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Snape's Daughter - Back!

von Ginny Molly Weasley

*Lilian*: hii :) it's really cool that you like the story! :)) you'll find out about Emily's mother during the story, i promise! :D
thank you! :) actually i wrote this story in german, it's here on harry potter xperts too and it's furher than the english one ;) i just wanted to know if i could translate my story into english, because it's my favourite and best subject at school and of course it's a nice practise, that makes a lot of fun! :)
i'm reading la fille de L'enfer in german and it's awesome!!
best wishes Ginny :)


On the 12th of August Harry had to wake up early, so he could go to the ministry to his hearing with Mr. Weasley.
He nearly got expelled because he performed a Patronus charm infront of his cousin, but only because they had been attacked by two Dementors.
The others had to get up later, but they were all up earlier than usual because they wer nearly as nervous as Harry. The day went past very slowly during they waited for Harry. They all hoped that the Wizengamot would acquit Harry. Just shortly before lunch they heard how the door was opened; they all jumped and crushed into the entrance hall upstairs.
"What's up? Did they acquit you? Are you allowed to go to Hogwarts again?", Hermione wanted to know immediately.
"Yes, I will return to Hogwarts!", Harry said, smiling.
Hermione, Ginny and Emily huged him all at once, so he nearly fell over. Ron and the twins patted him on the back.
"They couldn't have expelled you anyway! I read in every book I could find, they really couldn't have done that!", Hermione babbled all the way into the kitchen.
During lunch it was really loud, they were all talking at once and were delighted that Harry wasn't expelled.
On the table, there was a fork too little and Harry and Emily wantd to grab it at the same moment, as their hands touched softly and they looked deeply into eachothers eyes. Both felt their skin tingeling and the feeling of butterflies in their stomach. They quickly pulled their hands back and Harry asked Mrs. Weasley for another fork.
In the evening everybody did something else: Hermione was reading a book, as usually, Fred and George were sitting in a corner of the room and whispered, persuambly about the Skiving Snackboxes, Ron was looking bored at Hermione, Ginny was writing a letter and Harry was chatting with Sirius. Mrs. Weasley was down in the kitchen and Emily was hiding in her room to write into her diary.
Sirius got closer to Harry so he could hear him when he talked in a low tone.
"What's that between Emily and you?", he whispered grinning.
Harry went red like a tomato. "Nothing.", he said hastilyand tried to change the subject. "What have you done the whole day?"
"Hey, don't change the subject!", Sirius said, trying not to laugh.
"I like her.", Harry said shortly.
"Nooo!", Sirius joked. "That notices a blind man with cane that you got a crash on Emily!"
"Sshht! Not so loud!", Harry hissed and looked around to go sure that nobody heard them. "I just said that I like her!"
"Yes, you said that, but you meant it different!"
"I'm going upstairs.", Harry said.
Sirius rolled his eyes, but let him go.

In the rest of the holidays it was always loud at Grimmauldplace; all of them were enjoying the last week of holidays. The others noticed that Sirius always was good mooded. They persuambled that it was because the house was so full of people and joy, and because he wasn't alone.
On the last evening everything was very hectic, because they were all searching their things to put them into their trunks. Mrs. Weasley had a lot to do too, she had to wash all their cloaks and had to bring them into the correct room again. She told them to pack their trunks in the evening, because they wouldn't have time for that in the morning. They were all hurrying through the stairwell and changed the cloaks which had been in the wrong rooms.
Sirius mood wasn't very good anymore, because he knew that they wouldall travel back to Hogwarts the following morning and the order had a lot to do and so he would be alone in this house again.
They had breakfast very early at the next morning and heaved their trunks down the stairs and said goodbye to Sirius. He looked at them sadly as they walked out of the door. Just as they had arrived at Kings Cross station a black, shaggy dog joined the group. It was Sirius. Harry was very happy about that and smiled but Moody wasn' pleased at all and looked at the dog angrily.
He slipped into a waiting room and Harry followed him.
Sirius gave Harry a picture and said:" That's the old Order of the Phoenix. Your mum and your dad are on the picture too. I thought you might like to have it."
"Thank you."
They said goodbye again and Sirius turned into the dog again and Harry slipped out of the waiting room.
Emily was waiting for him outside, the others already moved on to reserve seats in the train. He got to the platforms nine and ten with her, where Moody was waiting.
When the two of them got onto the train, it was already very packed, because the train would departure in a few minutes. They pushed their way through the narrow corridor, which was full of students and they finally found the compartment where the rest of them was already waiting.
The journey was unsusual quiet, Harry stared, without saying a word, out of the window. Ron, Emily and Hermione threw worried looks at him, from time to time.
Afte a while Ron and Hermione stood up and went to the prefects compartment, because they wre now the two prefects of Gryffindor. Shortly after they had left the compartment Neville Longbottom turned up.
"Hello you two!"
He said down opposite Harry and looked at him.
"Hey Neville."
"How were your holidays?", Emily asked.
"It was OK."
He stayed for a while and discussed with them.
"Well, I'm off then. See you later. Bye!"
"See you."
Harry and Emily looked at each other several times and looked out of the window immediately, but they didn't say a word.
After half an hour Ron and Hermione came back.
"Has the candy trolley already been here?", Ron asked.
"Oh thank goodness! I'm starving!"
As if on cue the door opened and an old lady looked into the compartment. Ron lunged outside and bought two cauldron cakes and engulfed them immediately. It already became very gloomy outside and from time to time classmates showed up. By the time it was pitch-black outside the train slowed down and came to a halt.
The four of them grabbed their bags and went outside into the crowd. Hermione reminded the students not to push. Finally they managed it to get out of the train and searched for a carriage. They all were occupied except for one. Except for Neville and a girl with pale blonde hair and pale skin it was empty. They sat into the carriage and the bizarr girl turned out as Luna Lovegood. Harry noticed that the carriages were drwan by a weird animal this year. It had a leathery skin and bat-like wings.
"What are those creatures? The Ones which are drawing the carriages?"
Hermione, Ron and Emily looked at him, confused.
"She isn't drawn by any creature Harry.", Hermione replied slowly.
"Of course, can't you see the creature with the bat-like wings?"
Again they just looked confused at him. Harry said nothing more from now on, he knew that he wasn't just imagining those animals.
At the castle the students were already urging into the entrance hall. They had luck, because Peeves wasn't there, for sure he went off to scare some first-years.
As they entered the Great Hall, with it's usual thousands of candles and the magical ceiling, the tables were already nearly fully occupied. But they found some free seats in the middle of the Gryffindortable near Dean and Seamus. Harry noticed that Seamus ignored him, and that he tried to get as far away from him as possible. After the selection of the new student, a lot of food appeared on the four house table. It was delicious, everyone could find something he liked here. After the dessert the plates were as clean as before and Dumbledore stood up for his typical speech at the beginning of the new term:
"Welcome to Hogwarts! ....I have, as usual, some things to say at the beginning of the new term: The first-years should notice that the forest on the grounds is forbidden for every student. Mr. Filch has asked me, as always, to remind you, not to do magic on the corridors. There are also two changes in the college. Professor Raue-Pritsche will teach Care of magical creatures again and I'm glad to introduce our new Defence against the dark Arts teacher to you: Professor Umbridge!"
There was a small applause for the new teachers.
Dumbledore went on: "The Quidditch try-outs will take place-"
"Chrm, chrm.", Professor Umbridge had risen from her seat and had stood beside Dumbledore, she obviously wanted to say something.
"The Ministry of Magic has always given the greatest significance to the education of young wizards and witches. The rare gifts, that you have from birth on, could atrophy, if we do not promote them through careful guidance and cherish. The age-old skills, which are reserved to the community to magicans must be passed on from generation to generation, if we do not want to lose them forever. The treasure of magical knowledge, that our ancestors have brought together, must be preserved, expanded and deepened by those, who are are called to the honorable service of teaching."
Every student looked at her quietly and confused.
She went on: "Each hadmaster or hadmistress of Hogwarts has contributed something new to the heavy task of leading this historic school, and that's a good thing, because without progress stagnation and decline would come. And it must be given cancellation to progress because of the progress will, because often our tried and tested traditions don't require foolishness.
So a balance between old and new, between permanence and change, between tradition and innovation..."
Most of the students had difficulties to still pay attention to her, some were whispering with friends, just a few were still listening.
"...because some changes lead to the better, while others prove, in the judgement of history, wrong decision. Similarly some old habits will be preserved, and rightly so, while others, outdated and obsolete, will be abandoned. So we go forward into a new era of openness, efficiency and responsibility to preserve what is worth preserving, perfecting what needs to be perfected, to clean where we find ways of behavior that are prohibited."
Dumbledore clapped, a few teachers did so too, but only for a short time, and some pupils clapped too.
"Thank You, Professor Umbridge, for your revealing speech."
"Yeah, really revealing!", Ron said ironically.
"Yes, it really was revealing.", Hermione said.
"What does it mean?", Harry asked.
"The Ministry is interfering in the affairs of Hogwarts."
All the students were glad that Professor Umbridges speech had ended and poured out of the Hall into their dormitories.
"We have to look after the first-years. Go ahead alone, we'll meet in the common room.", Hermione said to Harry and Emily.
Harry nodded and left the Great Hall together with Emily, up the marble staircase. They took a lot of secret passageways to escape the crowds in the corridors. Emilys heart beated unnaturally fast the whole way up to the common room. It didn't take long until Ron and Hermione came up. Emily saw Lynn in a corner of the common room and sat down next to her, glad to get away from Harry, so she could breathe normal again. They discussed for a while until she, Lynn and Hermione went up to the dormitories. It didn't take long until they all had fallen asleep.
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