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(Love)letters - What The Hell's Going On Here? (Part 1)

von Escador

Helloo ;) this chapter's different from all the ones I wrote this one you'll be able to see (or better read) exactly what's going on in Lily's head while she reads :) ENJOY!

@BlackVanilla: Don’t worry it’s okay ;) Thank youuu :D Enjoy this chapter ;) xoxo

@Mik: hahahah :) thankss!! Of course I know pride and predjudice!! I LOVE that book :D yeah..I know..they’re exactly like that :p but I guess, that’s what most people like about this couple ;) Have fun reading! Xoxo

@Mary Black: Yeah, he totally is!!! Well, read the next chapter to see Lily’s reaction to (for now) one of the letters ;) xoxo

@Raum der Wünsche: Thank youuuu :D Hope you’ll like this new chapter too :) xoxo

@LittleMissCullen: Sorry it took so long, but don’t worry I won’t stop writing for a veery long time ;) Yeah
we’ll see soon enough what Peter thinks about this whole situation too..just be patient :) xoxo


I woke up, feeling observed.
Looking around the room I immediately knew why. A gigantic dark brown owl was staring at me from outside the window with big yellow eyes. I knew that owl; I just didn’t know where from, then it hit me: That’s Potters owl! What does he want in the middle of the night?!
Okay, Lily
calm down! It’s probably just one of his stupid letters
it can wait ‘till tomorrow morning

Still a little confused I released the owl from the heavy letter that was tied on her leg and opened the window again to let her find her way back to her owner. I lay down on my bed again, sighing as I realized I wasn’t tired anymore. A glance on my alarm clock made me sigh again: 2 AM! Couldn’t he send his owl at a more decent time? The thought of taking some of Hannah’s Sleeping Potion was really tempting, however I knew exactly, if I took even one sip of it I’d be sleeping till noon. Lily, you’re not gonna read this letter now! No one’s expecting you to. But everyone’s expecting you to sleep at 2 AM. But now that you’re up you could use this time wisely and do your astronomy homework!
Unfortunately the homework was neither difficult nor long so around 2.40 AM I gave up. The temptation was just too huge; I simply had to read the letter! Lily, are you insane? This is Potters’s letter you’re talking about! James Potter wrote this! He wrote this because he’s a jerk and wants to go out with you, just like he goes out with any other girl at Hogwarts!
Ignoring my own thoughts I took the letter from my nightstand, put on my bathrobe and got out of the room.

Sitting there near the fireplace I actually looked at the letter properly. There was written ‘For Lily’ with spidery handwriting on the envelope. That’s weird! Normally there’s nothing at all on the envelope! And the handwriting is different from the usual too! Not making too big of a deal out of it I just opened it and took out two sheets.

Do you have the slightest idea how much you’re hurtin James right now? Cause I really don’t think you do.” – Wait a moment
what just happened? Why’s Potter talking in third person about himself?
“So I’m just gonna try to explain it to you briefly: Have you seen him anywhere around school in this days? Have you seen him in class, the common room or anywhere else? No? Well, I haven’t either, and I can assure you it’s not because he’s sick or somethin

Lily Evans, James is avoiding every human being right now and it’s only your fault. If you hadn’t been so mean to him he wouldn’t be hidin in his room 24 hours a day just to be sure he didn’t have to see you!” – This is definitely not from Potter! So why is he blaming me for hurting Potter? Who cares if he wants to give up his social life! It wouldn’t hurt him to stay away from stupid little girls adoring him for a while!
“Lily, I get it, you don’t like him” – Yeah, you got that one right!
but why can’t you just give him a chance to show you that he can be different from the way you describe him?” – Who’s this crazy guy anyways? He really shouldn’t get his nose in my affairs!
“Why can’t you accept the fact that people can change? James changed, a lot!” – Okay, some people do change, but Potter’s not one of these people!
“I admit, last year he was exactly how you described him now, but he’s not like that anymore! And believe me, I know that!” – Not only last year, he’s always been like that and he still is! So this guy should really stop defending him.
“He’s my best friend, I know him better than anyone else, and I know what I’m talkin about.” – Great. So now he sent his friends to defend himself? Is it too hard for poor little Jamesie to defend himself ?
“He’s been talkin about you since third grade! He knows you better than you know yourself!” – Yeah sure, and I’m supposed to believe this bulls**t? I bet James just mane his friend write this to make me change my mind
that’s pathetic!
“Do you think he acts like this with his other girlfriends?” –How am I supposed to know how he acts with the other ones? I’m not a crazy, jealous chick how spies on James’s relationships.
“Do you think he knows the size of their feet of even the color of their eyes? He even knows how many freckles you have and the exact length of your hair. I just think it’s pathetic, but Remus says this is love!” – Well, if this is called love then I swear I don’t wanna be in love with any guy in the world. This is insane! Why does Potter even care about how many of these horrible freckles I have in my face? Not even I know and it’s not like he really cares about me either

“Well, even if it’s love, this doesn’t look healthy to me! He’s not himself anymore. He just stays in his room the whole day looking at your picture and tellin me stuff about you that I don’t really care about.” – Poor Ja
 – No, Lily, STOP it! This is Potter he’s talking about! Arrogant Mr. Know-It-All and you HATE him, all right? You don’t care if he’s getting depressed, nope, you’re even happy if he is!
“(Please don’t be mad about the picture thing
 it’s just one of you and Remus he found in Remus’ stuff, he’s not really stalking you or something! And I’m also sorry I don’t care about the thinks he’s tellin me ‘bout you, but I’m not into I don’t really care!)“ – I don‘t care either.
“Anyways I just sent you this letter to ask you to please, please give him a chance, or at least think about it! I swear he would never hurt you; he cares too much to do that!” – Nope, that’s never gonna happen
and I won’t believe this, unless I get some proof!
“Like James already said, you are a very smart girl, who knows what the right thing to do is. So please consider this as another option! No one’s forcing you, but it’s really hurtin even me to see James so brokenhearted.” – Well, since this was never a real option for me I don’t even have to think about it and taadaa: Problem’s solved!
“Sirius” – Like I didn’t already get it, who else would even try to protect James? 
Waait a second
 did I just say James, instead of Potter? I really need some sleep; I’m starting to freak out


How was it? Please be honest! I can also just continue with the letters if that's better! Tell me what you think :) xoxo

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