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(Love)letters - Potions

von Escador

Hi everyone :)
I'm sosososososoooo sorry it took so long! It surely won't happen again. Have fun reading!

@Mik: I hope you will like this chapter too, it’s a little short and maybe even boring, but the next will be better! xoxo


„Lily! Wake up, or you’re gonna be late for Potions! Lily Evans, if you don’t get out of this bed in this exact moment I swear I’ll make sure your hair gets blue! And believe me, I’m not kidding.”
A shrill voice startled me out of my sleep. Damn, my dream had been so nice! I tried to open my eyes but the light was way too bright. „Mhh… just a second! What time is it?” „Its already 8.30 a.m., you missed the Breakfast! And you’re gonna miss Potions too, if you don’t get out of your bed right now!”
Hannah’s face appeared next to my pillow. She seemed really serious, but I still didn’t trust her completely. How many times had she already woke me up around 5 a.m. telling me it was nearly 9 just to laugh at me for the whole day? I leaned over to look at the big clock hanging over the door. „Damn! Is anyone in the Bathroom?” I can’t remember ever getting out of bed as fast as right now. In no time I was already under the shower and back thinking about yesterday’s letter…
Lily, I know you don’t want to think about that jerk right now, but you could at least finish reading the letter, since it’s not even from him. I thought to myself as I was washing out the shampoo from my hair. You wouldn’t like it either if someone doesn’t read and reply your letters, no matter if he likes you or not, it’s just a matter of politeness!
By the time my hair was dry and I had mascara on my lashes the decision was made: I was gonna finish reading the letter later at History (it’s so boring there, I need some distraction if I don’t want to fall asleep like someone we all know) and then I would decide if writing anything back or just act like I never got it.
„Lily, come on! You still have to get dressed and pack your bag!”
Skirt, white shirt… „Where the hell is my Gryffindor Tie?”…Shoes. Potions Book, History Book…I’ll get the rest later in the break!
“Can we please go, I don’t wanna be late! Professor Slughorn already hates me enough!” Hannah was complaining. “Just a second!” I laughed running over to my nightstand to get the letter, hoping Hannah didn’t see it. “What’s that?” “Just a stupid letter”, I said stuffing it into my bag and getting out of the room before she could ask any more questions.
We got into the classroom just one second before the bell rang, but everyone was already sitting at their places so that we had to split up. Hannah got a place next to some Ravenclaw girl so that I had to sit next to Remus.
“Good morning class! Please take out your books and open page 350. Mix this Potion in pairs.”
Automatically I did exactly like I was told and started reading the Ingredients list. Done with that I turned around to see what Remus was doing. “Already finished reading?” I looked at his book, not finding it. Instead he was staring at…my letter? “Why are you reading my letter? I mean your letter… I mean the letter you sent me… My letter!” a little confused I whipped it out of his hands and tossed it back into my bag. “I didn’t take it! It was on the desk!” he tried to explain. I just sighted and handed him over my book. “Read! I’m gonna go get the ingredients.”
Why can no one here just mind his own business? I wouldn’t read his letter either if I saw it on the desk! …or maybe I would… but I can! I’m a girl, I can be curious! “Watch out! I’m sure you wouldn’t be thrilled to crush into me!”, a laughing voice scared me out of my thoughts. I looked up just to see Blacks ugly face grinning at me. “Well, for once you’re right!”, I hissed. He just started laughing and got back to his seat.
“So, why exactly did you bring the letter to class and put it on the desk if you don’t want anyone to read it?” Remus’ voice was right next to my ear. “Hush, I’m trying to concentrate here! Don’t you want to get a good mark?” I looked at him angrily. “For Merlin’s sake, I’m just asking. No need to act this way”, he murmured and turned away. Immediately I felt bad for my behavior…“hey, sorry for overreacting… Guess I’m just a little tired”, I smiled at him, “didn’t really get much sleep after your owl woke me up last night.” I smiled at him apologizing. “Oh, damn! You’re right, sorry about that.” We both started laughing.
“I’m very glad, my class is such a pleasure for both of you. Mr Lupin, Miss Evans, how about you join me tonight for some extra work? Since you don’t seem to be capable of that right now…” Shit!
“Professor Slughorn! We’re very sorry, Sir. I swear it won’t happen again, but please don’t make us stay for detention…” Remus was just starting his plea, but Professor Slughorn cut him of immediately. “Mr Lupin, I’m sure you do feel sorry for this improper behavior, but I’m a man of action and I shall not tolerate such manners in my classroom.” This said, he turned around and strutted into his office. Remus looked at me begging: “Lily…please go talk to him. He totally adores you! Just tell him we have some prefect-business to do and he’ll let us go. Pleaseee!” I sighed and followed my potions Professor into the office. Okay Lily, you can do this! He’s not gonna bite. “Sir? I’m sorry to bother you, but I was wondering…” he turned around. “Do we have to do the detention today…since, you know, we have some prefect-business to do and…” I looked down shyly. “Oh, but of course Miss Evans, that will be no problem, we’re just gonna postpone the detention. I assume you, and Mr Lupin have no other commitment this Saturday? And now that this is cleared, please get back to work. I wouldn’t want to give you a bad mark for not finishing today’s assignment.” I looked at him incredulously. What the hell is wrong with him today? “Of course Sir. And again, I’m sorry for my inappropriate behavior”.
Remus stared at me “Saturday? What about Saturday?” he seemed confused. “Detention. He simply delayed it. I have no idea what’s wrong with him today. Probably he’s just in a bad mood.” I smiled apologetically.
I tried to concentrate until finally the bell rang. “Everyone, please hand in a phial of your mixture. Don’t forget to write your names on them. Miss Evans, Mr Lupin, I will see you Saturday right after dinner in my office.” Slughorn declared, before leaving the class pack up their things and go.

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