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Snape's Daughter - Wonderful Christmastime

von Ginny Molly Weasley

Saturday, 10th of December

M. McGonagal

Hermione and Lynn stood in front of the notice board and grinned at each other.
"If Harry and Emily aren't able to care for their
"-then we have to help out a bit.", Lynn finished Hermiones sentence.
On 10th of December Hermione and Lynn walked, with Emily in their midst, the way down into the village.
"Oh man! I told you that I don't want to come along!", grumbled Emily.
"Oh yes, you will! It's just for you best!", Hermione winked. Emily rolled her eyes, annoyed.
At the same time Ron, Neville and Harry had already arrived at Hogsmeade. Harry wasn't very enthusiastic either.
"Can't you two go alone? I told you that I have no desire!", he complained.
"Don't act like that! Believe me, you'll like it!", Ron grinned and Neville laughed.
The three boys stayed at the corner of Zonko's Joke shop.
Now the girls had arrived at Hogsmeade too. Hermione turned to Emily: "Lynn and I wanted to go to Zonko's, I'm sure you don't want to go there, so you can buy a quill for me at Dervish & Banges' and come after us afterwards....or not.", with these words she pressed a couple of galleons in Emilys hands and disappeared down the street with Lynn. Emily stood stunned in front of the store before she entered.
In front of Zonko's Ron said to Harry: "Harry, would you please get me a bottle of ink at Dervish & Banges. Neville and I'll already go to Zonko's."
Harry stared at them in disbelieve, but then just shook his head and went on his way. He entered at Dervish & Banges and walked though the aisles to the inkwells and quills. There he saw Emily in front of the quills, she obviously couldn't decide which one she should buy. She hadn't noticed him and ran her finger along the shelf.
Suddenly she stopped hanging with her jacket sleeve and on of the inkwells flew off the shelf. Reflexively Harry stretched out his hand and made sure that it fell into his hand. Emily looked up and stared shocked at him.
"Thank you.", she said quiet.
"Would you please go outside with me? I'd like to talk to you.", he said, completely forgetting the bottle of ink for Ron and looked at her pleadingly.
Emily hesitated, then Harry just took her hand and pulled her out of the store. Outside it heavily had began to snow.
"Emily, I...", he began, but did not bring out more.
Emily opened her mouth, then closed it again because no sound came out. A few seconds, which seemed like an eternity to them, passed, while they just stood there at looked into each others eyes, while the snow fell down upon them. Then Harry just took her face with his hands and kissed her tenderly. At first Emily was frozen in surprise, but then she began to reciprocate the kiss, her arms wrapped around his neck and greedy pulled him down to her.
After they had parted, they smiled broadly at eachother.
Together they walked along the street to the Three Broomsticks. They occupied a table in a corner and Harry asked: "Do you want a butterbeer, too?"
"No, I would prefer a cup of tea."
He came back with a glass of butterbeer ad a cup of tea and sat down beside Emily. Emily enclosed her cup with both hands for warmth.
Then she said suddenly: "Harry I'm sorry! Everything I said was so stupid! I know that nothing's easy for you at the moment!"
"No, I'm sorry! I was an idiot, you were right with everything! In my frustration I overlooked the ones, who still eld on to me! I have been so stupid-"
Emily pressed her lips onto his and interupted him.
The door of the Three Broomsticks swung open and Ron, Hermione, Lynn and Neville entered the pub. They walked to the table in the corner where they fond Harry and Emily lost in a passionate kiss.
"Yeah, high five!", Ron shouted.
Harry and Emily split apart and watched as the others obeyed Ron's call.
"Shit! I'm so sorry Hermione, I completely forgot your quill!", Emily said.
"No problem! That was just a pretext to get you into the store anyway.", Hermione replied.
Harry and Emily stared surprised at Hermione, then it blurted out of Emily: "I love you!"
"Hey! You only should love the guy beside you!", Ron laughed.
The others joined in too. Hermione, Lynn, Ron and Neville sat down at the table and a funny afternoon passed.

Christmas was now approaching and the Great Hall was decoratet with it's usual twelve Christmas trees. Throughout the castle there was a smell of Christmas cookies and carols penetrated from the amours.
Warming fires crackled in the fireplaces of the common rooms and the students withdrew into their cozy common rooms after lessons, thus the corridors remained almost empty. Whenever Harry and Emily walked through the corridors together, she pulled him under a mistletoe, wich were hung everywhere in the corridors, and kissed him passionately. Harry replied the kisses ust as passionately as her and pulled her close to him.
All the students were looking forward to Christmas and of course on the holidays. In particular, the fifth- and seventh-graders were looking forward to the upcoming break from learning. Only Neville Longbottom always looked a bit thoughtful. Emily just stepped out onto the astronomy tower and met Neville, who stood with his back to her, leaning against the railing.
Emily stood next to him. "Hi."
"Hello. I haven't heard you coming."
"What's up with you?", she asked Neville worried.
Neville looked at her for a second and began to talk:
"Last week there was this newspaper article about the ten escaped Death Eaters! Among the Bellatrix Lestrange......
because of her my parents are in St, Mungos for 14 years now. She and a couple of other Death Eaters tortured them until insanity, because they wouldn't give them the information they needed. But my parents have not given in, that makes me incredibly proud! But they all expect so from me, espcially my grandmother and I'm not nearly as brave as my parents!"
Emily had laid a hand on Neville's shoulder: "Neville you are brave! You just haven't got the opportunity to show that yet! I'm really sorry about your parents! But I'm pretty sure that you will show everyone how similar you are to your father!"
She gave him an encouraging smile.
"I think that was the kindest thing someone ever said to me!", and he smiled back.
"Hello!", a voice came from behind them.
Neville and Emily turned around and saw Harry.
Harry walked towards Emily, hugged her and gave her a short kiss.
"I'll leave you alone then.", Neville grinned.
See you later Neville!"
"See you!"
"Wow, it's very cold up here!", Emily said.
Harry wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close to him so that Emily could feel his warm breath on her face.
"Is it better that way?", he whispered grinning.
"Yes, but-", she stood on her tiptoes to reach his lips, she put her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her.
Harry replied the kiss and hugged her even tighter.
"-it's even better this way!", she whispered against his lips.
Harry and Emily remained at the astronomy tower until the sun began to sink behind the mountains. They stayed on top of the tower until the sun threw it's last sun rays onto the thick blanket of snow. Harry looked at his clock and realized that it already half past eight so they made their way back into the common room. From there they went together with Hermione, Lynn and Ron into the Great Hall. After dinner they all sat in the common room in front of the fireplace. Emily had made comfortable herself in Harrys's arms and asked the others: "Where are you all going to spend your christmas holidays?"
"I guess at Grimmauldplace with Sir- Pad.", George replied.
"We won't see each other.", Emily said sadly to Harry.
"Unless you persuade Sape to spend the holidays at Grimmauldplace with Pad, the Weasleys, Hermione and Harry.", Fred laughed.
"Yes of course! I'll create that easily!", she replied played casual.
"Maybe we're lucky and there is a meeting of the Order and I can come along.", she said to Harry.

On the evening before departure, Harry had scheduled a last DA meeting to repeat the spells they had learned so far.
At the end of the lesson he said a few words to his classmates before goodbye:
"We are unfortunately able to train after the holidays. If you want to you can train a bit alone of course. You really do deserve the holidays, you're awesome! Happy Christmas to all of you!"
The group clapped enthusiastically and shuffled slowly out of the room.
"Go up to the common room alone. I want to spend the last evening with Emily.", Harry said to Ron and Hermione.
After Ron and Hermione had gone, Harry bent down to Emily and pulled, kissing her, behind a wall hanging into a secret passageway. Unfortunately he had forgotten that it was the secret passageway that led into the dungeons....
After a few minutes they both heard approaching steps and broke away from each other quickly. Harry pulled Emily into a dark niche behind the statue of Merlin and peeked out behind the corner where they were hiding.
Professor Snape came into view and stopped. After a few seconds of silence he went on and left the secret passageway.
Because it did not seem o be safe on the corridors they moved into the farthes rows of shelves in the library, which was completely empty.
Only when Madam Pince formally threw them out of the library they made their way back into the common room
In the middle of the night Emily heard a loud rumbling on the stairs and got up to see what was going on. Hermione had also noticed and followed her. They just saw how Professor McGonagal disappeared with Harry through the door to the common room. Seconds later Ron hurried after them. Hermione grabbed his sleeve.
"What's going on?!", she asked.
"No idea! I don't know exactly! Harry had a nightmare, well it was more like a vision!", he replied hastily, pulled himself away from Hermione and stormed off into the common room. Hermione and Emily also ran into the common room, but the two boys and the teacher had already gone. Hermione dropped into a chair, but Emily went up and down excitedly.
"Emily calm down! I'm sure he's fine!", Hermione was talking to Emily.
For hours the girls were waiting for Harry and Ron to come back, but they did not come.
The next morning, after the two were awake on the couch, they changed their clothes immediately and ran to Professor McGonagal's office. Their head of house wasn't surprised to see them and led them inside. She told Hermione and Emily that Harry had had a vision about an attack on Mr. Weasley, Ron's father, and that Harry and Ron were already at Grimmauldplace 12.
Silently the two girls walked into to the Great Hall for breakfast.
Emily broke the silence and said anixously: "I hope Mr. Weasley us OK!"
"I'll write to you once I have satisfied myself that he's OK.
Mr. Weasley and Harry.", Hermione promised.
In the Great Hall they saw Lynn, she was sitting at the Gryffindor table and already had breakfast.
"Where have you been?", she asked once Hermione and Emily had sat down.
"At Professor McGonagall's office.", Hermione replied and she began to tell her what happened in a whisper.
After breakfast Lynn and Hermione dragged their heavy trunks down into the entrance hall. Emily accompanied them to the great oak portal to say goodbye. She hugged Hermione first and reminded her to write to her.
"Yes, don't worry!", Hermione aswered.
Then Emily turned to Lynn: "Sooo, you're leaving me alone too then! I never expected that from you!", she said played reproachfully.
"I'm sorry cutie!", Lynn replied pityingly and hugged Emily.
"It's OK. Enjoy the Ski holiday!"
"Thanks! And you aren't alone at all! A few first-years are going to stay here and a lot of other students you don't know! Ooh, and of course, you also have your lovely and kind father!"
"Haha.", Emily replied dry.
"I'll write to you! Promised!", Lynn said encourangingly.
"Come on, we have to go! Otherwise we'll miss the train!", Hermione said. "Bye Emily!"
"We love you!", Lynn called over her shoulder.
"I love you too!", Emily laughed.

Emily spent most of her free days in the library. Because nobody else was staying there, she could walk along the aisles in peace and quiet and look around very carefully.
So she made a special discovery. Beside all the books about magic, spells, curses, potions, magical creatures, famous witches and wizards etc. there was also a small part on one shelf with muggle novels. Durig the summer holidays she had found great interest in them, as she had been in a normal bookshop in London and had bought a book with the title 'P.S. I love you!'. It had been romance novel, which she had formally swallowed during the holidays. The selection here was not very huge, but she still found something suitable.
'With you by my side' by Nicholas Sparks. With the borrowed book she made it cozy for herself in front of the fireplace in the common room. She completely sank into the world of the book and only looked up when her stomach growled. Then she looked at the clock and realized that there was already dinner for a quarter of an hour. So she made her way into the Great Hall, where the common table of pupils and teachers, which was always up in the holidays, was already full occupied. She sat down between her father and a first-year, who had taken very far distance from his potions Professor.
"Where have you been the whole day?", Snape asked his daughter.
"I was in the common room and read.", she replied, while she took from the noodles on the table.
"The whole day?", he asked puzzled.
"The whole day."
"I'm glad that I don't have to frce you to study, but xou don't have to overdo it either.", said Snape.
"I haven't read in schoolbooks!", Emily laughed.
Severus smiled and turned to his plate. The few students who were present stared at Snape in disbelief, had their sinister potions teacher just smiled?! Emily had to resist a smile, because of the puzzled face of he first-year next to her.
Snape leaned back to her and asked: "Would you like to come down later, to drink a tea and a game of wizard chess?"
" know...."
"OK, what is this book?"
"It's called 'With you by my side' by Nicholas Sparks."
"I never heard of him. Who is it?"
"I haven't either. It's a muggle author. It's a romance, like the book I bought during the summer holidays, you remember?"
Snape nodded and said: "Well, then we just move the tea and wizard chess."

Up in the common room a tiny owl was waiting outside of the window. Emily went to the window and let the owl inside to take her letter. It was, how she had expected, from Hermione.

Dear Emily,
here's you're letter, like I promised. I had to wait a while to write, because we visited Mr. Weasley just that morning and before I didn't know how he's doing at all.
He is still very weak and the wounds, left by the snake, have not yet healed completely, but the healers said that he will be fine soon. Harry is also really well again, but he blames himself for the attack, because he fears that he was the snake.
I hope you're not too bored!
I'm already looking forward to see you again!
Love you

Emily ran up the stairs into the empty dormitory, got parchement, quill and ink and sat down into the common room again. After she had finished to write re-read the letter:

Dear Hermione,
thanks that you remembered to write to me, now I'm a bit calmer in terms of Mr. Weasley!
That Harry was going to think like that was kind of clear to me! Please tell him from me, that that's complete nonsense! Besides we have to thank him, that Mr. Weasley is still alive!
Don't worry, boredom is OK. It's even a bit nice to have a little rest, but I'm still looking forward to see you all again!
Love you too

Satisfied she put the sheet of parchment in an envlope and went to the owlery. After she had sent an owl with the letter , she remained standing at the window arches and admired the view over the snow-covered landscape.
Suddenly she heard footsteps behind her, turned around and saw a frightened first-year from Hufflepuff, standing in the middle of the owlery, as petrified. Emily smiled kindly at him, but the little boy made a shocked expression and scooted past her and then bind his letter quickly to an owls leg. Emily looked sadly at the boy and then left the owlery. So it was every year, the new students who came to Hogwarts feared her, because her father always was so unfair and mean in his classes.
Even she has been new at Hogwarts it hasn't been easy for her to find friends. Only a few pupils had been by her side from the beginning. Even Ron had been very sceptical at the beginning, but Harry and Hermione had convinced him that Emily was very different than her father. And Lynn hasn't ever mattered about the talking of other people anyway. She never cared of what others think about her, that's what Emily so admired about her.
She, herself mattered a lot bout this, she could not stand it when others stared at her, it always made her feel uncomfortable. Lynn, unlike, enjoyed being at the center.
Precisley these differences made them best friends, they complemented each other.
On the evening of the 24th of December there was a big feast at the Great Hall, at which all operated properly.
Afterwards Professor Dumbledore sent the students to bed, but the first-years did not even think about going to bed.
"But you don't want to sleep through the giving tommorrow, do you!", Dumbledore winked.
They then stormed out of the hall, followed by the other present students. Emily also went up to her dormitory after she had wished her father a good night.
On the morning of 25th Emily slept very long before she turned to her stack of gifts. The first was a box of Bertie Botts every flavour beans from Ron. Next, a package was on the stack. In the package there was one of the famous
Weasley sweaters. Mrs. Weasley had knitted the sweater
with dark red wool and embroidered it a gold letter 'E' on it. Mrs. Weasley had even sent self made cookies.
On Hermiones gift Emiyl had to laugh, it was so typical of Hermione. She actually had given Emily a homework planner. From Harry there was a letter, which Emily immediately cleared and began to read:

Marry Christmas Emily!
I hope you're fine! I miss you so much and I can't wait to see you again!
You'll get your present when we meet again. I want to give it to you myself. I wisch you marry Christmas and happy holidays!
Your Harry

Emily smiled happily about Harrys letter.
The next gift was from Lynn. It was a larch, rectangular box and it were beautiful shoes with a small wedge heel.
They were sealed with a small strap at the ankle and were lilac with a few small, white flowers on it.
"Wow!", gasped Emily.
Lynn had also enclosed a letter:

Marry Christmas Emily!
Here in Austria it's wonderful and Skiing makes so much fun! I hope you like your Christmas present! I saw them whe I was in town of Wien with my Mum and I immediately had to think of you, they are made for you!
So, have fun in the holidays! ;)
Love you
your very best friend
Lynn :*

Emily grinned, Lynn really was the best of best friend ou could ask for.
Now there was only one gift left, the one from her father.
It was a rectangular parcel and on top there was another smaller, square box. First she opened the large rectangular gift, out fell a book about rare potions and their production. Emily rolled her eyes, that was a typical gift from her father. After she had laid the book aside, she
reached for the little, square box and opend it. Out fell a silver bracelet that was held together with a lettering: Emily.
Emily was very surprised, something like that she'd never got from her father. Always he had only given her books or other things to learn. She put her gifts to their place and got ready in the bathroom. Also her new bracelet she wore around her dainty wrist as she walked dow to the Great Hall. Where her father already sat at the table, reading the news paper. Beside him, the Snape Explodes playing cards lay on the table, which she had given him for Christmas. She sat down beside him and he looked up,
holding the ards into the air and looked quizzicaly at her.
Emily grinned and said: "This is a very popular game at this school, I thought you like it."
Snape put down the stack of cards on to the table and disappeared behind the Daily prophet again. Emily leaned over to him to read the news paper too. Snape had already arrived on the page with all the gossip news, where there was a report about a young singer, whose songs were often played in the Wizarding Wirless Network.
Her name was Lucy Carter, she was only 17 years old and wanted to get married in a few days, what was a great mistake,because she was too young, so thought the reporter who had written the article.
Snape turned to his daughte and said: "Please don't make the same mistake and never get married that early!"
"Don't worry, surly I'm won't get married until I'm 25!", Emily replied calmly.
Snape stared at her from the side.
"Well 30."
Snape still had fixed his gaze upon her.
"40....80, Dad, I want to walk down the aisle and not be driven!",Emily said annoyed.
Snape shortly smiled amused and said then: "I have to go to Grimmauldplace in London, I have to tell a message to Potter and before this I want to go to hogsmeade to buy potions ingrediants. Do you want to come along?"
"Yes!",Emily said, trying not to sound too enthusiastic, because it might look suspicious.
Professor Dumbledore came into the Great Hall and sat down beside Emily. Winking he gave her a package.
Emily opened it in suprise and was even more suprised when she saw the contents.
It was a book called 'Pride and Prejudice' by Jane Austen.
"I have heard that you have a certain fondness for Muggle novels.", Dumbledore said winking.
"Yes, thanks!", Emily replied puzzled. "He kind of really knows what's going on at Hogwarts! Wether he also knows that...", Emily thought.
After breakfast Emily and Snape made their way into the village. While Snape bought potion ingrediants in a pharmacy, Emily went into the shop next door. There she stood in front of a shelf with a variety of socks and she remembered what Harry had told her what Dumbledore had answered to the question what he sees in the mirror of Erised:
"I? I see myself standing there a pair of thick woolen sock in my hand."
So she started looking for woolen socks, which she found very quickly. She bought a pair of dark blue with
purple stars, then she left the shop and went back to the castle with her father.
Snape crossed the entrance hall and disappeared down the dungeon stairs. Emily ran into the Great Hall and she was lucky, Professor Dumbledore was still there and just talked with a couple of first-years. Emily walked over to him and held out the socks.
"Harry told me that you always get books for Christmas and that you would wish for socks.", she explained smiling to him.
"Thanks.", said Dumbledore, smiling warmly. "You'd better hurry. I'M sure Professor Snape is already waiting!", he added.
And in fact, Snape was already waiting at the oak portal, ready to go.
They walked back down the path to Hogsmeade. When they arrived the edge of the village, Snape streched out his arm and Emily clunged to it. The two materialized in the same dead end as in the summer holidays and walked the last part to No. 12 on foot.
No sooner they had entered the dark hall Mrs. Weasley came up the stairs from the kitchen.
"Hello Emily!", she said in her loving voice and embraced Emily warmly.
"Hello Severus! What brings you to us?"
"Albus is sending me to deliver a massege to Potter. Can I talk to him in private?", Snape asked, trying to remain friendly.
"Yes, down in the kitchen. I'll get him, one moment please!", Mrs. Weasley replied smiling.
"Do you want to eat or drink something Emily?
Oh my goodness, you are ice cold, should I make you a tea!?", she said, turned on to Emily.
"No, thanks Mrs. Weasley. I'm going up stairs and join the others."
"Would you please send Harry down!"
"Yes, I will!", Emily shouted as she already stormed up the stairs. She stopped in front of Harrys and Rons room and knocked lightly on the door and entered. Ron was lying spraweled on his bed and quickly grabbed for his school book and acted as though he was learning, but when he saw that it was Emily, he carlessly threw it back onto his bedside table.
Harry had just seen out of the window and stood with his back to the door, he turned around and smiled broadly. Emily also began to shine and rushed to Harry.
Harry squeezed her tightly and whirled her around. Emily rapped her arms around him and they began kissing passionately.
"Hey! Could you please slurp around elsewhere!", Ron gasped in disgust.
Emily laughed and then said to Harry: "You should come down to the kitchen. My Dad has a massege from Dumbledore for you."
"Yiipyy.", said Harry sarcastically.
On the landing the two parted, Harry walked down stairs and Emily climbed further up the stairs to Ginny and Hermione. Emily was enthusiastically greeted from the two girls. After a couple of 'Merry Christmas" and 'How was your holiday' the three girls had calmed down and talked for a while.
Suddenly the door opened and Harry and Ron came in.
Harry sat down on the bed behind Emily and put his arms around her.
"What did he say?"
"Dumbledore wants that Snape teaches me in Okklu- Okklumency."
Emily looked at him horrified and said urgently to him:
"During thes Okklumency-lessons you really have to repress all the thoughts and memories of our dates, if you do not want that he knows about it! Because if don't hide them from him, he will be able to see averything!"
"OK, fine, I'll do my best!"
Once that was clearified, they turned to other topics, like Quidditch and OWL- exams.
Harry whispered in Emilys ear: "Let's go down into the salon. I still want to give you your Christmas present and spend some time alone with you, before you have to go back."
Emily nodded smiling the two crept into the room one floor up. There Harry took something out of his pocket, held it in his closed hand and stood close behind Emily.
He gently laid a silver chain around her neck, it had a silver heart as a pendant, on which Harrys name was engraved. Emily was fascinated by the chain and thanked harry with a fond embrace and a passionate kiss.
"The picture frame with the changin images of us great too! Thanks! It will get a place of honor on my bedside table at Hogwarts!", Harry said, Emily still pressed tightly to him.
Again he approached her and pressed his lips to hers. Emily retourned his kiss eargerly, drigging her hands in his tousled black hair. Totally absorbed in the kiss, they did not even notice how the door of the salon opened and someone stood in the doorway and watched them with a grin. Sirius cleared his throat and the two oft them drove scared apart. When they had seen who had just interrupted them their faces started to turn red.
"That doesen't have to be embarrassing for you.", Sirius said, who had interpreted their red faces properly. "I'm happy for you and that you are finally together!", he winked at harry, who looked at him warningly. "And I'm sure that the bat will be pleased too!", at this rate Sirius began to laugh out loud.
"That's not funny! He knew about it and completely freaked out! No we're daiting in secret.", Emily said sharply.
"It's fine. I won't tell snievellus anything!", Sirius assured them.
"Pretty necklce!", he added grinning.
Emilys cheeks were turning red again, and she hastily let the pendant sliede unter her sweater. Mrs. Weasleys voice reached their ears from down stairs: "Emily! Would you please come down stairs!"
Glad to get out of this embarrassing situation, Emily quickly ran to the door and diasappeared down the hallway.
Sirius looked quizzingly at Harry: "Doesen't she want to say goodbye to you?"
Harry pushed him away, half angry, half amused and followed Emily. Downstairs in the entrance hall Mrs. Weasley just asked Snape: "Won't you stay for dinner?"
Emily looked at her father with sweet, beggin, poppy dog eyes, whereupon Snape gave a groan.
"Well, fine."
Together with Mrs. Weasley the two Snapes walked down into the narrow kitchen, where Lupin, Tonks and Kingsley were already sitting at the long wooden table. Seconds later Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Sirius, Fred and George came into the kitchen and sait down too. Mrs. Weasley helped Mr. Weasley down the stairs, he still was a bit struck because of the snakes attack. Harry took place near Emily, so they could remain in eye contact.
During the meal, which Mrs. Weasley had conjured them, they looked each other deeply in the eyes from time to time or smiled at each other inconspicious.
After dinner Snape finally wanted to get away quickly. He quickly said goodbye to Mrs. Weasley and thanked her for the food, completely ignoring the others and wet up stairs into the entrance hall to wait there for Emily.
Downstairs in the kitchen Emily adopted from everyone with a hug. She hugged Harry a little but longer than the others and then remained uncertain in front of him. Then Harry just leaned down to her and kissed her briefly. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley smiled warmly, Sirius grinned, Tonks and Kingsly smiled too, Lupin smiled too, but his eyes showed concern.
Together with her father Emily apperated back to Hogsmeade. Together they strolled through the village with lighted Christmas decorations. Emily linked arms with Snape and leaned her head against his shoulder. They traveled together through the darknes to the castle...
When the two had reached and entered the castle, they did not went into the Great Hall, but got onto the dungeon stairs nto Snapes office.
"It doesen't look like Christmas here at all!", Emily observed, pulled out her wand and let red and gold balls appear from her wand tip, which hung themselfs on the small windows of the office. Around the fireplace, where a
warm fire crackled, Emily let appear garlends of holly with red bows.
"It's much better like that!", she said, slumping into a chair.
Snape prepared tea at sat down with her. Emily slid onto the black leather sofa to her father and snuggled up to him, whereupon Snape put an arm around Emily. So the Snape's spent Christmas Eve..........
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