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Snape's Daughter - Surprise

von Ginny Molly Weasley

In the morning on their first school day Professor McGonagal gave out their new timetables in the Great Hall. The fith-graders of Gryffindor had Charms in their first lesson and afterwards a double lesson potions.
All the students were excited about Professor Umbridges lessons, but the fith-graders would have to wait until Wednesday, when they would have their first Defence against the dark Arts lesson this year. On Wednesday after lunch all the fith-graders stood before the Defence classroom on the third floor. Whe the door opened they all urged inside to get good seats.
"Good morning everyone!", Umbridge said with her girly voice. A few replied her good morning, but very sluggish. She looked at the class unbelievingly and said in a voice a bit sharper: "In my classes, we will welcome us together at the beginning of each lesson!"
"Good morning!", she repeated.
This time the class answered in chorus: "Good morning Professor Umbridge!"
She smiled at them and began to hand out books.
Hermione flipped through her book and put her hand into the air then.
"Yes, Miss-"
"Granger....It doesen't say how to use the spells."
"In my classes we will only learn the spells theoretically.
This is much safer!"
"How can this be safe, if we never applied the spells practical and then we get out of school and have to defence ourselfs?!",Harry said perplexed.
"And from whom do you have to defend youself, please?"
"Maybe Lord Voldemort?!", Harry answered, he was getting angrier with every second.
"Whatever they might have told you about a certain dark wizard, who has returned....It is a lie!"
"IT'S NOT A LIE! I SAW HIM!", Harry shouted.
"DETENTION MR. POTTER!", Umbridge shouted furious.
"I expect you to come to my office at six o'clock in the evening!"
Then the ball rang and they hastily put their books into their bags and stormed out of the classroom into the corridor.
"Harry, calm down.", Emily said timid. They were just walking through the entrance hall, towards the stairs, which led into the dungeons.
In the potions classroom Harry, Ron and Hermione sat down on their usual places in the back row, while Emily sat next to Lynn a few rows before them.
They had to read about a potion in their book, but Harry didn't notice anything of it. He was thinking. He wasn't even a week at Hogwarts and already had detention....
"You should read the page properly, because will brew this potion in the next lesson and I'll grade it, so I'll know if can remember everything.", Snape hissed through the room and shot a special look at Harry.
Harry didn't even listen and was suprised when bell already ringed. Emily walked towards the door with Lynn. Lynn went on, but Emily stayed by Harry, Ron and Hermione.
"See you at the library!", Lynn said to Emily and left the dungeons.
Emily went with Harry, Ron and Hermione into the common room. There was a huge crowd befor the notice board. The four of them urged through the crowd and tried to read the new poster on it.

To all pupils from the fith grade:
This year there will be a summer Ball at Hogwarts.
It will take place on the 30th of September until midnight.
You can subcribe your name into the list for the dance course from tommorrow until next week if you need a bit of practice.

Ron and Harry moaned, but Hermione Emily grinned brightly. Ron turned to Hermione and asked curtly: "Are you going with me?"
"Well...I don't know..."
Emily stepped on her foot.
"Ehm, yes."
Then she looked furiously at Emily and whispered: "This has hurt!"
Emily ignored her and said: "I have to go, I have a meeting with Lynn!" With these words she turned away and climbed through the portrait hole.
Hermione sat down into a corner of the common room, so she could learn in peace. Harry and Ron sat down at the fireplace, after Ron had shooed away a few first-graders, who had been sitting there.
"Do you know, who you're going to ask?", Ron asked.
"No.", Harry lied.
In fact he knew exactly with whom he wanted to go.

In the next week more girls than usual ran through the corridors, so it seemed to Harry. They were standing in groups, giggling. Harry hated it. He envied Ron, because he already had an appointment. Harry did not want to go alone, but he didn't dare to ask Emily either.
During breakfast on saturday morning Hermione asked her: "Did somebody already ask you?"
"No. It looks like I'm not going anyway!", she replied annoyed. Hermione looked at Harry with a meaningful look, whereupon he quickly lokked away.
Emily saw her father waving at her. She stood up and walked over to him.
"Do you already have an appointment?", he asked.
Emily moaned and said: "No!"
"I think Draco would go this dance with you.", he said hopeful.
"Are you mad?! I rather wouldn't go!"
Meanwhile Hermione said to Harry: "Harry, I know that you want to go with Emily! Just ask her!"
At that moment Emily came back to the table, but she was unaware of the conversation.
After breakfast they quickly went up to the common room and picked up their jackets, because they wanted to go to the Quidditch stadium, because the try-outs would take place today. Harry and Ron also picked up their brooms. Ron wanted to apply for the team this year, soo: as the keeper.
Whe they reached the pitch Ron quickly diappeared into the changing rooms and Hermione also walked away quickly went to the grandstand to occupie seats for herself and Emily. And so Harry and Emily remained alone.
Harry struggled internally with himself: Should I ask her?! Yes! Now we are alone, I won't get a chance like that again!
So he cleared his throat and began to talk: "So..because of the dance... I thought maybe, if you're going there and if you haven't got a date yet... I wondered...I wondered wether you maybe want to come with me?", he stuttered.
Emil's heart beated very fast and at first she thought she was dreaming, but she wasn't, so she answered slowly and with a shaking voice: "Ehm, yes, I'd like to.", and smiled. Harry smiled, too.
Before he turned away she wished him good luck.
Harry was so happy now.
Emily ran up the stands to Hermione and Lynn and sat down next to them.
Harry was as fantastic as always and was of course chosen to be their seeker again. Even Ron made it with a few difficulties into the team.
After the try-outs they walked back to the castle together. Harry, Ron, Lynn and hermione went up the stairs to their common room, but Emily walked down the stairs into the dungeons to Snape's office. She only needed to knock once, and already she was asked inside. Emily told Snape all about her first week at Hogwarts and at the end of her story she said very quickly that she would go to the ball with Harry.
He stared at her, unable to move. Finally he said with a tried calm voice: "Why and since when? A few hours ago you told me that nobody had asked you yet!"
His voice grew louder with each word. Emily had known that he would react like that and said sheepishly: "A few hours ago nobody had asked me! Harry asked me before the try-outs. Oh Dad, please let me go with him!"
"If you already have to go with one of these Gryffindors, couldn't you at least go with Finnigan or Thomas?! Why does it have to be Potter?!!?"
"Because he asked me! If you would know him properly and wouldn't just hate him because of his father, then you would find him nice, too!", Emily shouted and stormed out of the office.
Emily thought about the argument with her father the whole day and nearly the whole night. She just couldn't understand why he hated Harry so much, without knowing him.

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Während der vier Stunden, die ich in dem verspäteten Zug verbrachte, sprudelten mir alle diese Ideen nur so im Kopf herum.
Joanne K. Rowling