with my twin and he had a fight with his dad. So James is really nice. I like him and I think he's a great friend. He already is like a brother to me. And then there are his cousins, Roxy and Freddie. They are twins, like Joey and me. (Joey=Joseph) Roxy is like me. She is really cool and Freddie is a bit arrogant but also very kind. I think it's great that I know them. So I wont be lonely in Hogwarts.
Yesterday Roxy and Freddie were over at my house and Roxy saw the picture of you. Well, she thinks you're hot. And you are, of course :) I hope I see you soon. Maybe the Easter holidays are not such a bad idea? I was thinking about coming home and visiting mum and of course you. What's new Down Under?

I love you. Cloe

When I finished the mail I felt good. I looked at the picture of Josh and smiled. Yeah, I should be happy to have a boyfriend like him. The moment I sent the mail a mail from Jane came in.

Howdy Cloeany ;)
How are ya doin? I still wait for news from the Potters?! ;) Joshi told me that everything is fine between you two and you are still an item. Well. I don't know if I should tell you this. I'm not sure. But maybe. Well I have the feeling that Joshi has a girl in Australia. He is all secretive about it. And I don't know. He is acting weird. He stopped talking about you and so. Maybe it's nothing but maybe, well, maybe he's cheating on you. I'm sorry.
I hope everything else is alright. I miss you. Visit me as soon as possible. I can't imagine going to school without you.

I love you. Jane.

WHAT? Joshi. No. He was not cheating on me. No way. I couldn't believe what I've read. Joshi was so honest and lovely and gentle. It couldn't be true. In no way. Well maybe I should wait til he writes me back. I guess then I can be sure. Maybe Jane is wrong. No, not maybe. Jane IS wrong. Hm. I had an idea how Jane could hear more about the Potters. But I needed to ask someone first.

“James? Could you do me a favour, please?” I asked him. “Sure. What's the matter?” He said smiling. “Can you write an E-mail to my best friend? The one who is crazy 'bout you?” I asked. He nodded and followed me in my room. “What do you want me to write?” He asked. Well I had no idea. “Something about you? Introduce yourself.” I smiled. He nodded. “What's her name again?” He asked. “It's Jane.” I answered.

Hello Jane,
Even if this is Cloes E-mail account I'm writing to you. Well I'm James Sirius Potter. I heard that you heard about me and I thought it would be nice to introduce me. I'm not sure what you know about me. I guess it's a lot because I've heard you run a fanclub? Well, thanks for your support. I'm going to play in Australia for the English National Team. You know, it's Quidditch-worldcup. Jane is a beautiful name. The daughter of the godson of my dad is called Jane, too. Well she is my goddaughter. And she is really cute. If you are wondering what her full name is: Jane Dominique Nymphadora Lupin. Jane because it's similar to James, Dominique because her godmother is called so and Nymphadora was the name of Teddys (father of Jane) mum. Oh and this is a secret. Nobody knows that. Well my family and the friends of the family know that of course. We want Jane to have a beautiful and peaceful childhood. Without any paparazzi.
I wish you the very best.
Oh and Cloe said hi.
James S. Potter

I read the mail and smiled. “How old is Jane?” I asked him. “She'll be one in four weeks. She is so beautiful and cute and sweet.” He said smiling. “Why are you godfather?” I asked him. “Well, Teddy and I were always close. He was my older brother. He taught me so much. And we still are very close. I write him every week when I'm in Hogwarts. He promised me at his wedding that I'll be the godfather of his first child. His best friend of school was his best man and he was so sorry. So he said that I'll be the godfather. Victoire wanted her sister Dominique to be the godmother. So they decided that we both should have a godson. And that was the solution.” I smiled. “So why don't you stay at his house?” I asked him. “They wanted to spent their first christmas with Jane alone. So they won't attempt a party except the dinner tomorrow at my Grannys. And I'm coming there, too. Well, we can bring friends and I asked Joey but he is at his girlfriends. Maybe you want to come? Roxy and Freddie will be there, too.” I thought about it. It sounded nice. “I have to ask my dad first.” I said. “Well ask him now. I should tell Granny that I bring a friend.” He said. So I went to my dad and asked him. Then I went back in my room and told James that I could come. “Fantastic. Oh and I hope it won't bother you that everybody will think that you are my girlfriend. They jump very often to false conclusions.” He smiled. “Nah, it's okay.” I said. Well it would be fun. Christmas dinner with the Wotters. Well Peasleys sounds cool, too. Maybe I should call them Peasleys. Hihi.

At lunch my brother returned from his girlfriend. We had a very quiet lunch.
“What are you doing on Christmas eve?” he asked my dad. “We have the traditional dinner at Cho's mum. And Cloe is invited to the Wotter-dinner.” My dad answered. Hu, I was happy that I'll be with Roxy because I don't wanna meet any new family. “Who invited you?” Joey asked. “James did.” I said. Joey looked at James. James looked kind of apologising. What ever that meant.
After lunch Joey asked me if we could talk. So he came with me in my room.
“I'm sorry. I shouldn't be the overprotective brother. It's new for me to have a sister like you. I didn't know what I said. I erhm. I'm just sorry.” He said. “Well, it's okay. I don't want to fight with you. And it's good that you know now that you were wrong.” I said.

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DVD: Game of Thrones - 3. Staffel
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Samstag, 01.07.
Neue FF von SarahGranger
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Mittwoch, 24.05.
Neue FF von Lily Potter
Es ist wunderbar, wie furchtlos und entschlossen Dan sich jeder Aufgabe stellt. Manchmal drehten wir eine Szenenwiederholung nach der anderen, und jedes Mal spürte ich seine Entschlossenheit, es bei der nächsten Wiederholung des Takes noch besser zu machen. Das schätze ich so sehr an ihm: Er setzt wirklich alles daran, um seine beste Leistung zu zeigen.
David Yates ĂĽber Daniel Radcliffe