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Snape's Daughter - Dumbledore's Army

von Ginny Molly Weasley

Now that she was alone she let the tears flow. She ran up the dungeon stairs and up more stairs, until she stopped in the fifth floor beside a tapestry, which she pushed to the side. This secret passageway Harry had shown her once, at the thought of him more tears floated out of her eyes. She sat down on the floor in the narrow passageway and leaned back against the wall. She did not know how long she had been sitting there when she heard footsteps and someone suddenly sat down beside her. She looked up and blinked the tears away. She looked into beautiful, bright green eyes and was suddenly warm-hearted. Harry raised his hand and wiped the tears from her face and then he hugged her tightly.
"What happened?", he asked, keeping his voice down.
Emily sighed and began to tell from her argument with Snape.
"And now?", Harry asked a bit nervous after she had ended. Emily looked at him confused.
"What do you mean?"
"Well...are you going to stay away from me?"
"No! Of course not! But perhaps we should keep our relationship secret, because he doesen't like you anyway and when we show him that we stay together he will hate you even more and I'm sure he will treat you even worse! But I certainly don't want that!"
Harry smiled softly at her and pulled her towards him again and they both sank into a long, passionate kiss.

When school started again on Monday, Emily behaved as normally as possible. In potions she was back at her usual seat next to Lynn and whenever they walked through the castle someone was between her and Harry. Emily was sitting in the library, writing an essay for History of Magic as Hermione sat down beside her and pulled away her parchment and quill.
"Hey!", Emily protested.
"Scht! I have to tell you something important!"
Now Emily was getting curious.
"But hurry.", she said. "I'm meeting with Harry!", Emily added whispering.
"Yes, yes! ...Well, Umbridge refuses to teach us defensive magic right?!", she didn't wait for Emily's answer and continued immediately.
"And because Harry normally is very good at Defence against the dark Arts, I thought that Harry could teach a few selected students at defencesive spells!", she ended enthusiastically.
"Actually I find that this is a very good idea....but I don't know if Harry would agree...", she answered slowly.
"I'll try to persuade him somehow. Don't you worry about that!"
Emily nodded and looked at her watch.
"Oh Merlin! Sorry, I have to go! Harry will already be waiting!"
And she hastily stormed out of the library.

Breathing heavily, she came up to the Astronomy tower. Harry and Emily had intended this meeting point,
because it was very far from the dungeons and Severus Snape was therefor also far away. Harry stood at the railing, admiring the landscape, where the sun went down and everything just turned up in a golden light. Emily crapped up close behind him and hugged him. "Hello!",she greeted him happily and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
They spent quite a while on the Astronomy tower and enjoyed their companionship. Only when it was time for dinner they went down into the common room, where they met with Ron, Hermione and Lynn. Harry set out for the Great Hall with Ron and Hermione after Ron's urging, shortly thereafter Emily followed with Lynn. The two of them sat down beside Neville, Fred and George and Lee Jordan. Quite on the other end of the Gryffindortable she saw Harry. He also looked at her and they quietly smiled at each other. When the dessert was gone, the Great Hall emptied gradually, even the trio (Harry, Ron and Hermione) had gone into the common room.
After a short time Lynn and Emily raised from their seats and walked into the entrance hall. There, on the other side by the entrance to the dungeons, stood Snape and meant Emily to follow him.
"What does he want this time?!",she thought annoyed.
Emily turned to Lynn and told her to wait for her in the common room and followed Snape down the stairs.
Arrived in his office, he immediately began to speak:
"Don't you think that we should just forget our last argument?"
"Sure, let's just forget that you are forbidding me to date the guy on whom I got a crush since nearly two years!", Emily thought angry but she answered: "OK."
"What do you think of a round wizards chess?", he suggested.
"Sounds good."
During the game, Snape had a clear lead, he asked casually: "Where have you been all day, by the way?"
"In the common room, doing homework. You always give us so much to do!",Emily pouted, it made Snape smile.
After an eternity, so thought Emily, Snape looked at the clock on the wall and said: "It's late, you should go."
Without contradicting Emily got up and walked to the door.
She mumed a "Good Night" before she shut the door behind her.
Upstairs in the common room Emily saw Lynn sitting in an armchair, deepened into a book. She headed for the armchair beside Lynn and sat down. Immediately, allegedly in her book deepened Lynn, slammed her book shut.
"What did he want?"
"He wanted that we just forget our argument!", she began to stir about her father.
This went on for a while, until they were almost the last ones left in the common room.

The following week there was a notice on the notice board, by which some students from the third to seventh class pawed. It was the date for the Hogsmeade trip, it should take place this week end. Hermione then told Emily, that Harry had agreed, after some back and forth, to teach some students in defense.
So on the following Saturday the Trio, Emily, Lynn and Neville walked down into the village. Hermione led the group, because she had said, that she had chosen a rather unusual venue. She led the small group into a side street and stopped in front of a dirty, nondescript door.
Above her, there was an old sign with the inscription "The Hog's Head". Inside, there were not many guests, only a few shabby-looking wizards and a veiled witch.
The stone floor was covered with straw, the entire pub, it looked pretty uncomfortable. The pupils looked around skaptically and sat down in the corner by the fireplace.
"Anyway, who's going to come?", Harry asked Hermione.
"Just a few people."
Just in this moment the door opened and "the few people" floated into the Hog's Head. A lot of students came to the corner and sat down with them. Fred and George ordered a round of Butterbeer from the bewildered host. Harry watched the scene before him open mothed and Hermione smiled in satisfaction. After everyone had recieved his Butterbeer and calm had been restored, Hermione stood up and greeted, those who were present, tentative. Emily smiled at her encouragingly, so Hermione took some new courage and began to explain the situation with Umbridge. They also reported from the night when Voldemort retourned. Some were skeptical, but in the end thay had convinced all of them, more or less. In order to make it all official, they all inscribed their names on a sheet of parchment and Hermione announced that she would give notice when there was a deadline for the first meeting.
Together Harry, Ron, Hermione, Emily and Lynn strolled back to the main road. There Hermione, Ron and Lynn parted fro the other two and made their way back to the castle.
Emily linked arms with Harry and they walked through Hogsmeade. Sometimes they stopped at shop windows.
On the way to the Three Broomsticks they went into Honeyduks to refresh their candy store.
In The Three Broomsticks it was pretty full, as it had started raining outside and there were few empty tables.
"Occupie a table for us, so I can get something to drink.", Harry suggested.
Emily headed for the table in the cozy corner next to the firplace, where a fire was crackling.
Only moments later Harry came back with two glasses of Butterbeer and sat down next to her on the bench. Because Emily was still cold, she immediately took a sip of the warm drink. Harry slid closer to her and took her hand and enfolded them with his own. She looked up into his face and smiled happily, that smile caused butterflies in Harry's stomach and he bent down to her until their lips finaly met. Much to early for Harry's and Emily's taste they parted again.
"It should be forbidden to kiss so well!", Emily laughed.
Then Harry grinned broadly and placed his lips upon hers again.
Outside the Three Broomsticks Luna and Neville rushed to the welcoming door, Professor Snape was heading for the Three Broomsticks, too.
"Professor Snape won't like that", Luna said with her typical, dreamy voice and pointed to the corner, where Harry and Emily kissed passionately again and again.
Neville dragged Luna with him and raced to the table of Harry and Emily.
"Hey! Watch out, the bat is on the way!"
Immediately the two slid apart and Neville and Luna took place between them. Only seconds later Snape was coming through the door, his gaze wandered briefly into the corner to the fours, then he went at sat with his colleagues, Professor McGonagal, Sprout and Binns.
"Thank You!", Harry whispered in Neville's direction.
"No problem, mate!"

The same evening Hermione fiddled out a plan for the meetings, and she had to take care of Quidditchpractice of three different teams and the meetings of the Gobstone Club. Somehow she had managed it to set the first meeting on Friday at seven o'clock in the evening.
The very next morning all the members already knew about the meeting on Saturday.
But after lessons at lunch time there was a large poster in the entrance hall, that caused a small shock to the members of their organisation.


All student organisations, societies, teams, groups and clubs are henceforth disbanded.

An organisation, society, team, group or club is hereby defined as a regular meeting of three or more students.

Permission to re-form may be sought from the High Inquisitor (Professor Umbridge).

No student organisation, society, team, group or club may exist without the knowledge and approval of the High Inquisitor.

Any student found to have formed, or to belong to, an organisation, society, team, group or club that has not been approved by the High Inquisitor will be expelled.

The above is in accordance with Educational Decree Number Twenty-four.

Signed: Dolores Jane Umbridge, High Inquisitor

The trio, Emily and Lynn stared stunned at the adoption.
"How did she find out?!", Lynn said, shocked.
Everyone shrugged his shoulders, clueless.
Ginny had joined them and asked in a whisper: "And what are we going to do now?"
"We'll do it anyway, of course! The fact remains: Saturday, seven o'clock! We now know even where! In the Room of Requirement, on the seventh floor! Dobby, a houself Harry knows, brought it to us.", Hermione replied immediately.
"Well, I haven't expected anything else! Then I'll tell Michael, so the members from the other houses know too.", so she turned away from them and walked back into the Geart Hall.
"Thank Merlin, that we haven't got lessons in the afternoon today!", Ron announced on the way to Gryffindor tower.
"Yes Ron, but we have to use this time to do our homework and learn!", Hermione taught him.
Ron rolled his eyes in Harry's direction and Emily suppressed a giggle.
In the common room Emily ran up to her dorm to get parchment and went to the portait hole, where Lynn was waiting for her.
"Where are you going?", Harry asked.
Emily came back to him.
"I go to the library with Lynn to do my homework, because if I do them here with you, the you direct me off too much!", she said smiling.
Harry stood up briefly from his armchair, pressed his lips on hers and pulled her with him into the armchair.
When he had released her and Emily stood upright again, she had slightly reddened cheeks.
She walked back on to the portait, which was a mistake, because she came across the corner of a table and almost fell, what made Harry laugh. Emiy threw a played offended look at him.

But Emily didn't hould it out at the library for long. The whole time she fedgeted in her seat and looked steadily at the door, as if she wanted to say: "I want to get out of here!".
"What has Harry done with you, that you can't bear more than five minutes in your otherwise beloved library?", Lynn grinned.
"All right, I'm going to concentrate now, so you can copy it.", Emiy winked at her.
Shortly before dinner she had managed to write two whole rolls of parchment for History of Magic.
"So, happy?", Emily asked Lynn challangingly.
"Perfect!", Lynn replied.
After dinner Emily once again read over the ingrediants and characteristics of Veritaserum, because they had potion in the first two lessons tommorrow. Harry suddenly moved very close to her and peered over her shoulder.
"Oh come on, why are you actually reading all this over again, you already got everything!", Harry said.
Emily turned around to him and said: "Yes, I have, but you do not! You should also prefer to read this over again!
Dad will just look for reasons to deduct points from you!"
Harry sighed, put an arm around her, took the notes from her and began to memorize them.

The next morning Emily and Lynn were very early in front of the potions classroom, usually the two were always the last ones, but this was always Lynn's guilt.
As always, the two took place in the third row, on Emily's request. Snape let out the greeting and immediately began to ask: "Who can tell me something about Veritaserum?" Immediately Hermione's and Emily's hands shot into the air. Snape smiled slightly and Emily, but went over both of them and said contemptuously instead:
"It is a truth serum, you only need one drop of it and someone reveals his secrets. It is clear and odorless. The main igrediant is water, which must be heated to the boiling point. Then you have to take the cauldron from the heat immediately and wait until it has stopped to bubble, then you can add the chopped verbena. The drink must be kept for one month until you can mix pure the violet powder, so it is a very elaborate preparation.", ended Harry with a triumphant gleam in his eyes. Snape stared at him for a brief moment in surprise, but then won back his usual cold stare. He muttered a quiet "Right"
and then turned to the blackboard. Emily turned to Harry and smiled broadly at him, and he smiled back. At that precise moment Snape had turned back and his eyes narrowed. On the blackboard a page number from their book had appeared.
"Read the whole chapter!", Snape's voice echoed through the room. After they had finished reading the chapter, they should begin to brew Veritaserum. At the end of the lesson they decanted their potions into latge containers and put them onto a shelf were i had to stay for a month.
The he sent away the class, but said: "Emily, will you please stay for a moment!"
Emily stayed back and went reluctantly to his desk. When she had reached him, he looked up.
"As I see, you don't stay away from Potter.", he said with a raised eyebrow. Emily crossed her arms over her chest and said: "I told you that I won't cancel his friendship!", especially the word friendship she emphasized.
Snape snorted, but let her go.

*Lilian*: you were right! she keeps dating harry! :D ;)
thank you for writing comments everytime, keep it up! :D
best wishes
ginny :)

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