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Sad Feelings - Azkaban

von eRPeGäimer

Hey, thanks for all the nice Kommis! I never thought, that someone would say that I'm a good English writer! And here's the New chapter!


Remus went to the ministry next day. He had been sleeping terribly. But that wasn't important now. He would see Sirius and tell him face to face how much he disliked him! A wizard with a great blue hat and a green robe waited for him. “Mr. Lupin?” he asked, “Can we start?” Remus nodded. He couldn't think of something else then Sirius, James and Peter. Padfoot, Prongs and Wormtail. And Moony, who was alone.

Padfoot. Today they would meet. Should he tell the ministry that Sirius was an animagus? No, then he would be a traitor, too. The secret, which was well kept. And no one apart from him and Sirius knew it now. The others were dead.

He didn't realize that they arrived on an island. In front of him, there was a dark portal, made of black stones. White mist came out of it- The breath of the Dementors. Should he really go through this bow? Should he really go to the cold, dark prison? Should he really visit the murderer, Sirius Black?

It was a difficult decision. But finally he took all his breath and went through the archway. Suddenly he felt cold. He couldn't move anymore. He was frozen. The breath of the Dementors floated through the air. The mist lay thick on the grounds. Suddenly someone grabbed his hand and Remus followed the person. They went through another portal, which was this time guarded by Dementors. Some minutes later, they arrived at the cells. There were lots of Death eaters. No one here was really innocent. And Sirius wasn't it, too. They went down a row of Death eaters. And there it came. Sirius's cell. Remus got slow.

Sirius didn't sleep like all the others. He was awake, sitting and… thinking?
Sirius didn't' talk to himself, like all the others. He was just… thinking?
Sirius didn't move crazy like all the others. He was looking normal and he seemed to… think?
Sirius thought… but about what?
How he could escape?
Where Voldemort was now?
How Harry could be killed?
How… he could betray Remus, too?

As Remus came to a hold in front of Sirius's cell, the prisoner raised his head. “Y've come to visit me?”

Remus looked at him with disgust in his look. “Why should I visit you?” snapped Remus, “You… you…” He didn't know a word for it. He wanted to tell Sirius what he thought about him. How sad he was, how he hated him. But this feelings were too strong so that *sad*, *hate* or *disgust* weren't strong enough.

Sirius grinned at his old friend. “Oh Moony, you just wanted to see me? That's great! I wanted to tell you something…”

Remus stopped him. “Don't call me Moony! That's not my name for you anymore. That was a name for friends!”

Sirius laugh fated away. “You aren't…? You really…?”

Remus nodded. “Yes. I am not your friend anymore. You betrayed me. When you betrayed my real friends, you betrayed me, too. Because I am a good friend and I help my friends! You aren't my friend; you are a filthy deatheater!”

Sirius sighed. He couldn't explain it to Remus, because he wouldn't listen if he would try. “See… Peter…”

Remus got angry. “See… Peter”, he aped Sirius. “Oh… I killed him because he was a moodblood who was so stupid and stayed James friend!” continued Remus in Sirius voice. Then he switched again to his own voice: “If it would have happened another day and I didn't have to stay at home I would have done the same as Peter! He was braver than you. He always knew that you were stronger. But he faced you on the open street. He did what better wizards should have done!”

Sirius sighed again. “Look… I can explain it. I didn't…”

Remus turned away. “I'll not listen to your explanations!” He looked at the man who had brought him to the prisoner. “Let's go back!” The wizard nodded and grabbed his hand again. He felt the cold feeling again which he had ignored while he was talking to Sirius. But now the Dementors were in his mind again. He could feel them and he was frozen. He didn't want to be near them anymore. So he followed the security wizard very fast. The green robe shimmered in the mist. They went past other deatheaters. These people were innocent in compare with Sirius. They went through the Dementors gate. A little bit of Remus' sadness fell away. They went through the portal through which they had gone first. The ministry wizard said some words which Remus didn't understand and they suddenly were in the ministry again.

All of Remus fright fell away. He felt hot again and the sad feelings were gone. He suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up. There was Albus Dumbledore standing in front of him.

Albus smiled at Remus. “Could we have a small talk?”

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