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Snape's Daughter - Snape's Daughter part 2

von Ginny Molly Weasley

Emily slept peaceful in her bed just as the first rays of sunlight crept through the slots of the curtains. She blinked and finally opened her eyes and the memories of last night flashed through her mind and she smiled broadly. After she had still been in bed for a while and thought about last night, she went into the bathroom, dressed and made herself fresh. When she retourned from the bathroom her roommates slowly woke up too.
She waited for Lynn and Hermione and they went down into the common room together. Harry and Ron were already waiting for them and when they walked down the stairs Harry grinned broadly at Emily. When they reached the boys the two embraced closely and Harry gave her a short but gently kiss. Hermione and Lynn had eyed the scene with a smile, but Ron pushed:
"Can we please go now, I'm hungry?!"
Hermione rolled her eyes, but finally the small group went through the portait hole to the great stairs. During their way down into the Great Hall Harry put his arm around Emily's shoulder, while a nice, warm shiver went down her back. When they reached the Great hall he pulled it back before they entered. Emily did not dare to look at the teacher's table.
"Does he know?", she thought, a bit panicking.
Indifferently as possible Emily sat down between Harry and Lynn and in front of Hermione at the Gryffindortable. During the breakfast there was quite a cheerful mood. Later Ginny, Neville, Dean and Seamus sat down next to them, but Seamus ignored Harry as good as possible. Ron and Hermione wre fighting, as usual, and Lynn and Ginny made fun of it. Seamus, Neville and Dean were duscussing excitedly about Quidditch and Harry and Emily cooed next to them.
After they had made fun for a while, they rose from their seats one by one. When Emily got up she looked at the teacher's table for a second and noticed that her father watched her with a stern look. He waved, she hesitated briefly before she turned to the others:
"Go ahead, I'll follow later."
And with those words she turned away. Harry watched her for a second as she walked away, then Hermione grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the hall, up the stairs. Emily had a queasy feeling in her stomach as she walked over to Snape.
"Come along.", he just said as she arrived in front of him. And even with a worse feeling she followed him out of the Great Hall. Silently they walked through the entrance hall and just as silently he led her down the dungeon stairs, past the bare, portait loose stone walls into his dark office. He held the door open and she walked past him inside. Aloud he let the doof crash into the lock and Emily jumped, startled.
"Oh oh, I think I'll get in trouble now...", it flashed through her mind.
He pointed to a chair by the fireplace and she went with wobbly legs to it and sat down. He sat down in the chair across to her and waved his wand. Subsequently two cups of tea appeared on the table between them. While all this happende he looked constantly at her.
"Perhaps you want to tell me something?", he asked her cold and tried to calm his voice. Emily was thinking hard, she could almost hear her brains rattle:
"Should I just tell him? ....Or act like I don't know what he's talking about?? ....I think I'll take the second opportunity."
"No, not that I know...", she answered innocent.
His face hardened even more, if that was even possible.
Played friendly he asked: "Don't you want to tell me about last night?"
"There isn't much to tell about....I danced, ate, drank...", with every word her voice got higher and Snape's face angrier.
"I had the expression that it was full of surprises and special for you?"
"Oh, really?", she said quickly and sipped insecure on her cup of tea.
"Who knows if he hasn't even put Veritaserum in there!", she thought.
But now Snape's patience finally cracked and the cup, which he had enclosed with a firm grip, shattered in his hand. Emily, who had turned away to avoid his glance, drove around, startled. Sverus glared at her.
"Do you want to take me for a fool! I've seen exactly what has been with Potter!", he yelled. Emily looked scared at him.
"I gave you permission to be friends with this lot, but I will not tolorate THAT!", he went on, shouting at her, but Emily was getting angry now, too.
"Permission?!", she yelled furiously. "Since when I need permission for with whom I spend my time?!", she had jumped from her seat and made her father's gaze seriously competition.
"I am your father! I know what's best for you!!", Snape was on his feet too and towered over her now at least two heads (she was quite small for her age). But of this she was not intimidated.
"You know nothing!", she yelled.
"It's enough! You will stay away from Potter now!"
"No, I won't!", she cried defiantly.
"Do not argue!", he said gruffly.
"Silence!", he interrupet her.
"You can't frobid me that!",she cried desperated.
"Of course I can! And I will not discuss this further with you! You will stay away from him and this is the end!", he said intended.
"Fine, but I still havee three words left for you. I hate you!", she threw the words against him, with tears in her eyes. She turned around and left the office, but not without slamming the door shut.
i really really hope you like it!! :)

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Klaus Fritz