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Snape's Daughter - Can't Live Without You

von Ginny Molly Weasley

The last night Emily had barely slept, the whole night she had been lying awake in her bed. When she appeared with red eyes from crying in the common room Lynn asked her shocked: "What happened to you?!"
"Bad lie.", Lynn replied and gave her a skeptical glance.
Hermione told Lynn quietly what had happened in the common room last night. Lynn turned to Emily and embraced her firmly in silence. Harry also was seen in that he must have slept little the night before, because he had dark circles under his eyes. He looked over to Emily for a second, Lynn was still embracing her and Harry looked away guiltily. Together the three girls made their way into the Great Hall for breakfast.
Emily was sitting absent at the gryffindor table and did not alter the food.
"Come on Emily, you have to eat something!", said Hermione and shoved a slice of toast towards her.
"I'm not hungry.", Emily replied sluggish and pushed the plate away from her.
Emily looked over to the entrance og the hall and at this very moment Harry and Ron entered the Great Hall. Harry's and Emily's gaze met and Emily felt like she got tears in her eyes and looked hastily away again.
Ron was about to sit down with harry beside Hermione,
Lynn and Emily, but Hermione quietly motioned to move on. So the pair of them took place on the other side of the table beside Fred and George.
In class, Emily usually reported very rare, but now she didn't say anything. She silently followed the instruction
and solved the task they were asked. Even in potions, where she usually reported slightly more, than in other subjects, she was very quiet.
This, of course, didn't remain unnoticed to Professor Snape, so he asked her to stay after the end of the lesson.
"What's wrong with you?", he asked, slightly worried.
"What should be wrong with me?", Emily said evasively.
"You're so quiet in class...and absent."
"There's nothing....Really!", she said valiently and forced herself to a smile.
Snape looked at her skeptically as she walked towards the dungeon door and disappeared on the corridor.
Until December, when the first snow began to fall, nothing changed at the situation between Harry and Emily. They just threw longing looks at each other, but did not talk with another. Hermione and Lynn watched the whole thing almost desperately. Already a number of times they had said to Emily, that she should, at least, talk to Harry, intendend she and harry would find together again, they had claimed. But Emily kept changing the subject everytime they started with it or fled into the library. Emily was sitting by the window and watched as the snowflakes fell outside the window.
It was a beautiful and at the same time an incrediably sad sight.
Suddenly the drom door flew open and Lynn and Hermione came up to her.
"We want to go outside and make a snow ball fight! Are
you coming?", Hermione asked her excitedtly.
Emily hesitated.
"Come on Emily. A bit of fun will do you well.", Lynn said cheerfully.
Emily looked out of the window once more before she turned back to her two friedns and a small smile formed on her face: "Alright. You could be right about the fun."
So she pulled on her boots, took the thick, woollen scarf and grabbed her winter jacket.
"Is it just us three?", Emily asked.
"No, of course not! Neville, Dean, Seamus and Fred and George are already waiting outside.", Hermione explained. "Ooh and Luna Lovegood.", she added.
"What about Ron...and Harry?", Emily asked hesitantly.
"They have to do their homework. They pushed it back once again.", Hermione winked.
Lynn noticed Emily's sad expression and said: "Hey, forget about this, at least for a while and just have fun!"
"Yes, perhaps you're right."
Just when they had stepped out through the oak front doors, they were bombarded with snowballs. The three grils ran screaming for cover. Neville, Luna, Dean, Seamus and Fred and George laughed out loud.
"This was just a small taste!", Fred laughed.
"Hey guys, we need to form teams!", George yelled.
"I'm all for boys against girls!", Seamus announced.
"Well, let's do it like this!"
"And there we go!", Fred and George yelled.
On the command of the twins a dozen snowballs flew through the air, some of them also missed their target.
Suddenly, two pairs of hands grabbed after Emily's and threw her into the snow, it has been the twins. Both took a whole bunch of snow and began to lather her.
She wildly hit with her arms around her and began to scream: "Aaah stop it!!!'
When her face was covered with snow, they finally let go of her and took the next one. Emily laughingly wiped the snow from her face.

Harry was sitting on a table at the window in the library together with Ron and wrote an essay for Transfiguration. He sat up and his gaze went out of the window and stopped there. He watched as Fred and George lathered Emily and then she laughingly wiped the snow from her face. Shortly after that she grabbed
some snow and formed two snowballs, crept up from behind the twins and threw them on the back of their heads. Lightning fast Fred and George turned around and ran after her.
Harry smiled, but his gaze was sadly once again, how happy he would be, to be outside, doing silly stuff out in the grounds with Emily....

When it was time for lunch, the four Gryffindors and the Ravenclaw girl entered, completely soaked, the Great Hall. They took of their cloaks and sat down at the Gryffindor table.
"Phew, that was great!", said Emily, and stroked the wet hair out of her face.
all of them loaded their plates with a lot of food, the snowball fight had made them very hungry.
After they had eaten as much as they could, they quickly made their way back into the warm common room and changed their clothes. Then they met again in front of the fireplace and played a round of Exlpoding Snape.
About an hour later Harry and Ron came into the common room. Ron let himself fall, exhausted, into an armchair by the group, but Harry was standing around insecure.
"Come on Harry, don't stand around! Sit down!", George said.
Harry obeyed and looked briefly at Emily, she also had her eyes on him. Emily could not prevent her heart from racing and at the same time flashes of pain came through it as she thought how glad she would be if she would be located in his warm arms....

Emily stayed awake for a long time this night, thinking about Harry and listening to music.

Here I am
Feels like the walls are closing in
Once again it's time to face it and be strong
I wanna do the right thing now
I know it's up to me somehow
I'ver lost my way

Should she talk with him about what had happened? Maybe it wasn't to late yet?!

If I could take it all back I would now
I never meant to let you all down
And now I've got to try to turn it all around
And figure out how to fix this
I know there's a way, so I promise
I'm gonna clean up the mess I made
Maybe it's not too late....

She had to try, because she just couldn't live without him!

Harry was also lying awake in his four-poster bed, thinking.

So I'll take a stand
Even though it's complicated
If I can, I wanna change the way I've made it
I wanna do the right thing now
I know it's up to me somehow
I'll find my way
I'm gonna find the strenght to be the one that holds it all together
Show you that I'm sorry
But I know that we can make it better
If I could take it all back I would now
I never meant to let you all down
And now I've got to try to turn it all around
And figure out how to fix this
I know there's a way, so I promise
I'm gonna clean up the mess I made
Maybe it's not too late...

He would try and talk to her, he had to, because he just couldn't live without her!

please leave a comment!! :)

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