Daniel Radcliffe hat in diesem Interview [1] bereits vor Wochen folgendes gesagt:
And Quidditch World Cup should be really good because you know, we've seen school boys playing Quidditch, it's like school boys playing soccer or football or whatever. It's not the same as when you get out there and you've got fully grown adults playing as professionals, so I think Quidditch World Cup is going to take Quidditch to a new level in terms of some of the stuff they are going to see.
Und da Daniel das Skript zum Zeitpunkt des Interviews bereits gelesen hatte ("...my favorite script, however, is the fourth, I think it's a masterpiece, I really do.") wird er wohl wissen, von was er spricht
P.S. Wer jegliche Spoiler zum 4. Film vermeiden will, sollte das Interview nicht lesen.
[1] http://www.danradcliffe.co.uk/Dan_Page_Interview_051004.htm