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Second Chance - G'day England. Pleasure to meet you.

von Lunmine

G'day England. Pleasure to meet you.

“Miss, would you please put your seatbelt on? We are landing”, the stewardess told me. I nodded and did what I was told. After twenty hours of sitting in a big plane I'm finally going to meet my dad and my twin-brother. For most people it might seem strange that I don't know my father or my brother. Well, technically, I know them. But last time I saw them I was three years old. My parents got divorced and they decided that each of them should get a kid and since mum was a woman she got the daughter. Yupp, really bad idea. Lucky me. My mum wasn't the nicest person to live with. My dad was a wizard, she wasn't one. She was jealous of him, my brother and me. I should add: my brother is a wizard, too, and I am a witch. So she never got over it even though she had an amazing live. She is one of the most famous Australian actresses of her time. She has many fans and played in fantastic movies. She is really good. And I was proud being her daughter. But then she started drinking and taking drugs. And with that the times, where our relationship was okay, were over. She started hurting me. Both, physically and psychically. But one day she was found by the police with drugs and she got locked up. She is going to stay in jail for about two years. So the youth welfare office decided it would be best for me to move to my father's. Because even if my mother would buy her way out, she wasn't able to take care of me anymore. (They didn't know she was hurting me) Best thing: My father moved to London. Lucky me, I had to leave all my friends and my school to go to London to a man I don't know. So here I am, sitting in a plane to a new country, sixteen years old, middle of the school year and not knowing if my life could be any worse. My mum did so much harm to me but still she is my mum and I love her. I looked outside the window. It's snowing and it must be freezing cold. Yey snow. Did I mention I hate the cold? Back home in Australia it's the hottest time of the year. That's were I belong – well belonged. I guess I'm British now. Yeah – my biggest wish to be a British tea drinker. Thanks mum.

“Cloeany? Cloeany Strong?” A man about forty asked me. I nodded. “Cloeany. It's nice to see you again. I'm Michael Corner, your father”, the man said and hugged me. It was awkward. A man I didn't know told me he was my father and hugged me. Life is weird. “This is your brother Joseph”, he told me. The boy next to him smiled at me. He has the very same eyes as me. I recognised my dad had our eyes, too. I smiled back to Joseph. “You look like Ellen,” my father said starring at me. “Well, except for the eyes. You have the Corners eyes,” my brother added. “It must be weird for you. I mean you don't know us. And I'm sorry. I wished I know you. I tried to write letters when you were younger. But your mum didn't want me to. She wrote me that she burned every single letter,” dad said. He looked sad. I still didn't say anything. “Best if we go home. It's time you see your new home,” dad said smiling. I nodded.

“Cloeany please say something,” he said. We have been in the car for a while now. He talked to me but I never answered. I didn't know what to say. It's hard to talk to a man you don't know about the drug problems of your mother. “Cloeany,” he tried again. Maybe I should be nice to him. I mean I'm going to stay at his house for at least another year. Then I'm seventeen and I can move out. Because in the wizard world I'm a full witch then. “Happy Birthday”, my brother said and laughed. I looked at him. “You are a bit late”, I said smiling. My birthday was two weeks ago. My dad seemed pleased that I said something. “I know. It was my birthday, too”, he answered. “Did you have a nice party?”, my dad asked me. “Well not exactly. It was the day the police caught mum”, I answered quietly. “I am sorry. I am so sorry, Cloeany. I have been a really bad father”, he said. I smiled at him. “I know. But it's okay I guess. Mum has been a bad mum for Joseph, too. So it's equal”, I answered simply. He looked confused: “But that is not an excuse for me being a bad father. I should have tried harder. I am really sorry.” “It's fine. Really. Do you have a wife again?” I asked just to change the subject. My father nodded. “Tell me about her”, I asked him. “Well her name is Cho. She was my girlfriend back in school. But I broke up with her after school so I could go to Australia. I met her again twelve years ago. We fall in love again and got married. We also have two other children. Kohana, she is seven years old and Tenshi, she is now four”, he told me. Wow. I have two other siblings. I would have never guessed that. “The names sound … different”, I said. “Well Cho is from Japan. She wanted Japanese names for her kids and I agreed. Kohana means little flower and Tenshi means star. I like the meanings of the names,” He said. “Does Cho know about me?”, I asked a bit scared. What if he hadn't told her that he had another child. “I told her from the very start that I have two children. When I told her about your mums problems with drugs and that the Australian youth office asked me to take care of my daughter she said that she would be very disappointed of me If I didn't take care of you. But I thought that it's better if it's only Joe and me who pick you up.” I nodded. We stopped at a big house. “Welcome home”, my dad said. He took my baggage from the back of the car. My brother helped him and I joined them. (I had three big cases). My brother stopped on the way to the door and looked at me. My dad was at the door. “It's nice meeting you. I am sorry I have to leave soon. My holidays don't start until friday. Our headmistress gave me only the day off to pick you up. And only because my dad begged her to do this. But then I will introduce you to my friends and show you around. And get to know you. I always wished that I would meet you. I even planned to go to Australia after school, just to find you. So as sorry as I am that our mum has problems with drugs, I am happy that it made me meet you.” I smiled at him.
“I was always wondering what you would be like. When I was little I used to draw pictures of you and dad. Did you never wonder what mum is like?”
“I did. Dad told me a lot about her. And I read every article I could find about her. I watched her movies, searched for her pictures. I even found pictures of you. So I knew what you looked like. I have some of the pictures in my room. Some of them are even in the living room and in my dads office.”
“It seems you know a lot more about me than I do about you. I only had pictures of you as a baby. And pictures of dad sixteen years ago. He changed. He looks better now. Happier.”
“He is. I think. He never really talks about the time with mum but it's okay, I guess. I have Cho, she is like a mum to me. You will like her. I think we should get inside. Dad is waiting and I bet Cho is going crazy. She finally wants to meet you.”

We both made our way in the house. The entrance was big. There were a big room. A lot of shoes were standing there. I put my shoes off. It was nice decorated. A lot of pictures were hanging there. A lot of Japanese ones I guessed from the look of them. I followed my dad and my brother into a big room. It was the living room. It was open and friendly. A woman who looked very Asian but beautiful was coming towards me. “Cloeany, welcome to your new home. I'm Cho.” She hugged me. “Nice to meet you.” I said politely. “I hate to interrupt you but I have to go now. See you on friday, Cloeany. Have a good time until then. I'll write you.” he said. “Thanks, have a good time, too. Oh and please call me Cloe. I'm not used to be called Cloeany.” I said. “Well, see you, Cloe.” He smiled. And he disappeared in the fireplace. Obviously he was using the floo network. “Do you want me to show you your room, Cloe. Maybe you want to meet your half-sisters afterwards?”, Cho asked. I nodded and followed her to the second floor. “Here we are. Do you want to meet your sisters first or do you want to unpack?”, she asked. I looked in the room. It was a normal sized room with two large windows. It had a bed, a desk, a commode and a wardrobe. I put my case to the other two. Dad and Joseph must brought them up while I said hi to Cho. “I think I'm meeting my sisters first.” I said turning to her. She smiled. Here is Kohanas room but apparently she is in Tenshis room. It's over there. She opened the door and two beautiful little girls were playing in there. “Tenshi, Kohana, meet your sister Cloe. Cloe meet your sisters Tenshi and Kohana”, Cho introduced her. I felt a person stepping behind me. It was my dad. He lay a hand on Chos shoulder. “Hi”, I said to them. They smiled and hugged me. “You are pretty”, Kohana said. I smiled at her. “You are very pretty, too and Tenshi is of course also pretty”, I repeated. Kohana smiled happily. “Do you want to play with us?” I shock my head. “I'm sorry. I should unpack my things first. But another time I'd loved to.” “Okay then”, she said.

We left the room. “I'm coming with you upstairs. I'll help you”, my dad said. Actually I'd loved to be alone but I couldn't say that to him, could I? “If you need anything, let me know.” Cho said and left us alone. “How do you feel?” My dad asked. “Weird, awkward, strange, sick, happy, sad, disappointed, lonely, lost, unsure, scared... Do you really want me to go on? Because I don't know how long it takes to tell you all the emotions I feel right now.” “Cloeany.” “Cloe.” I corrected him. He smiled. “Well Cloe, it is normal that you feel so strange. And I know that you want to be alone but I need to talk to you first. I want you to know that I love you. You are my daughter I always have loved you and I always will. Even if I haven't seen you for a long time.” “I don't want to be rude but you don't love me because you don't know me at all. Last time you saw me I was three years old. I am sixteen now. I am not the same baby I was thirteen years ago. I'm grown up. I had to take care of myself at the age of six or seven. Mum never had much time for me. She was shooting a movie or just gone. I don't really know. I used to stay at grandmas home for the time that she was gone. But then she passed away. I was really sad because grandma was the world to me. But from that moment on I grew up. Because now the one person who was always there for me was gone. And I'm still very sad that I lost her. So when Mum went shooting a movie my aunt came. But she never cared about me. She only did it because mum paid her and she also liked to be in the big house. She invited men in and did things with them I didn't understand at that age. And she was always drunk. I had to cook for myself and watch out for myself. I think mum really loves me. Because she seemed sorry to go. And was happy when she was back. When I was eleven my life changed completely. I went to a boarding school for wizards and witches. I loved it there. I was able to be a kid again. And believe me: I enjoyed it. When I turned twelve my mum started drinking and when I turned thirteen, she started taking drugs. I came home every holiday to check that she was okay and to stop her drinking and taking drugs for the time of my holidays. At first she really stopped it for the time I was at home. But then last year she never stopped it. She was never sober or clean. And two weeks ago the police caught her with drugs. I already had holidays because it's really hot in Australia, so I packed my staff and the office of youth moved me to an orphanage until they made things clear with my family. Then they told me I had to go to England to my dad. A Dad I never knew and who never really cared about me since I never heard a damn shit from him. So I was angry. I had to leave all my friends and my life to come to England. Just to find out that my Dad has a perfectly fine family. Not a screwed up life and a screwed up family like I had for my whole life. So don't say you love me because you have no idea who I am.” “Cloe. You are my daughter, of course I love you. It is naturally for a dad to love his own daughter. When you were born I loved you the second I saw you. And I didn't know you then, too. So don't say I don't love you.” “If you really love me then why on earth did you never tried to see me or at least write me. Okay you tried at first. But what do you think? I am a witch. If you'd just sent me an owl to my school I'd read the letter from you. You could have written me easily but you didn't. Because you have a fucking perfect life now. You didn't need a daughter from your ex-wife. Well I tell you something: fate is a bitch. Because here I am now. You never wanted me and still you have to deal with me.” “Cloe, don't say that. I always wanted you. And if there's anything good about Ellen being addicted to drugs then it's that it brought me to you. I finally met you. I know it's not easy for you. And it's not easy for me to have you all of a sudden here. But I like it. I like to get to know you. I like to learn more about you. I like to see you in real life and not just only on a photo a paparazzi took.” I didn't answer. I started unpacking my things. “I think I'll leave you alone now. If you need anything, don't bother to ask.” He turned around and went downstairs. “How did it go?” Cho asked her husband. “Not to well. It's too much for her. And she is angry. And she has every right to be. I have been a shit father.” “No you haven't, darling. You have been a wonderful father to your other kids. And you had no chance to be a wonderful father to Cloe. But life gave you a second chance. You can be the best father in the world for her. Not everyone gets a chance like this. So take it.” “Thanks honey. I don't know what I would do without you. Yeah, I got my second chance. I'd never dreamed I'd get it.” I closed my door quietly. Maybe my dad really cared about me. I should give him his second chance. But first I should unpack my things and take a shower.

After I was ready I went downstairs and I met my dad. He was sitting on the couch and reading a newspaper. Harry Potter was on the cover. “G'day.” I was a little shy after being so rude. My dad smiled at me. “Hey Australian girl.” I grinned. “Look, I am sorry about before. It's just a little much for me at the moment but I guess it's okay. I'll learn to live with it. Can we have a start over?” My dad smiled. “Sure thing.” “So what did the famous Harry Potter do now?” I pointed to the cover of the newspaper. “Oh he did not really do something. It's just an article about his work. Did you know that I dated his wife, Ginny, back in school and Cho dated Harry? Funny, isn't it?” He laughed. “You dated the wife of Harry Potter? Well dad, that is really impressive. And Cho really dated Harry Potter?” Cho came in and said. “I did, in my sixth year. It was one year after Harry won the Triwizard tournament and my boyfriend died because of Voldemort. It was a difficult year for me and for him. So it didn't work out well. Every second day one of the Potter or Weasley family is on the cover of a magazine. His son, James, is really often on a cover. Don't know if you know him. He is pretty famous here.” I nodded. Of course I knew James Potter. Down Under he was famous, too. My best friend fancied him or still fancies him. I don't know. He is a Quidditchplayer. He plays on a team of the English League and he's about to play on the national team this summer. It's the world cup and it's in Australia. Ironic that I had to move to England before the World Cup. Well that is my life. “Yeah. I know him. He is pretty famous. There are rumours he's playing for England this year.” “I know. And I can tell you: He will. Joe is one of his best friends. He visits us very often in holidays and told us the news.” “Wow, my brother has famous friends. You dated both one of the most famous couple of our world.” Dad laughed. “You forgot to mention that your mother is a very famous and successful actress.” I grinned. “She was. I don't think she will do any movies soon.” “She will be okay soon.” Cho smiled at me. “Thank you, Cho. You are so nice to me.” She simply smiled. “Do you like to have something to eat? We could go out for dinner.” My dad suggested. “Sure thing.”

My first few days were interesting. I learned a lot about my dad. And of course about Cho. She was lovely. She cared for me as if I was her daughter. That made me really happy. My two sisters are funny and nice. I like them. And I like London. My dad had not to work until Christmas, so he showed me my new home. It was cold in England but that was the only thing I didn't like. And of course I missed my friends and my mum. So I remembered what Joseph said to me and I started to write a letter to him.

G'day Joseph!
How are you doing? I'm pretty good. Your family is lovely. Well it's mine, too, I guess. But they are still strangers. Like you. But I said I would write you, so here is the letter. I must sound really stupid. Sorry. Your dad showed me around. So I've got to see London. It's beautiful and I like it. It's just way too cold for me here. I loved the sun and the heat in Australia. You have to promise that you visit me one day when I went back. I mean I'm seventeen soon and then I can go back. But it really was nice to meet you and dad. I always imagined what you would be like. There are some parts of Dad that are just like me. So finally I know why I love Quidditch so much or why I love eating Chocolate cream with cheese. That is funny. I wonder how much we are alike. Your dad told me that you are friends with the Potter-Family. Even in Australia they are more famous than the Queen. Well only for witches and wizards of course. Actually I have no idea what I could write you about. Because I only know you for about four days and I have seen you only one or two hours. So I'm sorry about that shit I wrote you. But it's kind of nice to write you. To have someone in England I can write to. I miss my home and my mates so much. I guess it's normal but still. I wish they would be here with me. And mum. Even if she was like a bitch the last weeks I miss her. She was the most important person to me.
I hope you have a good time at school.
See you in a few days!

I decided to write a few mails to my friends as well and explain them everything. This wasn't that easy and I cried a lot. My dad came in my room. “Honey, is everything alright?” He asked. I nodded. “Don't be silly. I can see your tears. Are you homesick?” I nodded again. He lay his hand on my shoulder. I jumped away. I hate it when someone touches me. Hugging is okay. But touching definitely not. I hated it. It's because of my mum. My dad looked kind of surprised. “If you want you can visit your friends at Easter? We have holidays there.” I nodded. “That would be really great.” He smiled. “Oh. I wanted to ask you if it's okay if a friend of Joe is staying with us over the holidays? He has a fight with his dad and Joe asked me. And we like the boy. You know, James Potter.” Well that was surprising. “Why are you asking me? Shouldn't you ask Cho?” “No, Cho is fine with that. But you are new here. And maybe you wanted time with us. To get to know us. So we told Joe that you would decide.” “Well, it's fine. I'm going to go to school with him. So it's nice to know some people.” Dad smiled. “You are right. That is very good.” “So does he have that big head?” I asked. “Nah. He is a good guy. But actually he has a bit too much confident.” I grinned. My best friend, Jane, is going to kill me. She is James Sirius Potters biggest fan. It's really strange. She is in love with him and all but he doesn't know her at all. Maybe I should write her an Email. Great that my dad bought Internet for me. So I can use my Mac and write Mails.

Hey Jane,
how are you doing? London is great, a bit cold but great. My dad is a really nice man and he has a new wife, Cho, and two kids with her. They are all very nice. My Twin-brother is also very nice. And now guess what, he is best friend with the James Sirius Potter. Yeah you read correctly. James Potter as the son of Harry Potter, as the guy you are in love with. And now the big news: guess who is staying over christmas at my new home? Yeah you've got 100 points. It's James Potter. Please don't kill me. I would sell the world to swap with you. I'd rather be in Australia than here with Mr. bighead Potter. I hope you have a beautiful Christmas and say your family I said hi.
I miss you sooo much.
Love, Cloe

I smiled. In two days Joe and James would be coming. That was great. Finally some people of my age even though my sisters were lovely. I played with them from time to time or dressed them or made their hair. It's nice having sisters. So I decided to spent that day with my sisters. A day later the answer from Jane came.

G'day Cloe,
I'm pretty good. I'm glad you like London. It must be beautiful. I have to visit you some time. I am jealous that you can stay with James Potter. Hello? He is mine. Oh my gosh. You have to tell me everything. I'm really nervous. It's arrrh. My best friend spends Christmas with JAMES POTTER! Holy crap. I bet you will meet the other Potters and the Weasleys soon, too. OH MY GOSH: What if you meet Harry Potter? You are so lucky. I wished I could be you. Really. Please can you take my place in Australia and I take yours in England? Just for Christmas? Oh wait. Does it mean you go with him to school? In the same year? I bet you will be in Gryffindor like he is. Oh and if you forgot what Gryffindor is (you never listen to me when I told you things about James: It's one of four houses. They are like our families. You earn points by good behaviour and you lose some by bad. You have your own sport teams and an own part of the school where the dorm is and probably a common room. I'm not sure about that. But since our families have something like that I bet Hogwarts houses have something like that, too. Well James is in Gryffindor. His whole family has been there. In Gryffindor are the brave, good, loyal, smart, good-looking people. Can you ask James if he is interested in a girl from Australia? And with girl from Australia I mean me, Jane, not you, Cloe! :)
Woah you have sisters now. Congrats, I always wanted to have sisters. But nooo. I was lucky and got three stinky brothers. Sorry, I know you loved one of them. But it's true. Oh I wanted to ask you that: Did you and Josh split up? He keeps talking about you. But since you haven't wrote him a mail or something I guess it's over. If not than talk to him. Even if he is my stinky brother, he deserve the truth. I haven't told him that you've wrote me. So you can lie if it's necessary to sound nice!
In the next mail I want more infos about James and your family.
I miss you sooo much xx
Love ya, Jane

Oh no. I forgot to write Josh. My boyfriend. Well now ex-boyfriend I guess. I should do it now. Well I guess it would be the right thing. How could I forgot? I've only thought about Jane and Grace and Sean. My best friends.

Hi Josh,
sorry I haven't wrote you yet. It was a bit much the last days. My mum is in jail. Because of drugs. So they sent me to England to my dad. I'm in London now. I have to stay there. I can't live with mum anymore. So I guess I will stay here for at least one year. Than I am seventeen and I can do whatever I like. But I think I will finish school in England. So I don't have a change again. I'm sorry I have to tell you this via Mail. So I'm not coming back until the summer holidays. Maybe I come at Easter but that is not sure. So probably I will be there in the summer for the first time after my move to England. Well it's winter in Aussi. I'm sorry. I guess this means we have to break up. Because if we don't see each other, there is no relationship. I change, you change. I think it is the best. As much as I do wish I could be with you forever I don't see a chance for us. I am so sorry. I really am. I just wish nothing has ever happened. My mum would be at home. I would be with her. I could go to school with you guys. And be happy with you. But life sucks. I'm in cold rainy England now. I miss you and I love you. But that doesn't change anything, does it? I am not really sure. But my life changed a lot since I saw you the last time. I'm British now. Not the funny Australian surf girl which is always in a good mood. That's not me anymore.
I wish you the very best. And a girl who makes you happy.

I felt bad for this mail. I was really sad. I haven't thought about this yet. But it is obvious. There is no way I can be together with him anymore.

I'm so sorry about that thing with your brother. I love Josh. But to be honest with you. I forgot him when I was in England. There was so much. I only thought about you, Sean and Grace. And of Toby of course. I cannot believe I haven't thought of Josh. But since you mentioned him I miss him like crazy. But I told him everything and I broke up with him I guess. It was the right thing, wasn't it? Jane, I MISS YOU. I really do. Life is so complicated and it sucks. Especially mine.
Love ya, Cloe xx

I checked my inbox and Josh already wrote back.

I love you. No matter how far you are away. What do you think about being together? And if it doesn't work out we can still break up. But please give me a chance. If you are not able to visit next holidays maybe Jane, Grace, Toby, Sean and I can. What do you think? I love you, darling. I love you more than anything. Even more than my new firebolt or my board. :) I miss you xx

Ok well. The idea wasn't too bad after all, I guess. And I really love him. No matter how far away I might be. But maybe I don't love him like that? I forgot him? But I was stressed, right? I have the right to forget things. But Josh isn't a thing. He is or was my boyfriend after all. Arh. I miss him. That is a sign that I love him. So I guess there is only one right decision.

sorry. I wrote you so much rubbish. I'd love to be with you. Even if that means not seeing you until Eastern. But it's worth it, isn't it? I must be a really good girlfriend that you love me more than your board. Thanks Josh. I need you. This is a hard time for me. Guess what? The all speak this really British English. Where is my good old Aussie Lingo? No worries, I'm not turning in one of these awful British Speakers. They actually say sheep. It's Jumbuck. Oh my. This language makes me sick. Haha. But the worst: No Surfies here. How the hell will I stay alive in a small town like England? :) I miss you, boy. And sorry for the mail. I love you. Cloe

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Soundtrack: Der Hobbit 3
Samstag, 01.07.
Neue FF von SarahGranger
Freitag, 02.06.
Neue FF von Laurien87
Mittwoch, 24.05.
Neue FF von Lily Potter
Hermine hängt die Tweed-Röcke und Strickpullis von Oma in den Schrank und - darf ich es überhaupt aussprechen - trägt Jeans!
Emma Watson